Waist Strength Formula

Waist Strength Formula

Features Specifications: Weight loss Waist strength formula(NEW packing)

Weight loss Waist strength formula(old packing)- Japan Lingzhi Slimming Formula lot of 24 boxes ( 120capsules/bottle )(40capsule questpacks)

Made in Japan Fat Burner – Expelling of Toxin – Relieving Constipation First Day – Expelling of Toxin & Fattiness Cut Second Day – Relieving Droppy & Firm Body

An exclusive ingredient in the 2 DAY DIET prevents the digestion of dietary fat, hence reducing its absorption by the body after sometime of consumption, body parts prone to fat accumulation (belly, arms, thighsand buttocks) could see dramatic benefits.

This unique formula boosts 3 essential benefits: 1) FAT REDUCTION. Lower calories intake, prevents the conversion of car bohydrates and sugars into fat, hence reduce the fat deposit in the body.

2) 60% FAT ILIMINATION. 60% dietary fat would be eliminated out of the body hence reducing fat absorption.

3) FAT BURNING. Speed up the melabolism, increase fat burning rate for burning off excessive fats and enable 24 hours exercising in the body.

With appropriate exercise, flabby body parts can be firmed up quickly.

Contains various natural and herbal essences with no preservatives, free of Medicines and heavy metals.

