PubChem CID | 6212 |
Structure |
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Chemical Safety |
Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula | CHCl3 |
Synonyms |
CHLOROFORM Trichloromethane 67-66-3 Methane, trichloro- Trichlormethan |
Molecular Weight | 119.37 |
Chloroform is a colorless, volatile, liquid derivative of trichloromethane with an ether-like odor. Formerly used as an inhaled anesthetic during surgery, the primary use of chloroform today is in industry, where it is used as a solvent and in the production of the refrigerant freon. Acute chloroform toxicity results in impaired liver function, cardiac arrhythmia, nausea and central nervous system dysfunction. As a byproduct of water chlorination, chloroform may be present in small amounts in chlorinated water. (NCI04)