CAS Number: 10476-85-4
EC Number: 233-971-6
Compound Formula: Cl2Sr
Molecular Weight: 158.53

Strontium chloride (SrCl2) is a salt of strontium and chloride.
SrCl2 is useful in reducing tooth sensitivity by forming a barrier over microscopic tubules in the dentin containing nerve endings that have become exposed by gum recession.
Strontium chloride, kind of barrier protection for tooth hypersensitivity has, however, been superseded by other toothpaste formulations and ingredients designed to be nerve calming agents instead.
Such strontium chloride toothpaste formulations may subsequently not be available for sale anymore in certain parts of the world.
Strontium Chloride is white with crystalline needles.
Strontium chloride is odorless with a sharp, bitter taste.
Soluble in water and alcohol.
Strontium chloride is a source of strontium salts and used in pyrotechnics and electron tubes.
Strontium chloride gives a red flame color.

Uses of Strontium chloride:
Strontium chloride is the precursor to other compounds of strontium, such as yellow strontium chromate, strontium carbonate, and strontium sulfate.
Exposure of strontium chloride to the sodium salt of the desired anion (or alternately carbon dioxide gas to form the carbonate) leads to precipitation of the salt:
SrCl2 + Na2CrO4 → SrCrO4 + 2 NaCl
SrCl2 + Na2CO3 → SrCO3 + 2 NaCl
SrCl2 + H2O + CO2 → SrCO3 + 2 HCl
SrCl2 + Na2SO4 → SrSO4 + 2 NaCl
Strontium chloride is often used as a red colouring agent in pyrotechnics.
Strontium chloride imparts a much more intense red colour to the flames than most other alternatives.
Strontium chloride is employed in small quantities in glass-making and metallurgy.
The radioactive isotope strontium-89, used for the treatment of bone cancer, is usually administered in the form of strontium chloride.
Seawater aquaria require small amounts of strontium chloride, which is consumed during the growth of certain plankton.

Applications of Strontium Chloride include:
-pyrotechnics: intense red colouring agent
-use in paints and/or as a pigment
-use in toothpastes to decrease tooth sensitivity
-luminescent tubes
-metal treatment
-in sea water aquaria
-additive in dipping baths

Dental care of Strontium chloride:
SrCl2 is useful in reducing tooth sensitivity by forming a barrier over microscopic tubules in the dentin containing nerve endings that have become exposed by gum recession.
Strontium chloride is known in the U.S. as Elecol and Sensodyne, these products are called “strontium chloride toothpastes”, although most now use saltpeter (KNO3) instead which works as an analgesic rather than a barrier.

Biological research of Strontium chloride:
Brief strontium chloride exposure induces parthenogenetic activation of oocytes which is used in developmental biological research.

Strontium chloride and ammonium storage
A commercial company is using a strontium chloride-based artificial solid called AdAmmine as a means to store ammonium at low pressure, mainly for use in NOx emission reduction on Diesel vehicles.
They claim that their patented material can also be made from some other salts, but they have chosen strontium chloride for mass production.
Earlier company research also considered using the stored ammonium as a means to store synthetic Ammonium fuel under the trademark HydrAmmine and the press name “hydrogen tablet”, however, this aspect has not been commercialized.
Their processes and materials are patented.
Their early experiments used magnesium chloride, and is also mentioned in that article.

Strontium chloride (SrCl2) is a salt of strontium and chloride.
Strontium chloride is a ‘typical’ salt, forming neutral aqueous solutions.
Strontium chloride as with all compounds of strontium, this salt emits a bright red colour in flame, and is commonly used in fireworks to that effect.
Strontium chlorides chemical properties are intermediate between those for barium chloride, which is more toxic, and calcium chloride.

Strontium chloride Sr 89 is a radiopharmaceutical.
Radiopharmaceuticals are radioactive agents that may be used to diagnose some diseases by studying the function of the body’s organs or to treat certain diseases.
Strontium chloride Sr 89 is used to help relieve the bone pain that may occur with certain kinds of cancer.
The radioactive strontium is taken up in the bone cancer area and gives off radiation that helps provide relief of pain.
Strontium chloride Sr 89 is to be given only by or under the direct supervision of a doctor with specialized training in nuclear medicine or radiation oncology.

What is Strontium Chloride?
Strontium chloride is described as a salt of strontium and chloride.
Strontium chloride formula is given as SrCl2.
Strontium chloride is defined as a typical strontium chloride salt by forming neutral aqueous solutions.
Similar to all the compounds of Sr, this salt also emits a bright red colour in a flame; and, in fact, Strontium chloride can be used as a source of redness in preparing fireworks.
The chemical properties of Strontium chloride are intermediate between those for barium chloride, which is much toxic, and calcium chloride.

Structure of Strontium Chloride
The crystalline solid of strontium chloride adopts fluorite like structure.
In the vapour phase, the SrCl2 molecule is represented as a non-linear having the Cl-Sr-Cl angle of approximately 130°.
This is considered as an exception to the VSEPR theory, which predicts a linear structure.
Also, the Ab initio calculations have been cited for proposing that contributions from the d orbitals present in the shell below the valence shell are completely responsible.
Another proposal is that the electron core polarisation of the strontium atom causes a sort of distortion of the core electron density that directly interacts with the Sr-Cl bonds.

Strontium chloride is available in the following dosage forms:

Strontium chloride is a calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) agonist.
Activates ERK1/2 signaling, intracellular calcium mobilization, and calcitonin secretion.
Enhances osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.

Strontium Chloride SR-89 INJECTION, USP is a sterile, non-pyrogenic, aqueous solution of Strontium-89 Chloride for intravenous administration.
The solution contains no preservative.

Each milliliter contains:
Strontium Chloride 10.9 – 22.6 mg
Water for Injection q.s. to 1 mL

Where is strontium chloride found?
Strontium Chloride is used as a corrosion inhibitor for aluminum and also as a red coloring agent found in glass-making and pyrotechnics.
Strontium chloride can be found in dental care products for the reduction of tooth sensitivity.
A radioactive isotope of Strontium is used in the treatment of bone cancers.

How can you avoid contact with strontium chloride?
Avoid products that list any of the following names in the ingredients:
• Strontium
• Strontium, elemental
• estroncio
• Strontium Granules, 19mm (0.76in) & Down (Metals Basis)
• strontium atom
• Strontium, chunks
• CHEMBL2110786
• Strontium, random pieces, 99%
• Strontium chloride solution

What are some products that may contain strontium chloride?
Biological research compounds
Cancer treatments

The radioactive concentration is 37 MBq/mL, 1 mCi/mL, and the specific activity is 2.96-6.17 MBq/mg, 80-167 µCi/mg at calibration.
The pH of the solution is 4 – 7.5.

PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICs of Strontium chloride:
Strontium-89 decays by beta emission with a physical half-life of 50.5 days.
The maximum beta energy is 1.463 MeV (100%).
The maximum range of ß- particles from Strontium-89 in tissue is approximately 8 mm.

Chemical formula: SrCl2
Molar mass:
158.53 g/mol (anhydrous)
266.62 g/mol (hexahydrate)
Appearance: White crystalline solid
3.052 g/cm3 (anhydrous, monoclinic form)
2.672 g/cm3 (dihydrate)
1.930 g/cm3 (hexahydrate)
Melting point:
874 °C (1,605 °F; 1,147 K) (anhydrous)
61 °C (hexahydrate)
Boiling point: 1,250 °C (2,280 °F; 1,520 K) (anhydrous)

Chemical Properties of Strontium chloride:
Strontium chloride is a typical ionic metal salt, and Strontium chloride can be used as a source of other strontium compounds such as strontium chromate:
SrCl2(aq) + Na2CrO4(aq) → SrCrO4(s) + 2 NaCl(aq)
SrCl2 always acts as a simple salt, and it is completely neutral in solution.

Strontium chloride can be prepared from strontium hydroxide or strontium carbonate reacting with hydrochloric acid:
Sr(OH)2(aq) + 2 HCl(aq) → SrCl2(aq) + 2 H2O(aq)
Strontium chloride can also be prepared by the union of the elements, strontium and chlorine.

There are no major uses for strontium chloride, though Strontium chloride can be used to prepare less common compounds of strontium, and may be useful in reducing gum sensitivity, and is known as Elecol for this purpose.
Certain toothpastes such as Sensodyne are called “strontium chloride toothpastes,” although most now use potassium nitrate instead (with the exception of Sensodyne original).
Like barium chloride Strontium chloride can be used to test for sulfate ion, though not at such low concentration, since strontium sulfate is more soluble than barium sulfate.
SrCl2(aq) + SO42−(aq) → SrSO4(s) + 2 Cl−(aq)
Strontium chloride is occasionally used as a flame colouring agent (red) in pyrotechnics, and in small quantities in glass making and metallurgy.
Strontium chloride is added to some toothpastes to reduce periodontal disease, and is used in homeopathic medicine under the name of strontium chlorii.
The radioactive isotope strontium-89 is usually administered in the form of strontium chloride: Strontium chloride is used for the treatment of bone cancer.
Sea water aquaria must add small amounts of strontium chloride to the water, as Strontium chloride is consumed in the production of the exoskeletons of certain plankton.

Strontium chloride Precautions
Although much less toxic than barium chloride, strontium chloride should still be handled with care.

Strontium Chloride is white salt with needle like crystals.
Strontium chloride is odorless with a sharp, bitter taste.
Soluble in water and alcohol.
Strontium chloride is a source of strontium salts and used in pyrotechnics and electron tubes.
Strontium chloride gives a red flame color.
Strontium chloride is used as a source of redness in fireworks.
Strontium chlorides chemical properties are intermediate between those for barium chloride, which is more toxic, and calcium chloride.
Strontium chloride is the precursor to other compounds of strontium, such as yellow strontium chromate, which is used as a corrosion inhibitor for aluminium.

Strontium chloride is often used as a red colouring agent in pyrotechnics.
Strontium chloride imparts a much more intense red colour to the flames than most other alternatives.
Strontium chloride is employed in small quantities in glass-making and metallurgy.
Strontium is mostly used in ceramics and glass manufacture, being used to make color television faceplate glass.
Strontium chloride is also used as strontium ferrite in the manufacture of ceramic magnets.
The radioactive isotope strontium-89, used for the treatment of bone cancer, is usually administered in the form of strontium chloride.
Sea water aquaria require small amounts of strontium chloride.

SrCl2 is useful in reducing tooth sensitivity by forming a barrier over microscopic tubules in the dentin containing nerve endings that have become exposed by gum recession.
Brief strontium chloride exposure induces parthenogenetic activation of oocytes which is used in developmental biological research.

Solubility in water:
anhydrous: 53.8 g/100 mL (20 °C)
106 g/100 mL (0 °C)
206 g/100 mL (40 °C)
ethanol: very slightly soluble
acetone: very slightly soluble
ammonia: insoluble
Magnetic susceptibility (χ): −63.0·10−6 cm3/mol
Refractive index (nD):
1.650 (anhydrous)
1.594 (dihydrate)
1.536 (hexahydrate)

Background of Strontium chloride:
Strontium chloride (SrCl2) is a salt of strontium and chloride.
SrCl2 is useful in reducing tooth sensitivity by forming a barrier over microscopic tubules in the dentin containing nerve endings that have become exposed by gum recession.
This kind of barrier protection for tooth hypersensitivity has, however, been superseded by other toothpaste formulations and ingredients designed to be nerve calming agents instead.
Such strontium chloride toothpaste formulations may subsequently not be available for sale anymore in certain parts of the world.

Preparation of Strontium chloride:
Strontium chloride can be prepared by treating aqueous strontium hydroxide or strontium carbonate with hydrochloric acid:
Sr(OH)2 + 2 HCl → SrCl2 + 2 H2O
Crystallization from cold aqueous solution gives the hexahydrate, SrCl2·6H2O.
Dehydration of this salt occurs in stages, commencing above 61 °C (142 °F).
Full dehydration occurs at 320 °C (608 °F).

Strontium Chloride Uses:
-Strontium Chloride For Teeth
-Strontium Chloride For Osteoporosis (Thinning Bones)
-Strontium Chloride For Toothpaste
-Strontium Chloride For Cosmetics
-Strontium Chloride For Red Coloring Agent In Pyrotechnics
-Strontium Chloride For Dental Care
-Strontium Chloride For Dietary Supplements
-Strontium Chloride For Biological Research
-Strontium chloride is the precursor to other compounds of strontium, such as yellow strontium chromate, strontium carbonate, and strontium sulfate.
-Strontium Chloride For Ammonium Storage

Strontium chloride structure
The crystalline solid adopts a fluorite structure.
In the vapour phase the SrCl2 molecule is non-linear with a Cl-Sr-Cl angle of approximately 130°.
This is an exception to VSEPR theory which would predict a linear structure.
Ab initio calculations have been cited to propose that contributions from d orbitals in the shell below the valence shell are responsible.
Another proposal is that polarisation of the electron core of the strontium atom causes a distortion of the core electron density that interacts with the Sr-Cl bonds.

IUPAC name: Strontium chloride
Other names: Strontium(II) chloride

The chloride salt of a radioactive isotope of strontium.
Strontium chloride Sr89 is taken up and incorporated preferentially in metastatic lesions in bone where Strontium chloride emits cytotoxic beta radiation, resulting in an inhibition and/or reduction of tumor growth and so tumor-related bone pain.

CAS Number
10025-70-4 (hexahydrate)
ChEMBL: ChEMBL2219640
ChemSpider: 55440
ECHA InfoCard: 100.030.870
EC Number: 233-971-6
PubChem CID: 61520
O09USB7Z44 (hexahydrate)
CompTox Dashboard (EPA): DTXSID6040616

Summary: Strontium chloride is a medication used to treat bone pain in skeletal metastases.
Strontium Chloride is an antibacterial medication.
Strontium chloride works by strengthening the teeth and reducing the effects of acid and bacteria on the teeth.
Strontium chloride also promotes tooth remineralization and stops dental cavities from progressing.

Strontium Chloride is an excellent water soluble crystalline Strontium source for uses compatible with chlorides.
Chloride compounds can conduct electricity when fused or dissolved in water.
Chloride materials can be decomposed by electrolysis to chlorine gas and the metal.
Strontium chlorides are formed through various chlorination processes whereby at least one chlorine anion (Cl-) is covalently bonded to the relevant metal or cation.
Ultra high purity and proprietary formulations can be prepared.
The chloride ion controls fluid equilibrium and pH levels in metabolic systems.
They can form either inorganic or organic compounds.

Strontium Chloride is generally immediately available in most volumes.
Ultra high purity and high purity compositions improve both optical quality and usefulness as scientific standards.
Nanoscale elemental powders and suspensions, as alternative high surface area forms, may be considered.
We also produce Strontium Chloride Solution.
American Elements produces to many standard grades when applicable, including Mil Spec (military grade); ACS, Reagent and Technical Grade; Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Grade; Optical Grade, USP and EP/BP (European Pharmacopoeia/British Pharmacopoeia) and follows applicable ASTM testing standards.
Typical and custom packaging is available.
Additional technical, research and safety (MSDS) information is available as is a Reference Calculator for converting relevant units of measurement.

Strontium Chloride Properties (Theoretical)
Compound Formula: Cl2Sr
Molecular Weight: 158.53
Appearance: White crystalline solid
Melting Point: 874° C (1,605° F)
Boiling Point: 1,250° C (2,282° F)
Density: 3.05 g/cm3
Solubility in H2O: N/A
Exact Mass: 157.843 g/mol
Monoisotopic Mass: 157.843323 Da

Presents the results of a theoretical survey of defect energetics in SrCl2.
The authors’ calculations of anion Frenkel and anion vacancy activation energies accord well with experiment.
Apparent discrepancies for the case of interstitial migration suggest that the mechanism for the migration of these defects differs from that normally operating in the fluorite-structured crystals.
The authors detailed study of the monovalent doped crystals shows that the equilibrium between substitutional and interstitial modes of compensation has an important effect on the conductivity of these crystals.

Strontium dichloride
(~85~Sr)Strontium dichloride

Strontium chloride in pharmacodynamics:
As an active ingredient in a toothpaste formulation, strontium chloride and the rest of the toothpaste product that it is incorporated into is designed to come into contact with and topically coat the teeth that are being brushed and is not supposed to be swallowed.
The regular use of the toothpaste maintains protection that strontium chloride provides against tooth sensitivity despite the normal everyday wear, tear, and cleaning of teeth.

Strontium chloride mechanism of action:
For dental hypersensitivity, strontium ions in strontium chloride toothpaste formulations appear to relieve pain and sensitivity by blocking fluid flow in dentinal tubules, which are essentially microscopic canals in the dentin.
Regular use of such toothpastes maintains the strontium chloride barricading of the tubules despite normal everyday wear, tear, and washing of teeth.

Strontium chloride absorption:
About 30 percent of ingested strontium is absorbed into the blood through the gut.
The amount of strontium absorbed tends to decrease with age and is higher (about 60 percent) in children in their first year of life.
Once Strontium chloride is absorbed into the blood, most of Strontium chloride ends up in bone; with the remainder going to soft tissues or being excreted in urine, feces, and sweat.
About 8 percent of ingested strontium remains in the body after 30 days, and this decreases to about 4 percent after 1 year.

CAS No. 10025-70-4
Mol. Formula :- SrCl2.6H2O
Mol. Weight :- 266..62

Strontium chloride (SrCl2) is a salt of strontium and chloride.
Strontium chloride is a typical salt, forming neutral aqueous solutions.
Like all compounds of Sr, this salt emits a bright red colour in a flame; in fact Strontium chloride is used as a source of redness in fireworks.
Strontium chlorides chemical properties are intermediate between those for barium chloride, which is more toxic, and calcium chloride.

Strontium chloride is the precursor to other compounds of strontium, such as yellow strontium chromate, strontium carbonate, and strontium sulfate.
Exposure of strontium chloride to the sodium salt of the desired anion (or alternately carbon dioxide gas to form the carbonate) leads to precipitation of the salt

Strontium chloride is often used as a red colouring agent in pyrotechnics.
Strontium chloride imparts a much more intense red colour to the flames than most other alternatives.
Strontium chloride is employed in small quantities in glass-making and metallurgy.
The radioactive isotope strontium-89, used for the treatment of bone cancer, is usually administered in the form of strontium chloride.
Sea water aquaria require small amounts of strontium chloride, which is consumed in the production of the exoskeletons of certain plankton.

Strontium chloride in dental care:
SrCl2 is useful in reducing tooth sensitivity by forming a barrier over microscopic tubules in the dentin containing nerve endings that have become exposed by gum recession.
Known in the U.S. as Elecol and Sensodyne, these products are called “strontium chloride toothpastes”, although most now use potassium nitrate instead which works as a nerve calming agent rather than a barrier.

Strontium chloride and volume of distribution:
The distribution of absorbed strontium in the human body is similar to that of calcium, with about 99% of total amount in the body being distributed in the skeleton.

Strontium chloride and protein binding:
A protein binding of 30-40% has been documented for strontium chloride.

Metabolism of Strontium chloride:
Strontium can bind to proteins and, based on Strontium chlorides similarity to calcium, probably forms complexes with various inorganic anions, such as carbonate and phosphate, and carboxylic acids, such as citrate and lactate.
Strontium can also interact with ligands that normally bind calcium, like hypoxyapatite, the main component of mineralized bone, and a variety of calcium-binding and calcium transport proteins that are important in the physiological disposition of calcium in cells, including Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatases, Na+Ca+ antiport], and Ca2+ channels.

Strontium chloride Route of elimination:
Once strontium is absorbed into the blood, most of Strontium chloride ends up in bone; with the remainder going to soft tissues or being excreted in urine, feces, and sweat.

Strontium chloride Half-life:
Readily accessible information about the half-life of strontium calcium used in toothpastes is not available.

Strontium chloride Clearance
Despite being the major route of excretion of absorbed strontium, urinary excretion of absorbed strontium is observed to be slow.

What is Strontium Chloride?
Strontium chloride is a typical salt of strontium and chlorine with the chemical formula SrCl2.
Strontium chloride is a popular halide for making collodion chloride printing out emulsions.
Strontium chloride is the first toothpaste ingredients thought to occlude tubules based on an often misinterpreted using radiolabeled strontium and auto-radiography.
The compounds of strontium have lower order of toxicity.

Strontium chloride, SrCl2, a radiopharmaceutical used for palliative therapy of bone metastases from breast and prostate cancer is produced by irradiation in a nuclear reactor.
Radionuclidic purity of the preparation is well over 99.6%.
Extraction chromatography on strontium and rare earth elements specific resins is used for separation of radionuclidic purity analysis of the SrCl2 solution.
Complexometric determination of strontium and argentometric titration of chlorides are used to confirm chemical composition of the preparation and its specific activity.
The quality control protocol is established to confirm the suitability of the obtained 89SrCl2 as the radiopharmaceutical.

CAS number: 10025-70-4
EC number: 233-971-6
Grade: ACS
Hill Formula: Cl₂Sr * 6 H₂O
Chemical formula: SrCl₂ * 6 H₂O
Molar Mass: 266.62 g/mol
HS Code: 2827 39 85
Quality Level: MQ300

Strontium is a silvery metal found naturally as a non-radioactive element.
About 99% of the strontium in the human body is concentrated in the bones.
Several different forms of strontium are used as medicine.
Scientists are testing strontium ranelate to see if Strontium chloride can be taken by mouth to treat thinning bones (osteoporosis) and arthritis.

Radioactive strontium-89 is given intravenously (by IV) for prostate cancer and advanced bone cancer.
Strontium chloride hexahydrate is added to toothpaste to reduce pain in sensitive teeth.
Strontium chloride is the most common form of strontium found in dietary supplements.
People use supplements for building bones.
But there isn’t much scientific information about the safety or effectiveness of strontium chloride when taken by mouth.

Empirical formula SrCl2 · 6 H2O
Molar mass (M) 266,62 g/mol
Density (D) 1,93 g/cm³
Boiling point (bp) 1250 °C
Melting point (mp) 61 °C
CAS No. [10025-70-4]
EG-Nr. 233-971-6

Catalogue Number: S687650
Chemical Name: Strontium Chloride Hexahydrate
Synonyms: Strontium Dichloride Hexahydrate; Strontium(II) Chloride Hexahydrate
CAS Number: 10025-70-4
Alternate CAS: #Anhydrous salt 10476-85-4
Molecular Formula: Cl₂H₁₂O₆Sr
Molecular Weight: 266.62
Category: Building Blocks;
Applications: Strontium Chloride Hexahydrate is used in the preparation of mesoporous strontium titanate thin films.

Uses of Strontium Chloride – SrCl2
-Strontium chloride is used in lessening tooth affectability by shaping a hindrance over infinitesimal tubules in the dentin containing nerve endings that have turned out to be uncovered by gum retreat.
-The radioactive isotopes strontium-89 used for the treatment of bone cancer.
-Seawater aquaria require small amounts of strontium chloride which is consumed in the production of the exoskeletons of certain plankton.
-Strontium chloride is used as a red colouring agent in fireworks.
-Strontium chloride provides an intense red colour than other alternatives.

Strontium chloride

Short description
Calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) agonist. Induces MSC osteogenic differentiation.

Biological action

Strontium chloride (SrCl2)
Strontium Chloride, Anhydrous
Strontium chloride anhydrous
EINECS 233-971-6
Sr Cl2
Strontium chloride, ultra dry
EC 233-971-6
Metastron, a pure beta emitter with half-life of 50.5 days
Strontium chloride, anhydrous, powder, >=99.99% trace metals basis
Strontium chloride, anhydrous, beads, -10 mesh, 99.995% trace metals basis
