CAS Number: 6834-92-0
EC Number: 229-912-9
Formula: Na2SiO3
Molecular mass: 122.1

Sodium Metasilicate has been used for a long time in alkaline cleaning agents for the household and industrial sectors.
Sodium Metasilicate provides both silica and alkalinity in a molar ratio of 1:1 between silica and sodium oxide, which makes Sodium Metasilicate especially suitable for hard surface cleaning.
Sodium Metasilicates multifunctional cleaning properties enhance the removal of fatty and particulate soil in both soft and hard water.
The corrosion inhibiting properties of Sodium Metasilicate help protect both metal and non-metal surfaces.

Sodium metasilicate is the chemical substance with formula Na2SiO3, which is the main component of commercial sodium silicate solutions.
Sodium Metasilicate is an ionic compound consisting of sodium cations Na+ and the polymeric metasilicate anions [–SiO2−3–]n.
Sodium Metasilicate is a colorless crystalline hygroscopic and deliquescent solid, soluble in water (giving an alkaline solution) but not in alcohols.

Sodium Metasilicate Applications:
Sodium metasilicate is commonly known for industrial cleaning and detergent applications.
Sodium metasilicate is used in insecticides, fungicides, and antimicrobial compounds, and laundry, dairy, metal, and floor cleaning.
Sodium metasilicate is also used as an additive in soaps and synthetic detergents, as an ingredient in adhesives, and as a bleaching aid.
Sodium metasilicate (SMS) has been used in the preparation of polypyrrole/sodium metasilicate (PPy/Na2SiO3) and polythiophene/sodium metasilicate (PT/Na2SiO3) composites, novel high dielectric constant materials for use in power electronic systems.

Sodium Metasilicate Uses
Sodium Metasilicate reacts with acids to produce silica gel.
-Cements and Binders – dehydrated sodium metasilicate forms cement or binding agent.
-Pulp and Par – sizing agent and buffer/stabilizing agent when mixed with hydrogen peroxide.
-Soaps and Detergents – as an emulsifying and suspension agent.
-Automotive applications – decommissioning of old engines (CARS program), cooling system sealant, exhaust repair.
-Egg Preservative – seals eggs increasing shelf life.
-Crafts – forms “stalagmites” by reacting with and precipitating metal ions.
Also used as a glue called “soluble glass.”

SMS can also be used:
To prepare NaZnSiO3OH, a novel chiral framework material which has potential application in ion exchange, adsorption and catalysis.
As a low-cost alternative to tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) to synthesize highly ordered mesoporous silicas.
To prepare geopolymer concrete.

What Is Sodium metasilicate?
Sodium metasilicate is an inorganic salt that typically appears as a white powdered or flaked solid.

Cements and Binders
With the loss of a little water, sodium metasilicate becomes an excellent cement or binding agent, especially for higher-temperature applications, or applications involving exposure to water or acids.

Pulp and Paper
One principal use of sodium metasilicate is in the pulp and paper industry.
Sodium Metasilicate is used in sizing and coating paper.
Sodium Metasilicate is also used, coupled with hydrogen peroxide, in the cellulose bleaching process, in which Sodium Metasilicate acts as a buffer and stabilizing agent.

Soaps and Detergents
Due to a combination of excellent properties, including good emulsifying and suspension properties, along with reserve alkalinity, sodium metasilicate is finding uses in soaps and detergents, including those for automatic dish-washing use.

Automotive Uses
Elevated temperature is the key to sodium metasilicate’s usefulness in automotive applications.
The U.S. government CARS program utilizes sodium metasilicate to destroy clunker automobiles.
A concentrated solution is used to replace all of a car’s motor oil.
The car is started, and in just minutes, the heat has become sufficient to decompose the chemical, which causes the engine to seize up irreparably.
The temperature required is in the 210-degree Fahrenheit and above range.
The same sodium silicate can be used to repair engines, as well.
Head gasket leaks can be repaired by putting some sodium metasilicate in the coolant water.
The water circulates, and some passes through the hole in the gasket.
The gasket’s elevated temperature changes the sodium metasilicate at the metal’s surface, producing a film that seals the leak.
Sodium metasilicate is also used to make minor repairs to mufflers.

Egg Preservative
Historically, eggs have been preserved by immersion in a sodium silicate solution.
This solution seals eggs, thus preserving them from bacteria, which leads to spoilage.
The coating preserves eggs for a number of months.

Sodium Metasilicate Magic Gardens
During the twentieth century, chemical “gardens” containing various transition metal ions and sodium metasilicate were kept in homes for entertainment and decorative purposes.
The metasilicate formed colorful “stalagmites” by reacting with and precipitating the metal ions.
The gardens have been likened to moonscapes.

Sodium Metasilicate Manufacturing
Sodium metasilicate is formed by the high-temperature fusion of silicon dioxide with sodium carbonate.

Industry using of Sodium Metasilicate
Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate is commonly used as a base for dish and laundry detergent formulations and a bleaching aid.
Sodium Metasilicate has a major utility as a builder of the cleaning efficiency of the surfactant in soaps and detergents.
Other applications include deinking paper, laundry, metal, and floor cleaning products.

Consumer using of Sodium Metasilicate
The multiple hydrates of sodium metasilicate are used in soap and bath/washing products.
They are also used as anti-corrosion agents in boiler-water feeds.

Sodium Metasilicate Solubility
Soluble in cold water, to form highly alkaline solutions.
Hydrolyzes in hot water.
Insoluble in alcohol, acids, and salt solutions.

Common synonyms
Silicic Acid (H2SiO3)
Disodium Salt
Pentahydrate Silicic Acid
Disodium Salt Pentahydrate
Disodium Oxosilanediolate Pentahydrate

What Does Sodium metasilicate Do in Our products?
Sodium metasilicate is a versatile ingredient that can be used as an adhesive, corrosion inhibitor, and sealant, among other things.
Sodium Metasilicate is often used in hair color and as a corrosion inhibitor in cosmetics; Sodium Metasilicate also is used in shaving, bath, and oral hygiene products.
We use Sodium Metasilicate as a detergent booster.
Sodium Metasilicate is almost insoluble in cold water.

Sodium metasilicate is a type of silicic acid salt and is classified as an inorganic salt products, and Sodium Metasilicates molecular formula is Na2SiO3•nH2O.
Sodium Metasilicate is a non-toxic, odorless and harmless white powder or crystalline particle.
Sodium Metasilicate is soluble in water, but not in alcohols or acids.
Sodium Metasilicates aqueous solution is alkaline and is capable of hygroscopy and deliquescence when in contact with air.
Sodium Metasilicate has purifying, emulsifying, dispersing, moistening, permeating and PH buffering abilities.
Sodium metasilicate is a low molecular weight crystal that results from the heat reaction between foaming alkaline and caustic soda water.
Products include anhydrous, pentahydrate and nonahydrate compounds.
Among inorganic electrolytes, sodium metasilicate’s active alkalinity and PH buffering index is the highest.
Sodium Metasilicate has strong moistening, emulsifying and saponifying effect on fats.
Sodium Metasilicate is excellent at eliminating, dispersing and suspending impurities, and Sodium Metasilicate can prevent impurities from recollecting.
Sodium Metasilicate has strong cleansing, buffering and neutralizing abilities, can emulsify fats and oils, is an anti-flocculant for inorganic matter, protects metals from erosion, can replace sodium tripolyphosphate in producing detergents and metal cleansing agents, thus reducing the environmental pollution of sodium tripolyphosphate.
Sodium metasilicate is widely used in laundry detergent, ceramics, plating, textiles, printing, papermaking, concrete, cement, fireproof materials, oils, leather processing, and many other industrial fields.
Currently, the industries that use Sodium Metasilicate the most are: ceramics, industrial cleaning, laundry detergent, concrete, printing, papermaking, cement, oil mining, etc.

Identifying tests
Dissolve a 200mg sample in 10ml water and dispense a drop of this liquid onto a color palette.
Add 1 drop of 4mol/L sodium hydroxide and one drop of a solution of 0.5g of ammonium molybdate in 10ml water.
Then add 3ml sulfuric acid, and Sodium Metasilicate should turn dark yellow to indicate the presence of silicate.
Dip a nichrome wire into the test solution of experiment 1 and place Sodium Metasilicate in a flame; Sodium Metasilicate should turn bright yellow to indicate the presence of sodium.

Content Analysis
Take a 1g sample of silica, place Sodium Metasilicate in a beaker, use 5ml hydrochloric acid to acidify Sodium Metasilicate, and evaporate on a steam bath until dry.
Then add another 5ml hydrochloric acid and repeat the steps once.
Mix the remainder with 1ml hydrochloric acid and 2ml water, hydrolyze into a soluble salt on the steam bath, and strain through a quantitative analysis filter paper.
After rinsing with hot water, move to a platinum crucible and dry for 1h at 105℃, and use a lower temperature to carbonize.
Then burn at 1000℃ until Sodium Metasilicate maintains a constant weight.
Use a few drops of water to moisten the remainder, and then add 15ml hydrofluoric acid and 5 drops of 1:3 sulfuric acid.
After removing the acid on a hot plate, burn at 1000℃ until Sodium Metasilicate maintains a constant weight.

Why Puracy Uses Sodium metasilicate
Sodium metasilicate helps remove organic matter during washing.
Whole Foods has deemed the ingredient acceptable in Sodium Metasilicates body care and cleaning product quality standards.
The FDA has deemed sodium metasilicate as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) in food.
Studies show that the ingredient is a skin irritant but safe for use when formulated to avoid irritation.

How Sodium metasilicate Is Made
Commercially, manufacturing sodium metasilicate starts with fusing silica sand with sodium carbonate, also known as soda ash.

Preparation and properties
The anhydrous compound can be prepared by fusing silicon dioxide SiO2 (silica, quartz) with sodium oxide Na2O in 1:1 molar ratio.

Sodium metasilicates are primarily used in cleaning compounds.
1. Chemical Identity
Name: Sodium Metasilicate
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number: 6834-92-0

2. Production
Sodium metasilicate is made by adding caustic soda to liquid sodium silicate to obtain an equal molar ratio of sodium oxide (Na2O) to silicon dioxide (SiO2).
The resulting metasilicate liquor is then cooled to crystallize the pentahydrate product or passed through a dryer to remove water and yield the anhydrous product.
OxyChem is a leading manufacturer of sodium metasilicates.

3. Uses
Sodium metasilicates are used directly in a wide variety of cleaning applications and as builders in many soap formulations.
When added to soap, metasilicates considerably enhance detergent action over soap alone.

4. Physical and Chemical Properties
Sodium metasilicates are white, free-flowing, granular products that feel slippery to the touch when wet.
These products do not have a distinguishing odor.
Sodium metasilicates are stable at normal temperatures and pressures and are not combustible.
Spills of sodium metasilicate can be very slippery when wet.

Sodium metasilicate is used in fireproofing mixtures; in laundry, dairy, metal, and floor cleaning; in deinking paper; in washing carbonated drink bottles; in insecticides, fungicides, and antimicrobial compounds; as a chemical intermediate for silica gel catalysts; as an additive in soaps and synthetic detergents; as an ingredient in adhesives; as a bleaching aid; and as a boiler compound.
Combined with other salts such as sodium bicarbonate, Sodium Metasilicate can be applied to aluminum as a paint stripper.
In field experiments, compounds composed of sodium metasilicate, an alkali metal carbonate, and a preservative have been used as desiccants for forage crops.
Sodium silicate solutions, reacted with solutions of many soluble salts to form complex gelatinous precipitates, have been used in soil stabilization.
The pentahydrate form is considered generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for use in washing mixtures for fruits and vegetables, in sanitizing solutions for food-contact surfaces, in boiler water, as a denuding agent for tripe, as a hog scald agent for the removal of hair, and as a cooling and retort water agent for the prevention of staining of the outside surfaces of canned goods.
Sodium metasilicate is also regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The compound crystallizes from solution as various hydrates, such as:
-pentahydrate Na2SiO3·5H2O (CAS 10213-79-3, EC 229-912-9, PubChem 57652358)
-nonahydrate Na2SiO3·9H2O (CAS 13517-24-3, EC 229-912-9, PubChem 57654617)

Reactant for:
-Hydrothermal preparation of thorium uranium silicate (Th1-xUxSiO4) uranothorite solid solutions
-Fabrication of dense NaA zeolite coatings
-Reactant for preparation of tungsten modified silica as catalyst for liquid phase oxidation of styrene

Sodium Metasilicate Anhydrous is also called Sodium Silicate or Water Glass.
Sodium Metasilicate is a white, free-flowing, granular powder, which is used in many cleaners, detergents, and soap formulations.
Sodium Metasilicate is an effective coagulant in water treatment, dye fixative, binder, cement binding agent, corrosion inhibitor, and penetrating sealant.
In cleaning formulations, Sodium Metasilicate Anhydrous significantly improves detergent action and acts as an efficient emulsifying and suspension agent.
Sodium Metasilicate is widely used as a builder in cleaners, soaps and detergents since Sodium Metasilicate effectively improves and maintains the cleaning efficiency of surfactants by inactivating water hardness.

Sodium Metasilicate Anhydrous has many applications in construction, particularly in cement and sealants.
In cements and concrete, Sodium Metasilicate Anhydrous is an effective binding agent with the benefits of easy dissolution in water, low dust, and high reactivity.
Sodium Metasilicate is an important component of wet and dry mixes in shotcrete, which yields excellent strength of the resulting structure.
Sodium Metasilicate is also used in oil well cements to prevent separation of solids from the cement matrix.
Sodium Metasilicate can be used as an extender and enable a higher ratio of water to cement.

In pulp and paper, Sodium Metasilicate Anhydrous is used as a sizing agent and buffer/stabilizing agent in combination with hydrogen peroxide.
Automotive applications of Sodium Metasilicate Anhydrous include the decommissioning of old engines, exhaust repair, and cooling system sealant.
Sodium Metasilicate is an important starting material for silica catalysts and zeolites.
Sodium Metasilicate is also used in boiler water, paint strippers, drilling fluids, fire retardants.

CAS Number: 6834-92-0
pentahydrate: 10213-79-3
nonahydrate: 13517-24-3
Abbreviations: E550
ChemSpider: 21758
ECHA InfoCard: 100.027.193
EC Number: 600-279-4229-912-9
MeSH: Sodium+metasilicate

Chemical Properties
White, granular powder.
Soluble in water; p H of 1% solution 12.7. Noncombustible.

Chemical Properties
The metasilicates are highly water soluble, but insoluble in alcohol, acid, and salt solutions.
Solutions of sodium metasilicate, when heated or acidified, are hydrolyzed to free sodium ions and silicic acid.
In moist air, they are corrosive to metals, including zinc, aluminum, tin, and lead, forming hydrogen gas.
They are all strong bases reacting violently with acid.

The various hydrates of sodium metasilicate are used in soap, detergent, and bath/washing products.
Sodium Metasilicate also have a major use as a builder (a material that enhances or maintains the cleaning efficiency of the surfactant, principally by inactivating water hardness) in soaps and detergents.
Sodium Metasilicate is also used as an anticorrosion agent in boiler-water feeds.

Laundry, dairy, and metal cleaning; floor clean- ing; base for detergent formulations; bleaching aid; deinking paper.
Also available as the pentahydrate whose properties are mp 72.2C, total Na 2 O content 29.3%, total Na 2 O in active form 27.8%, d 1.75 or 55 lb/cu ft.

A crystalline silicate.

What is the Difference Between Sodium Silicate and Sodium Metasilicate?
Sodium metasilicate is a type of sodium silicate.
The key difference between sodium silicate and sodium metasilicate is that sodium silicate refers to different ionic compounds which are silicate salts of sodium ions whereas sodium metasilicate is a type of sodium silicate having a sodium cation and SiO32- anion.
Below infographic summarizes the difference between sodium silicate and sodium metasilicate.

Sodium silicate is a common name for all ionic compounds having the general chemical formula Na2xSiyO2y+x.
The most common members of this group include sodium metasilicate, sodium orthosilicate and sodium pyrosilicate.
Often, the anions in these sodium silicates are polymeric substances.
Generally, sodium silicates are colorless, transparent solid compounds that are available as either solids or white powder form that is soluble in water (except for most silicon-rich silicates).
When dissolved in water, sodium silicates form aqueous alkaline solutions.

Sodium silicates are stable in neutral and alkaline solutions.
When they are in acidic solutions, the silicate ion tends to react with the hydrogen ions, forming silicic acid.
These silicic acid components tend to decompose into hydrated silicon dioxide gel.
When this hydrated compound is heated to drive off the water, Sodium Metasilicate results in a hard, translucent substance that we name as silica gel (a common desiccant).

There are several methods to produce sodium silicates, depending on the type of silicate.
Typically, a sodium silicate is produced by treating a mixture of silica, caustic soda, and water in the presence of hot steam.
In addition, we can get a sodium silicate via dissolving silica in molten sodium carbonate.

There are many applications of sodium silicate: as ingredients in detergents, paper, water treatment, construction materials, as drilling fluid in bore walls, in metal repairing, automotive repairing, etc.
When considering the production of sodium metasilicate, we can produce Sodium Metasilicate by fusing silicon dioxide with sodium oxide in 1:1 molar ratio.
Moreover, sodium silicate crystallizes from various hydrate solutions such as pentahydrate and nonahydrate.
There are many important uses of sodium metasilicate including the production of silica via the reaction between sodium metasilicate and acids, production of cement and binders, pulp, paper, soap, detergent, automotive applications, egg preservative, crafts, etc.

What is Sodium Metasilicate?
Sodium metasilicate is an inorganic compound having the chemical formula Na2SiO3.
Sodium Metasilicate is the main ingredient in commercially available sodium silicate solutions.
Sodium Metasilicate is an ionic compound containing sodium cations and polymeric metasilicate anions.
Sodium Metasilicate ionic compound is a colorless, crystalline and hygroscopic solid that is highly deliquescent.
Sodium Metasilicate is soluble in water but not soluble in alcohols.

Sodium metasilicate, Na₂SiO₃, can be synthesized with various degrees of hydration.
This very alkaline substance is formed by combining and melting sodium carbonate with silicon dioxide,
Na₂CO₃ + SiO₂ ‘ Na₂SiO₃ + CO₂’
Sodium metasilicate has hundreds of uses, many of them related to Sodium Metasilicates sealant properties.
Although stable in alkaline and neutral environments, Sodium Metasilicate reacts with acids to produce silica gel.

PubChem CID: 23266
pentahydrate: 61495
nonahydrate: 61639
RTECS number: VV9275000
UNII: 052612U92L
nonahydrate: D8D44215LZ
UN number: 1759 3253
CompTox Dashboard (EPA): DTXSID7029669

Summary – Sodium Silicate vs Sodium Metasilicate
Sodium silicates are inorganic ionic compounds.
Sodium metasilicate is a type of sodium silicate.
The key difference between sodium silicate and sodium metasilicate is that the term sodium silicate refers to the different ionic compounds (silicate salts of sodium ions) whereas sodium metasilicate is a type of sodium silicate having a sodium cation and SiO32- anion.

Sodium metasilicate (Na2SiO3) is a versatile ingredient in areas such as detergents, fireproofing and adhesives.
This inorganic chemical is available in different grades depending on the manufacturer’s needs.

For example, sodium metasilicate 9 MOL is common as a component of wet and dry mixes in shotcrete applications.
Shotcrete involves shooting a dry mix of cement through one hose, while another adds water to create a wet mixture.
This technique is used for construction on structures such as buildings, tunnels and swimming pools.
One key benefit of shotcrete is the strength of the resulting structure, exhibiting ten percent more resistance than standard concrete structures.

At 176℉, sodium metasilicate 9 MOL begins releasing a significant amount of water, which is needed for proper installation.
Sodium Metasilicate also has low dust content that leads to a more controlled worksite.
Other grades of sodium metasilicate (e.g. anhydrous, pentahydrate) have been proven to improve material strength even under low temperature conditions.
Alternatively, Sodium Metasilicate can also be used to repair and reinforce furnace linings for high temperature uses.
This method is even able to work on irregular surfaces and overhead areas due to the high rate at which material is shot.
In wet-mix shotcrete, the compound’s silicon dioxide (SiO2) reacts quickly, resulting in a shorter setting and hardening time.

Uses :
Metal Cleaning
Bottle Washing

In addition to shotcrete, sodium metasilicates are also used in sealants.
Their properties provide durability and strength to structures such as walls, bridges and slabs.
Although sodium metasilicate dissolves easily in mixes, once Sodium Metasilicate hardens Sodium Metasilicate helps protect against aqueous solutions.
In slurries, sodium metasilicate reduces the mobility of water.

While shotcrete is a popular application for sodium metasilicate, Sodium Metasilicate has many other industrial and construction applications.
Sodium Metasilicate is used in oil well cements to prevent separation of solids from the high water-containing cement matrix.
In some cases, sodium metasilicate can act as an extender, allowing a higher ratio of water to cement and thus reducing material costs.
Sodium Metasilicate is also ideal for fire-resistant settings such as refractories.

Sodium Metasilicate is formed by the high temperature fusion of sodium carbonate and silicon dioxide.
Sodium Metasilicate forms highly alkaline solutions when dissolved in water.
Sodium Metasilicate is commonly used as a component of cleaners such as dishwasher detergent and laundry detergent.
The industrial name of Sodium Metasilicate is water glass.
Sodium Metasilicate is extensively used in the manufacturing of Detergents, Silica Gel, Card-board, Paper, Textiles, Paints, Adhesives, Pottery, Sanitaryware, Refractories, Foundry and Wood Processing Industries because of it’s very good binding, adhesive, bleaching and sizing properties respectively.
Sodium Metasilicate is also used as electrolyte in keeping fine particles in suspension (of water) without allowing them to settle down.

Formula: Na2SiO3
Molecular mass: 122.1
Melting point: 1089°C
Density: 2.6 g/cm³
Solubility in water: good

Sodium Metasilicate is considered to be safer to use than sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) and does not attack metals including aluminium as aggressively as caustic.
Sodium Metasilicate moderates the tendency of the alkali to corrode and dissolve metals.
Sodium silicate reacts with metal oxides to form a protective film on metal surfaces.
This film is maintained as long as small amounts of soluble silica remain in the presence of water.
When used in conjunction with surfactants / detergents sodium metasilicate aids.
The neutralization of acidic soil.
The emulsification of oily and greasy soil.
The deflocculation of particulate soil.
The suspension of removed soil and prevention of Sodium Metasilicate’s redeposition.
Sodium metasilicate disperses grease and dirt deposits into small suspended particles that rinse away without redepositing on freshly washed surfaces

Disodium metasilicate, Sodium silicon oxide, Disodium silicate, Sodium silicate

IUPAC name
Sodium metasilicate

Linear Formula: Na2SiO3
CAS Number: 6834-92-0
Molecular Weight: 122.06
EC Number: 229-912-9
MDL number: MFCD00003492
PubChem Substance ID: 24858628

Silicate Formula Diagram (Si-O)Sodium Metasilicate Anhydrous is generally immediately available in most volumes.
High purity, submicron and nanopowder forms may be considered.
American Elements produces to many standard grades when applicable, including Mil Spec (military grade); ACS, Reagent and Technical Grade; Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Grade; Optical Grade, USP and EP/BP (European Pharmacopoeia/British Pharmacopoeia) and follows applicable ASTM testing standards.
Typical and custom packaging is available.
Additional technical, research and safety (MSDS) information is available as is a Reference Calculator for converting relevant units of measurement.

Sodium metasilicate is a silicic acid salt, classified as an inorganic salt product.
Sodium Metasilicate is non-toxic, harmless, and odorless, with purifying, emulsifying, moistening, dispersing, permeating, and PH buffering abilities.
As an aqueous solution, Sodium Metasilicate is capable of hygroscopy and deliquescence when in contact with air.
Sodium Metasilicates forms include anhydrous, pentahydrate, and nonahydrate compounds.
Sodium Metasilicate is estimated to be generally less aggressive and safer to use than caustic soda (sodium hydroxide).
Sodium silicate reacts with metal oxides to establish a protective film on metal surfaces, reducing the alkali’s tendency to corrode and dissolve metals.

This sort of protection is maintained as long as minute amounts of soluble silica remain in the presence of water.
In conjunction with surfactants, sodium metasilicate aids the neutralization of acidic soil, the deflocculation of particulate soil, and the emulsification of oily and greasy soil.
Furthermore, Sodium Metasilicate enhances the suspension of removed soil and prevents Sodium Metasilicates reaccumulation.
The grease and dirt deposits get dispersed into small, suspended particles that rinse away without redepositing on freshly washed surfaces.
As a builder, sodium metasilicate enhances/maintains the surfactant’s cleaning efficiency by balancing water hardness.
Also, Sodium Metasilicate has the highest active alkalinity and PH buffering index among inorganic electrolytes, which enables Sodium Metasilicates strong moistening, emulsifying, and saponifying effect on fats.

For this reason, Sodium Metasilicate’s broadly used in manufacturing high-efficiency in soaps, detergents, and metal cleaners.
Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate can substitute STPP in detergent formulas to increase their cleaning efficiency while reducing environmental pollution.
Sodium metasilicate is also applicable in fireproofing mixtures, insecticides, fungicides, and antimicrobial compounds, as well as in dairy cleaning, paper deinking, and washing carbonated drink bottles.
Sodium Metasilicate’s a chemical intermediate for silica gel catalysts, an active ingredient in adhesives, and a bleaching aid to stabilize hydrogen peroxide.
Furthermore, Sodium Metasilicate’s utilized as a clay deflocculant in the ceramics industry and a boiler compound.
In combination with other salts such as sodium bicarbonate, Sodium Metasilicate creates a paint stripper for aluminum.

Chemical formula: Na2SiO3
Molar mass: 122.062 g·mol−1
Appearance: White crystals
Density: 2.61 g/cm3
Melting point: 1,088 °C (1,990 °F; 1,361 K)
Solubility in water:
22.2 g/100 ml (25 °C)
160.6 g/100 ml (80 °C)
Solubility: insoluble in alcohol
Refractive index (nD): 1.52

Application Notes
In detergent/washing industry, Sodium Metasilicate can be instead of Sodium triphosphate to raise cleaning efficiency and reduce enviroment pollution, provide excellent alkaline buffer, corrosion prevention for metal(i.e. Zinc,Aluminium) and function of softening water.
In ceramic industry, Sodium Metasilicate is used as a ceramic grinding,glue and water reducing agent can extend the life of ball mill,drying tower to improve efficiency and reduce cost.

Sodium Metasilicate Usage Statement
Unless specified otherwise, MP Biomedical’s products are for research or further manufacturing use only, not for direct human use.
For more information, please contact our customer service department.

Key Applications
Metal cleaning agent
Printing dirt
Vegetable oil recycling
Peroxide bleaching stabilizer

In the anhydrous solid, the metasilicate anion is actually polymeric, consisting of corner-shared {SiO4} tetrahedra, and not a discrete SiO32− ion.
In addition to the anhydrous form, there are hydrates with the formula Na2SiO3·nH2O (where n = 5, 6, 8, 9), which contain the discrete, approximately tetrahedral anion SiO2(OH)22− with water of hydration.
For example, the commercially available sodium silicate pentahydrate Na2SiO3·5H2O is formulated as Na2SiO2(OH)2·4H2O, and the nonahydrate Na2SiO3·9H2O is formulated as Na2SiO2(OH)2·8H2O.
The pentahydrate and nonahydrate forms have their own CAS Numbers, 10213-79-3 and 13517-24-3 respectively.

Sodium silicate, disodium trioxosilicate, Sodium siliconate, Sodium polysilicate, Sodium water glass, Sodium sesquisilicate, Disodium metasilicate, Disodium silicate, Sodium silicon oxide, Disodium monosilicate, disodium oxosilanediolate, silanediolate, 1-oxo-, sodium salt (1:2); silanediolate, oxo-, disodium salt; Silicic acid, sodium salt; CAS 1344-09-8

Sodium Metasilicate Pentahydrate granules are white and free-flowing.
The product is characterized by:
-high dissolution rate, even in cold water
-negligible insoluble residue
-high mechanical strength
-low dust content
-available as fine and medium sized granules.

Quality Level: 200
composition: SiO2, 50-53%
SMILES string: [Na+].[Na+].[O-][Si]([O-])=O
InChI: 1S/2Na.O3Si/c;;1-4(2)3/q2*+1;-2

A major use is as a builder (a material that enhances or maintains the cleaning efficiency of the surfactant, principally by inactivating water hardness) in soaps and detergents.
Mainly used in making high efficiency detergents and metal cleaners.
As a substitute for STPP, Sodium Metasilicate can increase cleaning efficiency and reduce environment pollution, Sodium Metasilicate provides excellent alkaline buffering, corrosion prevention for metal (i.e. Zinc, Aluminum), and aids in the of softening water.
Used to improve washing detergents and metal cleaners.
Sodium Metasilicate is also used extensively as an anti-corrosion agent in boiler-water feed.
Sodium metasilicate is used in fireproofing mixtures; in laundry, dairy, metal, and floor cleaning; in deinking paper; in washing carbonated drink bottles; in insecticides, fungicides, and antimicrobial compounds; as a chemical intermediate for silica gel catalysts; as an ingredient in adhesives; as a bleaching aid to stabilise hydrogen peroxide; as a clay deflocculant in the cermics industry, and as a boiler compound.
Combined with other salts such as sodium bicarbonate, Sodium Metasilicate can be applied to aluminum as a paint stripper.

Chemical Name: Sodium Metasilicate
Blue Meta
Disodium Metasilicate
Disodium Monosilicate
Disodium Silicate
Drymet 59
Mead Beads 2048
Metso 20
Metso 2048
Metso 510
Metso Pentabead 20
Metso-Beads 2048
Orthosil; P 84
P 84 (silicate)
Purifeed 6N

CAS Number: 10213-79-3
Molecular Formula: H10Na2O8Si
Molecular Weight: 212.14
MDL Number: MFCD00149176

S 108358
SP 20
SP 20 (silicate)
Silicon Sodium Oxide (SiNa2O3)
Simet 5G
Simet A
Simet AG
Simet AP
Simet GA 5
Sodium Metasilicate Anhydrous
Granular D
Sodium Metasilicate
Sodium Metasilicate (Na2SiO3)
Sodium Silicate (Na2(SiO3))
Sodium Silicate (Na2SiO3)
Sodium Silicate (Na6(SiO3)3)
Sodium Silicon Oxide (Na2SiO3)
Starso; Stixso NN;

CAS Number: 6834-92-0
Alternate CAS: #7699-41-4
Molecular Formula: Na₂O₃Si
Molecular Weight: 122.06
Applications: Sodium Metasilicate is an antibacterial pharmaceutical compound containing Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate.

Heat capacity (C): 111.8 J/(K·mol)
Std molar entropy (So298): 113.71 J/(K·mol)
Std enthalpy of formation (ΔfH⦵298): −1561.43 kJ/mol
Gibbs free energy (ΔfG˚): −1427 kJ/mol

The soluble silicates are structurally very similar.
Silicon-oxide tetrahedra as the basic structural units are linked with each other via Si-O-Si bonds resulting in an infinite three-dimensional network.
The negative charge of unshared oxygen atoms is balanced by the presence of sodium or potassium cations which are randomly spaced in the interstices.
The extent to which balancing alkali ions are present in a given silicate is defined by the molar ratio SiO2/M2O (M = Na or K).
The higher the molar ratio, the less sodium or potassium ions are present in the silica network and consequently the less alkaline the silicates are.

Whereas the sodium and potassium salts have an amorphous three-dimensional structure, the disodium salts (= metasilicate) are crystalline with penta- and nonahydrate differing from the anhydrous form only by their water of crystallisation.
Once in aqueous solution, all soluble silicates are subject to the same molecular speciation resulting in a mixture of monomeric tetrahedral ions, oligomeric linear or cyclic silicate ions and polysilicate ions.
At environmental pH values the soluble silicates are present as poorly soluble amorphous silica and monomeric silicic acid.
The biological properties of soluble silicates are mainly governed by their intrinsic alkalinity.
Based on the available data the members of the soluble silicates category exhibit a similar toxicological profile.

Sodium metasilicate is produced by fusing sand with sodium carbonate at very high temperatures, notes the International Programme on Chemical Safety.
This produces a clear, white or grayish-white crystal solution.
Sodium is a base, and therefore has a high pH level.
When interacting with acid, sodium metasilicate will often neutralize that acid.

Sodium metasilicate is a highly corrosive substance, particularly when water is added.
For this reason, Sodium Metasilicate is used in a variety of settings.
Sodium Metasilicate is found as an ingredient in fireproofing mixtures, household cleaning, insecticides, fungicides and as a bleaching aid.
The United States Food and Drug Administration has approved one form of sodium metasilicate, the pentahydrate form, for use in washing vegetables and fruits.

Sodium metasilicate’s corrosive properties come in handy when used as a cleaning powder, according to the Housekeeping Channel.
For those who wish to purchase environmentally friendly “phosphate-free” cleaning powders, sodium metasilicate is frequently used as a substitute.
Sodium Metasilicate is available for purchase at many home stores and hardware centers.

disodium dioxido(oxo)silane
disodium metasilicate
disodium monosilicate
disodium oxosilanediolate
disodium silicate
silanediolate, 1-oxo-, sodium salt (1:2)
silanediolate, oxo-, disodium salt
silicic acid (H2SiO3) sodium salt (1:2)
silicic acid sodium salt
silicic acid, disodium salt
sodium silicate
water glass

Name: Sodium metasilicate
CAS Number: 6834-92-0
Disodium metasilicate, Sodium silicate (Na2SiO3), Silicic acid (H2SiO3), disodium salt
Approval number: HSR003511
UN Class: 8
UN Number: 3253
Molecular weight: 122.07
Relative density: 2.614

CAS No.: 6834-92-0
Synonyms: Sodium silicate, Liquid glass, Waterglass
Sodium Metasilicate is mainly used in detergents, water treatment, paper and construction materials.
