Slim Up

Slim Up

Our Ayurvedic Expert has been created a healing blend of herbs and other natural ingredients that help to fight obesity no matter what its cause is and help your metabolic rate improve, It helps in losing unwanted weight and burning extra fatty tissues in the body. Slim-Up also helps in controlling appetite and helps relax the mind.

Slim Herbal Tea AM/PM

Slim Herbal Tea has detoxifying properties to the proper functioning of the liver. Slim herbal Tea also promote weight loss, blood sugar regulation, disease prevention, and exercise recovery. It can helps keep your skin and liver healthy, reduce blood fat levels, regulate blood pressure, and improve brain health. It improves mood and brain function, protects against heart disease, enhances performance, boosts your metabolism, and helps you maintain a healthy weight. The brakes off your appetite. Loss of excess weight could help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Slim UP Morning Capsules:

Doing detox daily will cleanse your system from harmful toxins and strengthen liver functions, which is essential for weight loss. Detoxification is the process of cleaning up the body’s channels from inside. It is an integral part of the weight loss program in Ayurveda.

Thus supporting proper nutrition and metabolic rate.

It helps in losing unwanted weight and burning extra fatty tissues in the body.

Slim UP capsules also help in controlling appetite and helps relax the mind, and Overweight, Obesity, Bloated Stomach, Excessive fat deposits in the abdomen, thigh, back, arm, shoulder, Hips, Chest, or legs


Slim UP Evening Capsules:

Ayurveda, fortunately, steps in as a reliable, safe, and effective remedy for weight loss treatment. Having a high metabolism can also give you energy and make you feel better. Improves digestive GI tract, normalizes bowel, movement and eases defecation. It also balances digestive fire, detoxifies intestines and, improves enzymatic activity. It’s effective in sluggish Liver function & impaired Metabolism. IBS (Irregular Bowel Syndrome), Acidity, Constipation, Gas, Flatulence, Indigestion, Abdominal Pain.

How to Use

  • Slim Herbal Tea 2 Spoon with One Small Cup boiled water well mixed
  • take morning before breakfast and evening 4 to 5 PM
  • 2 Capsules morning after breakfast Slim UP A.M. with 1 Cup lukewarm water.
  • 2 Capsules Slim UP P.M. after dinner before bed  with 1 Cup  lukewarm water
