Slim Fast

Slim Fast

One Sensible Meal

Enjoy all your favorite foods with the clinically proven SlimFast Plan. No food is “forbidden,” which means you have the freedom to indulge in sensible portions of anything you choose, including dishes like bacon asparagus pasta, steak tacos or margherita pizza.

Replace Two Meals A Day

Choose from a wide variety of SlimFast products including shakes, smoothies and bars from the Original, Advanced Nutrition, Advanced Energy, Keto and Diabetic Weight Loss families. SlimFast has many options to suit different needs – including your own!

Indulge In Three Snacks

In between meals, satisfy cravings with SlimFast snacks or any low-calorie snack of your choice. SlimFast Keto Fat Bombs offer many delectable options, ranging from sweet treats to savory snacks, there’s something for every mood. They are portable and ready-to-eat, at home or on the go. Eat 6x a day with the SlimFast Plan and feel satisfied all day long.
