

Product Name: Slim-30 Natural Herb for Weight Loss
Our Price: $49.95
Availability: In Stock
Product Number: 1S30


Product Weight: 0.2 lb.
Product Detail
Slim-30 is an award-winning product and all-natural herb supplement that burns fat while reducing the sensation of hunger. Formulated scientifically. Slim-30 is proven to be one of the most effective weight loss products available!.

Slim-30 Natural Herb for Weight Loss delivers quick & amazing results in just 30 days. You only needs one capsule a day and do not experience any of the following symptoms, such as diarrhea, increase of heart beat, weight rebound etc. You can even maintain the beauty of your skin at the same time. Each bottle contains 30 capsules, and you will see the real result just after taking one bottle. Just recall how many bottles you are required to use in order to see some results other weight loss products promise!!! The all-natural ingredients of this great product are Chinese Hawthorn, Sickle-pod Senna Seed, Oyster Shell, and Sacred Lotus Leaf.

Slim-30 Natural Herb for Weight Loss targets certain body areas and improves body shape. Beautiful curve is not a dream anymore when this product constantly targets your neck, abdomen, waist and hipareas .Slim-30 Natural Herb for Weight Loss help you lose 5% to 6% of your current body weight in just ONE month! Once the ideal weight is reached, you only need to take one capsule every 2 or 3 days, then you can live an easy life and forget about exercise or going on any diet.80% of Slim-30 users can lose 5 – 6% in 30 days. (You will lose 10 to 12 pounds if your current weight is 200 lbs.)10% of Slim-30 users can even lose up to 10% in 30 days. (Lose weight is important, but the prerequisite is not to upset your internal balance, so lose weight in a healthy way is our main concern. NO MORE THAN 10%, we guarantee that!)10% of Slim-30 users lose at least 2-3% in 30 days. (Every one is different, but even if you do not see any obvious difference, your curve can tell you that this product really works. Look at the mirror and you will believe it!)
Slim-30 Natural Herb for Weight Loss follows the double weight loss concept – help burning fat & controlling calorie intake. It can improve the ability of energy consumption and enhance the metabolic processes of adipose cells. Also, it can help reduce your hungry feeling, but does not affect the intake of necessary nutrition materials. Eating is always the No. 1 reason when you are getting fat. When Slim-30 effectively help you control your calorie intake, your basic nutrition requirements are still satisfied. You would not feel any pain when you refuse to eat the second cup of ice cream!How to use Slim-30 Natural Herb for Weight Loss? Just one a capsule a day. More effective if you take it in the morning before you start your day. So that means before breakfast, if you can not take pills on an empty stomach then you would want to eat first. The key to losing weight is to drink plenty of water, SO DRINK UP! Please drink at least 50 fl. oz of water or more through out the day and eat as many vegetables and fruits as you can. Do not take this product if your blood pressures are unusually low. People with uncontrollable high blood pressures should consult with their physicians before using this product. Do not take this product if your constipation problems are not solved. A few users may feel uncomfortable after excretion. this is normal, but should this happen, lightly consume snacks and fruits for relief.Disclaimer: All Material and information presented by Slim-30 is intended to be used for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information given for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. If you suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. These statements about products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS SPEAK WITH A PRACTITIONER BEFORE TAKING ANY DIETARY, NUTRITIONAL, HERBAL OR HOMEOPATHIC SUPPLEMENT.
