


LS-Pre­Post is an ad­vanced pre and post-proces­sor that is de­liv­ered free with LS-DY­NA. The user in­ter­face is de­signed to be both ef­fi­cient and in­tu­itive. LS-Pre­Post runs on Win­dows, Lin­ux, and Macs uti­liz­ing OpenGL graph­ics to achieve fast ren­der­ing and XY plot­ting. The lat­est builds can be down­loaded from LSTC’s FTP Site.

Core Functionality

  • Geom­e­try cre­ation and mesh­ing
    • All new CAD en­gine in LS-Pre­Post 3
  • Com­pre­hen­sive LS-DY­NA key­word sup­port
  • LS-DY­NA mod­el vi­su­al­iza­tion
  • LS-DY­NA mod­el edit­ing
    • With in­ter­ac­tive key­word cre­ation
  • Ad­vanced post-pro­cess­ing
