


Chinese Name; The sulfone m azole; The MaiYa sulfone

CAS No.: 73590-58-6

molecular formula:C17H19N3O3S
Molecular weight :345.41616

Quality standard: USP24 / BP2002 / EP4 / CP2010

Appearance properties: this product is white or kind of white crystalline powder; No smelly; Easy to change color in the light.

Solubility: in methanol and ethanol in slightly soluble in water insoluble; In 0.1 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution solution.

Content was 98.5%

Loss on drying 0.5% or less

Residue on ignition 0.1% or less

Heavy metal acuities and PPM

Packing specification: 25 kg/barrel twenty kg/barrel, 10 / barrel

With normal: digestive system class materials
