Griseofulvin-Hubei Weideli

Griseofulvin-Hubei Weideli


Product Name Griseofulvin
English Name Griseofulvin
CAS RN  126-07-8
Molecular Formula C17H17O6Cl Molecular Weight 352.77138
Quality Standard CP2010/BP2010/EP6
Appearance White or off-white fine powder, no odor or almost no odor, with slightly bitter taste.
Solubility It is easily soluble in N,N-Dimethylformamide, slightly soluble in absolute ethyl alcohol, poorly soluble in water.
Content 97—102%(IR)
Purity ≥95%(HPLC)
Melting Point 218-224℃ Specific Rotation +352° to +367°
Drying Loss≤0.5% Residue on Ignition≤0.2%
Use Pharmaceutical APIs, used for antifungal drug, it is suitable for dermatophyte infection caused by epidermophyton, microsporum and trichophyta.
Packing 20KG/fiber drum, it is available for 3 years
