L -Glutamine (left)    
D -Glutamine (right)

CAS number: 56-85-9
EC-number: 200-292-1

What is Glutamine?
Glutamine is one of the building blocks of protein. 
Glutamine is a very important amino acid for the body and very critical for the immune system. 
Glutamine takes part in the transport of substances in the blood, fighting harmful viruses and bacteria. 
In addition, post-sport nutritional supplements constantly bring this amino acid to us.

Glutamine contains a carboxamide group in its side chain. 
Glutamine is polar, but uncharged at physiological pH.
Glutamine reason why it is one of the most known types of amino acids is that the most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue is glutamine. 
Glutamine reason why glutamine supplementation is necessary is; It is necessary to consume more than the glutamine produced during training and therefore to increase the glutamine level with supplementation. 
Glutamine is a supplement that should be used especially by those who are involved in sports that require endurance and strength.

How is Glutamine Used?
Glutamine can be used as a scale both before and after training.
Since it is an amino acid affected by temperature, it should not be consumed with hot food or beverages.
There is no harm in taking it with or without food.
Use Glutamine Before or After Training?
Glutamine can be used at night, before or after training. 

Glutamine and Its Effects
1-) In a study conducted in Canada in 2015, it was carried out using a double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled study, which is one of the most reliable research methods, to measure the effect of glutamine supplementation on post-workout pain and muscle recovery. 
After the research, it was determined that the group who took glutamine supplements had much less muscle pain after exercise. 
Glutamine addition, it was observed that the group that took Glutamine supplement was able to lift more weight in the other sets compared to the group that did not take Glutamine, since it accelerated the recovery of the muscles before the new exercise. 

2-) After endurance exercises exceeding 2 hours, serum Glutamine level decreases . 
Glutamine decrease creates negative effects on the immune system. 
Glutamine reduction in serum Glutamine levels may also suppress the release of interleukin-6 (IL-6) from muscle tissue . 
For this reason, an increase in the feeling of fatigue after exercise may occur, as well as an increase in the rate of catching upper respiratory tract infections. 
Glutamine is possible that glutamine supplementation may protect IL-6 levels and eliminate such adverse effects.

3-) GlutamineIt is known to be the main energy substrate used by immune cells called leukocytes and contributing to the proliferation of these cells. 
The main reason for this is that leukocytes need a much faster energy source than glucose. 
Similar features are also seen in the intestinal mucosa and bone marrow. 
However leukocytes alone Glutamine can not synthesize and therefore glutamine synthetase obtained from other tissues having enzyme glutamine or from the outside of glutamine to need. For this reason, external glutamine supplementation may be required in severe traumas and critical illnesses .

4-)Glutamine regulates negative nitrogen balance, preserves muscle mass and ensures intestinal integrity in patients after major surgical interventions and very low birth weight infants. 
Glutamine has been reported that nitrogen balance is positively affected and hospital stay is shortened in bone marrow transplant patients who receive total parenteral nutrition supplemented with glutamine . 
Glutamine the study of Zeigler et al. on 45 bone marrow transplant recipients; it has been shown that the infection rate and hospital stay can be reduced with glutamine support.

5-) Glutamine in intestinal damage, atrophy and catabolic stress modelsenriched with parenteral and enteral nutrition; It increases the number and/or functions of immune system cells, accelerates mucosal growth and repair in the gastrointestinal tract, reduces GIS-related sepsis, and regulates nitrogen balance . 
Glutamine some catabolic patient groups who receive enteral and/or parenteral Glutamine supplementation, clinical and functional results (eg, cell number and functions in the immune system, nitrogen balance, infection rates, hospital stay) are more positive than those who do not receive this supplement or who receive small amounts of it. 
Glutamine has been proven to be an important and even an essential nutrient source depending on the conditions, partly with its immune-supporting role in catabolic situations.

Glutamine constitutes 60% of the amino acid pool in the muscles and 20% of the total amino acid cycle in the body. 
Unlike other amino acids, only Glutamine has 2 nitrogen atoms and is known as the nitrogen shuttle. 
Glutamine carries nitrogen to whichever part of the body is most needed. 
Nitrogen plays an important role in the formation of new muscle tissues and the growth of existing muscle tissues. 
Glutamine is an essential amino acid with the most functions of all amino acids and is used by professional athletes as an essential dietary supplement. 

Athletes experience decreased energy and muscle pain after heavy training. 
Glutamine the body’s rest and recovery period, If it is more than the time between two training times, this creates a distress (syndrome) for the athlete. 
Glutamine syndrome causes the body to consume more Glutamine than it stores. 
Glutaminesyndrome, which can be experienced repeatedly, causes the body to go to muscle destruction. 

The most consumed amino acid during training is Glutamine. 
Glutamine is recommended to be consumed together with vitamin B6. No lard or similar pork-derived additives are used in any of the Dynamic Nutrition products. 
Glutamine syndrome causes the body to consume more Glutamine than it stores. 
Glutamine syndrome, which can be experienced repeatedly, causes the body to go to muscle destruction. The most consumed amino acid during training is Glutamine. 
How to Use: As a sports food containing amino acids, you can mix 1 teaspoon (5 g) of l-glutamine with 200 ml of water or fruit juice once a day to maintain protein balance during periods of intense physical activity. 

Glutamine is recommended to be consumed together with vitamin B6. 
No lard or similar pork-derived additives are used in any of the Dynamic Nutrition products. 
Glutamine syndrome causes the body to consume more Glutamine than it stores. 
Glutamine syndrome, which can be experienced repeatedly, causes the body to go to muscle destruction. 
The most consumed amino acid during training is Glutamine. 

As with many other amino acids, this amino acid has both L- and D- isomers. 
Aber active, in other words, its isomer that exists in nature is L Glutamine. 
This article or articles in scientific Glutamine L – or D only Glutamine is no prefix to get by as he mentioned, wherein said L – Glutamine is.

Glutamine plays a role in the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines and the transport of amino groups in plasma . 
Glutamine creates free ammonia in the kidney tubule cell . 
This reaction is catalyzed by glutaminase and is involved in acid – base regulation. 
Ammonium formation from glutamine increases in metabolic acidosis and decreases in alkalosis . 
Glutamine is involved in amino sugar synthesis as an amino group donor.

Glutamine , a colorless crystalline substance, is insoluble in alcohol , benzene , and chloroform . 
Besides, it does not dissolve well in water (100 g/l at 40 °C).

When the molecule is taken as a complete, it is not charged. 
Therefore, zinc ions cannot circulate in the electrical field . 
To be precise, it can be dissolved in water at the isoelectric point (at a certain pH-value), albeit at a very low level. 
Glutamine isoelectric point of glutamine is 5.65. [one]
Glutamine powder can also be used by athletes and bodybuilders as a nutritional supplement, as it provides the resynthesis of carbohydrates in the body and increases the levels of growth hormone 

CAS number: 56-85-9
PubChem: 738
EC-number: 200-292-1
ChemSpider: 718

molecular formula: C 5 H 10 N 2 O 3
molecular mass: 146.15 g · mol −1
Appearance: Solid, colorless and odorless
Melting point: 185–186 °C

What is Glutamine? Who should use it?
Glutamine plays a major role in the body’s self-renewal after intense training. 
Glutamine this way, it helps you to enter the next workout at least as hard as before. 
Glutamine plays a key role in repairing worn-out muscles and building new muscle. 
Glutamine addition, published studies have shown that glutamine also helps in the secretion of growth hormone. 
This means you gain muscle mass more easily. 
Glutamine you are training intensely and want your muscles to recover as soon as possible in order to perform as well as before in the next training, you can get support from glutamine supplementation.

Product information
What is Torq Nutrition GLUTATORQ 100% L-Glutamine Powder?
Glutamine is a high quality sports food that offers 100% pure glutamine amino acid. 
GLUTATORQ, produced in the most modern facilities of Europe with GMP certificate, contains 5 g of glutamine in each serving. 
Thanks to its pure form, GLUTATORQ, which can mix into the blood quickly, meets the glutamine need of worn muscles thanks to its long absorption.

Glutamine is the most abundant, semi-essential amino acid type in the human body. 
In individuals who do intense physical training, it is important to supplement as an amino acid supplement if the body cannot produce enough glutamine.

What is Glutamine?
Glutamine amino acid, which can be produced by the body, constitutes an average of 61% of the muscles in the human skeleton. 
Glutamine out of the muscles; It is also found in the kidneys, lungs, brain, liver, and heart.  
Glutamine is very natural for this amino acid, which is used in a large part of the human body, to be produced in the body. 
Glutamine some cases, however, such overuse may need to be supported. 

Glutamine cases where the use of glutamine increases in the body, it is inevitable to take it from the outside through food or supplements. 
As a result of the increased need for glutamine in people who do heavy sports, it may be more beneficial to enter glutamine into the body as a supplement. 
Because the body can restore the glutamine balance in an average of 6 days. 
For this reason, the effect of an accelerator is essential. 
Glutamine is abundant in foods such as milk, yogurt, cabbage, spinach, chicken meat, fish meat, wheat. 

For people living a normal life, the glutamine in these foods may be sufficient.  
Glutamine is an essential amino acid that aids in protein synthesis and triggers muscle growth. 
When viewed proportionally, an average of 19% of this amino acid, which has an important place in the body, is nitrogen. 
This ratio plays an active role in burning energy and using it quickly in the body.

What Does Glutamine Do? 
Glutamine plays an active role in protein synthesis and protein breaking. 
Especially after a heavy sport, the effect of glutamine amounts, which is reduced by half in the body, can be seen clearly. 
Because, thanks to the presence of glutamine, our body can overcome the fatigue phase quickly and ineffectively. 

Thanks to this amino acid, which takes precautions against muscle breakdown after sports, muscle repair can begin quickly.  
According to research conducted in a foreign state, pre-exercise glutamine intake has been found to increase bicarbonate levels. 
Glutamine means that lactic acid pain caused by heavy training can be reduced. 
Glutamine means that the athlete can add more sets or end-of-sets. An increase in bicarbonate levels was observed during 90 minutes of an average intake of 2 g of glutamine.

Benefits of Glutamine
–Glutamine can be effective in the healing process of the muscles.                    
–Glutamine can support the immune system.                    
–May play a role in the secretion of growth hormone.                    
–Glutamine can support athletes in intense and long training.                    
-Glutamine can trigger protein synthesis through nitrogen secretion.                    
–Glutamine can reduce sugar consumption and hunger.                    
-You can edit the imbalance in blood sugar may occur.                    

Glutamine Use
The use of glutamine supplements may vary depending on the purpose. 
Before we talk about the details of glutamine use, we would like to say that the use with whey protein can give positive results.

Use for Weight Loss : It will be sufficient to use 5 grams before going to sleep and 5 grams 2-3 hours before sports on average. 
Thus, growth hormone is triggered and fat burning is accelerated.

Use for Weight Protection : Unless there is a purpose such as gaining volume or losing weight; 5 g glutamine should be taken before and after sports. 
Glutamine addition, 5 grams of glutamine can be taken for each day without sports.

Use with Heavy Sports for Gaining Volume : 10 grams of glutamine should be taken before and after sports. 
In addition, 10 grams of glutamine can be taken for each day without sports.

Glutamine and Athlete Performance
Glutamine, which can also be used as a thirst quencher, can also improve performance. In a study related to this, an increase in the performance of the athlete was observed. 
In addition, it has been determined that the absorption of glutamine in the body increases when combined with drinks containing water and electrolytes.

Glutamine and BCAA Differences
– While the domain of glutamine is to protect and repair the muscle structure, the domain of BCAA is to build muscle.                    
– While glutamine serves the purpose after sports, BCAA mostly serves the muscle during sports.                    
– The purpose of use of glutamine is the preservation of muscle mass. The purpose of use of BCAA is to increase muscle mass.                    
– Glutamine reduces the catabolic effect by reducing muscle pain. BCAA, on the other hand, can help the muscles undergoing catabolism to go into the repair phase.                    

How does it work ?
Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the body. 
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. 
Glutamine is produced in the muscles and is distributed by the blood to the organs that need it. 
Glutamine might help gut function, the immune system, and other essential processes in the body, especially in times of stress. 
Glutamine is also important for providing “fuel” (nitrogen and carbon) to many different cells in the body. 
Glutamine is needed to make other chemicals in the body such as other amino acids and glucose (sugar).

After surgery or traumatic injury, nitrogen is necessary to repair the wounds and keep the vital organs functioning. 
About one third of this nitrogen comes from glutamine.

Glutamine the body uses more glutamine than the muscles can make (i.e., during times of stress), muscle wasting can occur. 
This can occur in people with HIV/AIDS. 
Taking glutamine supplements might keep the glutamine stores up.

Some types of chemotherapy can reduce the levels of glutamine in the body. 
Glutamine treatment is thought to help prevent chemotherapy-related damage by maintaining the life of the affected tissues.

What is Glutamine?
Glutamine, which is the building block of proteins, takes part in protein synthesis and degradation. 
Glutamine powder, one of the most popular athlete nutrients in the bodybuilding world, stands out by shortening the recovery time of the muscles. 
Therefore, glutamine has positive effects on muscle development.

When is glutamine used?
Glutamine supplementation is one of the foods that comes to mind when it comes to supplements for intense and long-term training and muscle pain.
This makes glutamine one of the best supplements to consume after exercise. 
You can easily consume your powdered glutamine supplement by adding it to protein shakes within the first 30 minutes after workouts where glutamine levels drop.

Energy 20kcal, Fat 0g, Carbohydrate 0g, Protein 0g, L-Glutamine 5g.

Product description
Grenade Glutamine is an amino acid product made from 100% pure glutamine. It does not contain carbohydrates. It does not contain carbohydrates.

Energy 20kcal, Fat 0g, Carbohydrate 0g, Protein 0g, L-Glutamine 5g.

Operating Instructions
You can mix 1 level measure (5g) of product with 250ml water and consume 3 servings a day, 30 minutes before training, right after training and before going to bed.

Glutamine: Benefits, Uses and Side Effects
Glutamine is an important amino acid with many functions in the body.
Glutamine is a building block of protein and critical part of the immune system.
What’s more, glutamine has a special role in intestinal health.
Your body naturally produces this amino acid, and it is also found in many foods. 
Yet, you may be unsure if you need extra glutamine from supplements for optimal health.
Glutamine article explains why glutamine is important and discusses the benefits and safety of glutamine supplements.

What Is Glutamine?
Glutamine is an amino acid. Amino acids are molecules that play many roles in the body.
Their main purpose is to serve as building blocks for proteins.
Proteins are crucial to the organs. They also serve other functions, such as transporting substances in the blood and fighting off harmful viruses and bacteria.
Like many other amino acids, it exists in two different forms: L-glutamine and D-glutamine.

Glutamine are almost identical but have a slightly different molecular arrangement (2ndTrusted Source).
Glutamine form found in foods and supplements is L-glutamine. Some supplements list it as L-glutamine, but others simply use the broader term glutamine.
While L-glutamine is used to make proteins and perform other functions, D-glutamine appears to be relatively unimportant in living organisms (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).
L-glutamine can be produced naturally in your body. 
Glutamine fact, it is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and other body fluids (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).

However, there are times when the glutamine needs of your body are greater than its ability to produce it (7Trusted Source).
Therefore, it’s considered a conditionally essential amino acid, meaning that it must be obtained from the diet under certain conditions, such as injury or illness .
Also, glutamine is an important molecule for the immune system and intestinal health (9Trusted Source).
Glutamine Is Found in Many Foods
Glutamine is naturally found in a variety of foods. 

Glutamine has been estimated that a typical diet contains 3 to 6 grams per day, but this can vary based on your specific diet.
The largest amounts are found in animal products due to their high protein contents.
However, some plant-based foods have a greater percentage of it in their protein.
One study used advanced lab techniques to determine how much L-glutamine is found in various foods (11thTrusted Source).

The following are the percentages of protein made up of L-glutamine in each food:
Eggs: 4.4% (0.6 g per 100 g of eggs)
Beef: 4.8% (1.2 g per 100 g of beef)
Skim milk: 8.1% (0.3 g per 100 g of milk)
Tofu : 9.1% (0.6 g per 100 g of tofu)
White rice: 11.1% (0.3 g per 100 g of rice)
Corn: 16.2% (0.4 g per 100 g of corn)

Although some plant sources, such as white rice and corn, have a large percent of protein made up of glutamine, they have fairly low protein contents overall (11thTrusted Source, 12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source).
Thus, meat and other animal products are the simplest ways to get high amounts of it.
Unfortunately, the exact glutamine content of many specific foods has not been studied.
However, because glutamine is a necessary part of proteins, virtually any food containing protein will contain some glutamine.
Focusing on getting enough protein in your overall diet is an easy way to potentially increase the amount of glutamine you are consuming.

Glutamine Is Important for the Immune System
One of the most important functions of glutamine is its role in the immune system.
Glutamine is a critical fuel source for immune cells, including white blood cells and certain intestinal cells.
However, its blood levels can decrease due to major injuries, burns or surgeries.
Glutamine the body’s need for glutamine is greater than its ability to produce it, your body may break down protein stores, such as muscle, to release more of this amino acid (17, 18Trusted Source).
Additionally, the function of the immune system can be compromised when insufficient amounts of glutamine are available.

For these reasons, high-protein diets, high-glutamine diets or glutamine supplements are often prescribed after major injuries like burns.
Studies have also reported that glutamine supplements may improve health, decrease infections and lead to shorter hospital stays after surgery .
What’s more, they have been shown to improve survival and reduce medical costs in critically ill patients.
Other studies have shown that glutamine supplements may also improve immune function in animals infected with bacteria or viruses.
However, there is not strong support for benefits in healthy adults, and the needs of these individuals may be met through diet and the body’s natural production.

Glutamine’s immune system benefits are related to its role in intestinal health.
Glutamine the human body, the intestines are considered the largest portion of the immune system..
Glutamine is an important energy source for intestinal and immune cells.
Glutamine also helps maintain the barrier between the inside of your intestines and the rest of your body, thereby protecting against a leaky gut (6.
This prevents harmful bacteria or toxins from moving from your intestines into the rest of your body.

Additionally, it is important for the normal growth and maintenance of the cells in the intestine.
Due to the major role of the intestines in the immune system, glutamine may benefit your overall immune health by supporting the intestinal cells.
In one study, 31 people took either glutamine or a placebo during six weeks of weight training.
By the end of the study, both groups showed improved muscle mass and strength. However, there were no differences between the two groups.
Additional studies have also shown that it has no effects on muscle mass or performance.

However, some research has reported that glutamine supplements may decrease muscle soreness and improve recovery after intense exercise.
Glutamine fact, one study found that glutamine or glutamine plus carbohydrates can help reduce a blood marker of fatigue during two hours of running.
Glutamine has also been used to try to boost the immune function of athletes, but results vary.
Other research has found that it did not improve the recovery of carbohydrate stores (glycogen) in muscle when added to carbohydrates and certain amino acids .
Glutamine the end, there is no evidence that these supplements provide benefits for muscle gain or strength. There is some limited support for other effects, but more research is needed.

Glutamine is a key amino acid in the recovery process. 
Glutamine supports muscle development, strengthens the defense system. 
Glutamine supplementation is essential for the recovery of glutamine depleted in the muscles during intense training. 
Nutrever L-Glutamine Powder is a 100% pure product that mixes easily with its super micronized formula. 
Glutamine is formulated to be tasteless so that it can be easily combined with the product of your choice.

Proteins are the main elements of our muscle tissues. The amount of protein stored in them determines the strength and volume of our muscles.
Nitrogen, on the other hand, is a protein-specific element, not found in fats and carbohydrates. 
We can only know how much protein is stored in our muscles by finding out how much nitrogen is stored in our body. 
We call this the nitrogen balance. The higher our “nitrogen balance”, the more “bulky and strong” our muscles will be.

Glutamine is the primary nitrogen store and transporter. 
Glutamine directly feeds your muscles with nitrogen, which is converted into amino acids and muscle proteins by stimulating anabolic processes.
Other organs in our body get their nitrogen needs from nitrogen stores in our muscles. 

Proteins in muscle tissues are decomposed (we call this a catabolic process), the nitrogen in them is converted to glutamine. 
Thus, the transfer of nitrogen to other tissues is ensured. 
Glutamine you support your body with enough ready-made glutamine, the nitrogen needs of the tissues can be met without the need for catabolism.
Consumption of glutamine as a sports food guarantees a high nitrogen balance. 

Thus, anabolic processes are supported while catabolic processes are inhibited.
Vitamin B6 increases the absorption of gutamine in the intestines. 
Therefore, it has been added to the product. 

100% pure L-Glutamine
Contains 5000mg of Glutamine per serving.
Supports the defense system
Suitable for vegetarians
gluten free
Does not contain aspartame
It is in powder form

Glutamine is a vital amino acid that every muscle in our body needs. 
Glutamine is the most important building block of proteins that provide cell health and regeneration of connective tissues. 
Glutamine significantly supports the defense system. 
Glutamine supports restructuring processes in our body and prevents muscle breakdown. 

What is Multipower L-Glutamine?
Multipower L-Glutamine is produced in 100% pure formula.
Glutamine raw materials used in its content are first class and the effect is quite high.
Multipower L-Glutamine It is one of the amino acids that make up 60% of the amino acid content.

Glutamine is an important product that supports the repair of worn muscles and muscle building.
With the number of 100 Services in 1 Box, it has a significant number of usage advantages compared to other products.
Glutamine is an amino acid in free form. It does not contain gluten. 

What Does Glutamine Do?
Glutamine is a group of amino acids and its main task is to play a role in reaching protein structures. 
Glutamine is found in two different groups as L and D. In particular, L glutamine is an important source by attaching to the protein structure. 
Glutamine is also produced naturally by the body. 
Glutamine  is of great importance especially at the point of cell division and tissue regeneration.

Along with this and similar opportunities, it is one of the most important resources especially for fitness and bodybuilding employees. 
Glutamine is taken today as a supplement, as the body produces it naturally. 
In particular, L glutamine can be obtained regularly in this respect.

Glutamine Use
Regular and intense use of glutamine on behalf of fitness and bodybuilding workers should be handled periodically. 
People who exercise should take 10 or 15 g of L glutamine in total with 5 g 2 or 3 times a day on average. 
It is also important to consume at certain intervals at different times of the day.
In this regard, glutamine is mostly consumed in the morning. It can also be taken after intense fitness and bodybuilding training. 
Daily use can be completed for the last time before going to bed at night.

What Are the Side Effects of Glutamine?
According to the reviews and studies, it is not known that glutamine does not commonly have any noticeable side effects. 
Because it is an amino acid naturally found in the body. 
However, as in all other different food groups, glutamine must be consumed in a balanced way.

Consumption of high doses of glutamine can cause stomach upset. 
With too much consumption, stomach upset can manifest itself through different symptoms. 
Therefore, care should be taken to pay attention to this with the supplement to be taken over the recommended dosage.

Why Take Glutamine?
Glutamine stands out as an important source for fitness and bodybuilding workers. 
But L glutamine is not limited to just that. 
At the same time, it is among the nutritional supplements that should be found in a balanced way in the body of each individual. 
Glutamine makes an important contribution to intestinal functions, especially by strengthening the immune system.

Glutamine is important for the skeletal and muscular systems. 
Glutamine plays a role in performing vital functions on the liver, kidney, small and large intestines. 
Glutamine is an important resource especially for people who have muscle loss and get sick easily.
Glutamine is an amino acid that easily binds to the intracellular water, allowing more micronutrients (glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, etc.) to pass with itself to the muscle system, thus being effective in the development and protection of the muscle system.

Glutamine is one of the most preferred amino acids in bodybuilding. 
60% of the glutamine in our body is found in our skeletal system, while the remaining part is found in the lungs, liver, brain and stomach. 
Glutamine helps to protect our immune system by repairing the damages that occur during training. 
Glutamine also provides a lactic acid buffer, minimizing muscle soreness. 
Glutamine  can be especially preferred in terms of supporting recovery.

What is Glutamine?
Glutamine is one of the 20 amino acids found in foods and is also the most abundant amino acid in our body. 
But still, this does not mean that there is no need to buy from the outside. Because sometimes the amount of glutamine in our body may decrease. 
60% of the glutamine in our body is in our skeletal system, the rest is in the lungs, liver, brain and stomach.

What are the Roles of Glutamine in Our Body?
This amino acid is the fuel for our immune system. When we get sick, our immune system activates and thus the need for glutamine in our body increases. 
When there is not enough in the blood, the white blood cells cannot divide adequately.
Glutamine also creates an environment against muscle breakdown in the body. 

Glutamine provides the secretion of growth hormone, which accelerates fat burning and increases muscle building.
After an intense weight training, the need for glutamine in our body increases drastically, just as when we get sick. 
This reduces strength and endurance; weakens the immune system. 
Glutamine the body can’t get what it needs, it starts to use it from the muscles, which means muscle destruction.

To meet the protein needs of the muscles,
To help repair muscle and connective tissue disorders,
Supporting cognitive functions,
To support the immune system after trauma and surgery,
Glutamine can be listed as increasing intestinal absorption of nutrients.

Other Benefits of Glutamine
Glutamine provides the basic energy need of the intestines. For this reason, it helps against the discomfort that may occur in the intestines.
Glutamine, as the energy source of the brain, strengthens the psychology and provides a better mood, increases mental performance and provides the development of short and long-term memory.

Glutamine Sources
Glutamine is possible to get glutamine naturally. It is commonly found in foods such as milk, yogurt, curd, wheat, pulses, spinach, cabbage, meat, chicken, fish. 
However, it is not possible to meet the daily needs of individuals who do high-intensity training from these foods. 
Glutamine such cases, it can also be taken externally as a food supplement.

How is Glutamine Used?
L-glutamine; Glutamine is produced in powder, capsule, tablet and liquid forms. 
It is recommended that people who train regularly take 2-3 doses of supplements per day (each dose should be around 5 g). 
However, for people who are not athletes and do not do regular sports, it is enough to take 3gr. 

Is Glutamine Harmful?
Glutamine is an amino acid found naturally in the body. 
Therefore, there is no harm to our health by using it in sufficient amount. 

Research on this subject reveals that taking more than 40 grams a day can increase the level of ammonia in the body. 
Therefore, as in everything else, it is necessary to act in moderation. 
Glutamine addition, people who have acute kidney or liver problems should not use it without consulting their doctor. 

L-Glutamine is an amino acid that is required for cell culture. L-Glutamine participates in the formation of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, amino sugars, glutathione, L-glutamate, and other amino acids, as well as in protein synthesis and glucose production. 
Unlike most other amino acids, L-glutamine is not stable in solution. 
Glutamine rate at which degradation proceeds is a function of time, temperature, and pH. Gibco® L-glutamine is a ready-to-use 200 mM stock solution that acts as a cell culture supplement. 
The optimal concentration is dependent upon the cell type and medium used to culture the cells, but generally falls in the range of 2–6 mM.

L-Glutamine Facts – Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage
L-Glutamine Facts – Benefits, Side Effects and Dosage
It is synthesized in our body and makes up more than half of our entire amino store. 
It is commonly known as the “conditional condition”. In other words, while we often have enough time to meet the demand of our daily activities, we deplete our L-Glutamine supply more quickly.

By stress, it means physical (when we are exercising) or physiological (when we are sick). 
So why is glutamine recommended by so many nutritionists?
In today’s title, we want to look at the impact of aminos on athletic performance…

What Does Glutamine Do for an Athlete?
Sports experts believe that having less L-G in your muscles after exercise will hinder muscle growth and your overall speed of recovery. 
That’s why it’s said to include L-Glutamine when browsing sports food.

L-G is also thought to be responsible for an increase in metabolism that can promote weight loss. S
o whatever your motivation to visit the gym, LG looks like it will help us all.
We’ll look further into how beneficial taking L-Glutamine before or after a workout can be in just one minute. 
But first, let’s look at some amino acid basics and what are the natural sources of L-Glutamine…

Where Does L-GLUTAMINE Come From?
Amino acids such as L-GLUTAMINE are made in your muscles and transported throughout the body from there. 
Although the healthy person makes their own L-G, there are some sources of amino acids found in food. 
You’ll notice that these foods are high in protein… no coincidence!
Beef, chicken, fish,
Eggs, milk, cheese
Beans, Cabbage, Spinach
Parsley, celery, cabbage

To remember:
LG is denatured by cooking and ambient heat, which means it begins to break down. When this happens, the natural benefits are less. 
We don’t recommend eating raw meat, but if you are facing cooked or uncooked food, it would be better to go for the second option.

When to take L-glutamine?
As with any amino acid used in muscle fiber production, the trick is that your supply is greater than your demand. On this basis, some suggest adding an L-GLUTAMINE supplement (up to 0.1 kilograms per kilogram of body weight) after your workout increases your post-exercise level by 50%. 
Glutamine fact, some nutritionists suggest that continuing to increase six times further boosts your recovery rate after vigorous exercise.

Glutamine before or after a workout?
Like any sports supplement, the question the user asks is the best. Generally speaking, sports supplements are taken after exercise to replenish the body’s reserves.
What makes sense: After exercise, our muscles are in an anabolic state and are basically ‘hungry’ for all the nutrients they can get. 
However, there is no hard and fast rule for post-workout supplementation, and regular intake of LG or any other mineral will provide the body with everything it needs.
If you have calculated a suitable value of around 30 grams per day, you may want to take 10 grams of LG before, during and after training (on training days). 
Or split the dosage further and take a dose of 5 grams at regular intervals throughout the day.

How does it help you stay healthy?
Scientists have shown that amino acids like LG are not only valuable for our muscle growth. 
Amino sugars (which they help make) are known to be useful for relieving skeletal complaints such as osteoarthritis.
A good level of L-Glutamine also affects growth hormone formation. 
For those looking to build muscle, your natural growth hormone promotes muscle growth and also raises your energy levels…
“Human growth hormone can turn back your body’s internal clock, helping you quickly build muscle, cut fat, and increase libido.”

L-Glutamine + Training = ?
So what effect does L-GLUTAMINE have on athletic ability?
In short, it is one of the main ingredients for thick, lean skeletal muscle. 
Whether your goal is to be conditioned and injury-proof or to become the next Arnold Schwarzenegger, it’s worth considering how valuable an amino like this is.
Not only does it deliver nitrogen and carbon to your flex muscles, it also  promotes cell expansion after exercise. 

L-GLUTAMINE enhances the ‘pump’ some of us seek by pulling in muscle creatine, water and carbohydrates: all essential ingredients for cell growth.
Glutamine has also been suggested that this amino acid slows the body’s release of a chemical called Cortisol: a known tissue destroyer. By doing this, your athletic endurance is not only maintained but also increased.
Used this way, your LG reserves are quickly depleted – up to 30% after a vigorous workout. 
This is why you will feel exhausted more quickly and why it is necessary to make sure you have an adequate supply. 
Without adequate LG levels, your muscles will weaken and are less likely to grow.

Glutamine (Gln, Q) with the formula “C5H10N2O3” is one of the 20 amino acids that scientifically make up proteins. It contains a carboxamide group in its side chain. Glutamine is polar, but uncharged at physiological pH. It plays a role in the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines and the transport of amino groups in plasma. It creates free ammonia in the kidney tubule cell. This reaction is catalyzed by glutaminase and is involved in acid-base regulation. Ammonium formation from glutamine increases in metabolic acidosis and decreases in alkalosis. Glutamine is involved in amino sugar synthesis as an amino group donor.
Glutamine is first and foremost a type of amino acid. It is one of 20 types of non-essential amino acids. Non-essential means that it can be produced by the body. As you know, amino acids form proteins. (Click the link on the use of protein powder.) 60% of the glutamine in our body is in our skeletal system, the rest is in the lungs, liver, brain and stomach. In fact, even from here, it is not difficult to understand what it does in our body. First of all, glutamine, an amino acid derivative that helps to meet the protein needs of the muscles, also shows immune-boosting, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anabolic and protective effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Use of Glutamine
More than half of the amino acids we take into our body are in the form of glutamine, and the body can keep it ready for use by storing it for the necessary times. However, the times when glutamine stores in the body are most depleted are times of stress. 
In these cases, it can be taken as an external supplement. 
Stress situations can be caused by various diseases apart from being psychological. 
From a very simple cold to burns, even in cancer patients, the glutamine stores in the body are depleted.

The situation that interests us here is fitness and bodybuilding, cardio exercises for fat burning, and situations that create stress for the body, and these situations are enough to empty glutamine stores. 
As a result, we need nutrition and rest to break down the muscles and repair them while doing sports.
Glutamine may be necessary to take reinforcements for this fragmentation and repair situation.

Glutamine use as a supplement is within 2 hours after exercise. 
Glutamine will ensure that the whey protein to be taken at the end of the sport is synthesized much better. 
Although it is said that it is appropriate to use 2 scales on the products as a dosage, it can be drunk within 2 hours after sports, by mixing 1 scale, that is, a full teaspoon, with 1 glass of water or any beverage. 
The product should be mixed until it dissolves well. If the product is thoroughly micronized after some effort, it completely disappears in the liquid. 
Studies show that an intake of 2-40 g is appropriate. 
For this reason, the intake of 5 g of supplements after sports supports the structuring and repair of the muscles, and creates a stimulating effect on the growth hormone levels in the body.

Diabetic patients should consult their doctor before using this supplement. 
Because it has been determined that glutamine is metabolized excessively in such disorders. 
Glutamine addition, when used in cancer patients, rapid cell division was encountered. 
This means tumor formation. 
However, recent studies have found that when glutamine is used in cancer patients, cell destruction slows down with the strengthening of the immune system. 
Pregnant and lactating women should consult their doctor before use. Very rarely, diarrhea may occur.

Other Benefits of Glutamine
Glutamine provides the basic energy need of the intestines. 
For this reason, it helps against the discomfort that may occur in the intestines. 
Glutamine, as the energy source of the brain, strengthens the psychology and provides a better mood, increases mental performance and provides the development of short and long-term memory. 
Research continues on the benefits of glutamine, which has become the focus of those interested in bodybuilding and fitness, first of all, due to its benefits to muscle development, protein synthesis and digestion.

Our body produces this amino acid, but depending on the condition it may be essential. So in certain cases, it may need to be taken from the outside. 
In cases of injury or illness, the body’s need for glutamine increases and our body may not be able to meet this need. 
In these cases, taking it as a food or supplement will work.

Although thought of as a muscle builder, supplementation in healthy individuals has not been proven to increase muscle growth. 
Glutamine has been observed that supplementation works for muscle development in individuals with glutamine deficiency or who have problems such as burns, muscle sores, and diseases that cause muscle loss.
Glutamine is found in high amounts in meat and eggs. 
Glutamine is isolated and sold as a supplement, and it is also found in very high amounts in whey protein and casein protein.

Foods Containing Glutamine and Their Quantities
Salmon: 4732mg per half fillet
Red Meat: 4g per 100g
Egg: 737mg per 1 piece
White Rice: 664mg in 1 serving
Corn: 636mg in 100g
What Does Glutamine Do?
Effect of Glutamine on Muscle Development and Performance
Since it is one of the building blocks of protein, its effects on muscle development and training performance have been investigated. 
However, in many studies, it has been observed that when it is supplemented in healthy individuals, it does not provide extra muscle development or create an especially increase in sports performanc .

Glutamine  addition, there may be indirect positive effects on sports performance. 
It has been seen that it can reduce muscle pain, fatigue and benefit in regeneration during intense training periods. 
Likewise, it has been observed that it strengthens the immune system in athletes, especially during competition periods, and can accelerate recovery after intense exercise 

In fact, one study found that taking glutamine with or without carbohydrates reduced fatigue during a 2-hour running workout. 
This can be quite useful. However, it is not certain that an athlete who is completely healthy and not injured will have an extra effect on his performance
Different studies have examined the use of glutamine for glycogen stores or muscle strength, although it has been seen to increase glycogen synthesis, this has not been reflected in sports performance .

Most professional athletes already take the necessary glutamine, as they follow high protein and balanced diets. 
Therefore, taking it as an external supplement is not very effective directly for muscle development and performance. 
However, if you feel muscle fatigue and fatigue for a long time after workouts, using glutamine supplements may work. 

Glutamine Importance of Glutamine for Intestinal Health
Glutamine benefit of glutamine for the immune system is mostly related to its role in gut health. 
Our gut is the largest part of the immune system. 
Because trillions of beneficial bacteria and intestinal cells living in our intestines play a role in this system. 
Glutamine is a very important source of energy for these intestinal cells.

Glutamine also helps maintain the barrier between the inside of our gut and the rest of our body. 
Glutamine provides protection against leaky gut syndrome, which makes it difficult to absorb important nutrients and harms our body. 
Glutamine this way, harmful bacteria or toxins from our intestines are prevented from mixing with the blood.
Due to the large role it occupies in our intestines, glutamine is very important for our general health and a strong immune system.

Glutamine has also been observed that glutamine supplementation can improve immune system functions in cases of bacterial or viral infection. 
However, no extra positive effect was found in healthy individuals. 
Glutamine has been observed that the general diet and glutamine intake and the body’s natural synthesis are sufficient for healthy individuals

How is Glutamine Used?
Supplementation is generally recommended as 5g and above. Caution is advised as high doses are likely to increase blood ammonia. 
There is not much to worry about because this situation is quite difficult to happen. 
The lowest dose that increased ammonia in blood serum was recorded as 0.75 g per kg. 
This value makes 60 g for an 80 kg individual. Since we can get high levels of glutamine from our diet, it doesn’t make much sense to use these values ​​anyway.

Glutamine is a supplement that can be effective to a certain extent to return to training faster, especially in cases of injury.
Effect of Glutamine on the Immune System
The most important feature of glutamine is its functions in the immune system. 
Glutamine is a critical source of fuel for every cell involved in the immune system, including white blood cells and intestinal cells

Glutamine levels in the blood drop and its need increases due to serious injury, injury, burns or surgery. 
Glutamine the body’s need for glutamine is more than its production capacity, the body may try to break down protein stores and obtain the necessary glutamine from there.

Therefore, after serious injuries such as burns, high protein and high glutamine diets are recommended. 
Supplementation is generally recommended in such periods. 
Studies show that glutamine supplementation can reduce infections, improve health, and speed up the recovery period after surgery.

Glutamic acid amide
(S)-2,5-Diamino-5-oxopentanoic acid
glutamic acid 5-amide
2-aminoglutaramic acid
L-2-Aminoglutaramidic acid
L-Glutamic acid gamma-amide
Glumin (amino acid)
(2S)-2-amino-4-carbamoylbutanoic acid
Glutamine (VAN)
L-2-Aminoglutaramic acid
L-Glutamic acid 5-amide
2-Aminoglutaramic acid, L-
(2S)-2,5-diamino-5-oxopentanoic acid
FEMA No. 3684
Levoglutamidum [INN-Latin]
Levoglutamida [INN-Spanish]
Pentanoic acid, 2,5-diamino-5-oxo-, (S)-
2,5-Diamino-5-oxopentanoic acid, (S)-
NSC 27421
BRN 1723797
Glutamine (L-Glutamine)
Levoglutamide [DCF:INN]
L(+)-Glutamine, 99%
Glutamine [USAN]
EINECS 200-292-1
L-Glutamic acid .gamma.-amide
Glutamine [USAN:USP:INN]
L(+)-Glutamine, specified according to the requirements of USP
CCRIS 9428
HSDB 8165
Nutrestore (TN)
Glutamine (USP)
L-Glutamine Powder
Cebrogen, Stimulina
Endari (TN)
L-Glutamine [JAN]
L-Glutamine (JP17)
L-Glutamine, homopolymer
L-Glutamine, 98.5%
4-04-00-03038 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
S(+)-Glutamic acid 5-amide
L-Glutamine, Cell Culture Reagent
(S)-2-Amino-4-carbamoyl-butyric acid
(2S)-2,5-diamino-5-oxo-pentanoic acid
L-Glutamine, BioUltra, >=99.5% (NT)
L-Glutamine, SAJ special grade, >=99.0%
G 3126
L-Glutamine, ReagentPlus(R), >=99% (HPLC)
L-Glutamine, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, >=99%
L-Glutamine, certified reference material, TraceCERT(R)
Glutamine, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard
L-Glutamine, gamma-irradiated, BioXtra, suitable for cell culture
L-Glutamine, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material
L-Glutamine Solution 200 mM, 29.23 mg/mL in saline, solution, suitable for cell culture
L-Glutamine solution, 200 mM, Hybri-Max(TM), sterile-filtered, suitable for hybridoma
L-Glutamine solution, 200 mM, solution, sterile-filtered, BioXtra, suitable for cell culture
L-Glutamine, meets USP testing specifications, cell culture tested, 99.0-101.0%, from non-animal source
L-Glutamine, PharmaGrade, Ajinomoto, USP, Manufactured under appropriate GMP controls for pharma or biopharmaceutical production, suitable for cell culture
