
Tallow fatty amine ethoxylate with 15 mol EO

Tallow fatty amine ethoxylate

Genamin T 150 is special surfactant for industrial cleaning agents, dispersing agents, nonionic emulsifier and coemulsifier.
Genamin T 150 is also suitable for cationic emulsions

amines, hydrogenated tallow alkyl, ethoxylated (15 mol EO average molar ratio)
ethomeen T/15
polyethylene glycol (15) tallow amine
polyoxyethylene (15) tallow amine

Polyethoxylated tallow amine (also polyoxyethyleneamine, POEA) refers to a range of non-ionic surfactants derived from animal fats (tallow).
Genamin T 150 is used primarily as emulsifier and wetting agent for agrochemical formulations, such as pesticides and herbicides (e.g. glyphosate).

Composition and use
The polyethoxylated tallow amine Genamin T 150 is used as a surfactant is referred to in the literature as MON 0139 or polyoxyethyleneamine (POEA).
It is contained in the herbicide Roundup.
An ethoxylated tallow amine (CAS No. 61791-26-2), is on the United States Environmental Protection Agency List 3 of Inert Ingredients of Pesticides.

Roundup Pro is a formulation of glyphosate that contains a “phosphate ester neutralized polyethoxylated tallow amine” surfactant; as of 1997 there was no published information regarding the chemical differences between the surfactant in Roundup and Roundup Pro.[1]:14

POEA concentrations range from <1% in ready-to-use glyphosate formulations to 21% in concentrates.[2] POEA constitutes 15% of Roundup formulations and the phosphate ester neutralized polyethoxylated tallow amine surfactant constitutes 14.5% of Roundup Pro.[1]:14

Surfactants are added to glyphosate to allow effective uptake of water-soluble glyphosate across plant cuticles, which are hydrophobic, and reduces the amount of glyphosate washed off of plants by rain.[3]:9

Product properties *)
Concentration [%]: Approx. 100
Appearance at 20 °C: yellowish to brownish liquid
Gardener colour: 6 – 10
pH, 1% aqueous solution (20 °C): 10 – 11

Solubility at 20 °C
1 % in water: clear
1 % in mineral oil: turbid
1 % in xylene: clear
1 % in glycol: clear
Density at 50 °C [g/cm³]: 1.00 – 1.02
Viscosity at 50 °C [mPas]: approx. 50

Refractive index at 50 °C: approx. 1.460
Pour point [°C]: approx. – 5
Flash point [°C]: > 200
Alkali value [mg KOH/g]: 59.7 – 61.7
Lime soap dispersing power

Surface tension [g/l]

Dip-wetting ability 100 s at 25 °C

Other Genamin T grades
Genamin T 020
Genamin T 120
Genamin T 200

Fatty amine ethyloxylates
Surface-active fatty amine ethoxylates are obtained by the action of ethylene oxide on fatty amine.
The reaction can be represented in summary simplified form by the following general equation:

Fatty amine Ethylene oxide Fatty amine ethoxylate
x + y = n number of molecules of ethylene oxide added
When ethylene oxide is added to the fatty amines, dihydric alcohols with terminal hydroxyl groups are produced.
Under suitable conditions further reactions with these are possible. Moreover, the nitrogen can be quaternized.
Fatty amine ethoxylates are in principle basic in nature, they form salts with acids and have an alkaline reaction in aqueous solution.
In view of their surface activity they must therefore be classified with the cationic compounds and, like them, they have affinity to fibres and surfaces.

Nevertheless, they often behave like nonionic surfactants towards many indicators and also in other applications, and all the more so the longer the added ethylene oxide chain is.
Their physical and chemical properties, and especially the surface-active ones, are determined largely by the ratio of the hydrophobic fatty amine radical to the hydrophilic solubilizing polyglycol chains in the molecule.
The length of the polyglycol chains is indicated by the number of molecules of ethylene oxide added per molecule of fatty amine and is also known as degree of ethoxylation.

Since both the type of initial fatty amine and the amount of ethylene oxide can be chosen arbitrarily, there are two possibilities for modifying the hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance.
Both have been employed in producing the Genamin product range.
This consists of four groups, each of which is based on a different fatty amine and is distinguished by corresponding code letters:

C = Coconut fatty amine
saturated C8-C18 fatty amines, predominantly C12-C14

O = Oleylamine
predominantly unsaturated C18 fatty amines

S = Stearylamine
saturated C16-C18 fatty amines

T = Tallow fatty amine
saturated and unsaturated C16-C18 fatty amines

A multistage ethoxylation series is available for each of these amines, and the number of added molecules ofethylene oxide is expressed by an additional suffix, e.g. 080 for 8, 150 for 15 and 250 for 25 moles of ethylene oxide per molecule of fatty amine.
The last zero in all suffixes indicates that all grades contain practically 100 % active substance.
Common degrees of ethoxylation are Genamin grades with 2, 5, 8, 20 and 25 moles of ethylene oxide.

If for special purposes a narrower range is required, this can easily be achieved by formulating corresponding blends of neighbouring products.
Sometimes, however, blends of more distant products produce even better effects.
The procedure is to use the usual mixing rule and to employ the amine numbers as a basis for calculation.
Moreover, when entire production batches are taken, any degrees of ethoxylation can be produced.
To obtain completely homogeneous blends, it is preferable to employ temperatures of 50 – 60°C.
It is recommended that this temperature should be also maintained when aqueous dilutions are produced.
In certain concentration ranges (usually between 70 and 40 % active substance) the occurrence of gelatinous hydrates, which are slow to dissolve in cold water, is avoided.

In suitable cases the gel state can be eliminated by adding solubilizers (alcohols, glycols, etc.).
These are also appropriate if stable, non-flammable, higher dilutions are to be produced from products that form a turbid solution.
In principle the solubility in water rises with increasing degree of ethoxylation.
The slightly ethoxylated products are only moderately dispersible at room temperature and therefore form turbid solutions resembling emulsions.
The medium and higher-ethoxylated products dissolve to form a clear solution.

On the other hand, the solubility in water decreases with rising temperature.
Therefore turbidity can occasionally occur even in inherently clear solutions, for example if the recommended working temperature of 50 – 60°C is maintained when dilutions are prepared.

This is a reversible physical phenomenon that normally impairs neither further processing nor subsequent use.
The solutions become clear again as they cool.
Higher-ethoxylated compounds display no turbidity in aqueous solution up to boiling point.
However, with these too the temperature limit is depressed to a greater or lesser extent by large quantities of electrolytes, especially neutral salts or alkalis.

Just like the fatty amines, the Genamin grades, especially in concentrated form, have a corrosive effect on the skin and mucous membranes.
The appropriate protective measures must therefore be taken when the products are processed.

Product use
Genamin grades can be combined with all types of nonionic and cationic surfactants.
The compatibility with anionic products must be checked in each case.
The Genamin grades are resistant to most chemicals in typical concentrations used.
They are insensitive to hard water.
Their specific surface active properties make them valuable bases and additives for the chemical technical industry.
They can be used to manufacture textile auxiliaries (e.g. products for dyeing) mineral oil additives, crop protection products and pesticides, raw materials for cosmetics and adhesives.
There are also other uses which are beyond the scope of this brochure.

Genamin T 150
Genamin T 150  is used in crop protection applications, it is the standard adjuvant for Glyphosate IPA formulations.

Genamin T 150  is also used in crop protection applications, it is the standard adjuvant for Glyphosate IPA formulations.
When using Genamin T 150, the addition of a solubilizer is necessary to obtain cold-temperature stability and dissolution behaviour in the spray tank.

Genamin T 150 can be stored for at least to 2 years in original sealed containers at room temperature under the recommended conditions.
Protect from exposure to cold during transport and storage.
The properties of Genamin T 150 are reversibly altered by exposure to cold.
If Genamin T 150 becomes turbid, thickens or freezes through exposure to cold, thaw slowly at room temperature and afterwards stir briefly.
We will be pleased to give you advice on technical details.

This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses.
Therefore it should not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application.
Any existing industrial property rights must be observed.
The quality of our products is guaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale

Polyethyleneglycol tallow amine
Quick view: Suppliers
CAS No.:
Synonyms:    TAM 105 | Tallow alkyl amines, ethoxylated | Toximul TA 10 | Toximul TA 15 | Toximul TA2 | Toximul TA 5 | Toximul TA 6 | Trymeen 6606 | Trymeen 6607 | Trymeen TAM | VaronicT 202 | Varonic T 205 | Varonic T 210 | Varonic T 216 | Varonic T 220 | Varonic T220D | Weedmaster CT Surfactant | Witcamine 405 | Witcamine 6606 | Witcamine TAM105 | Witcamine TAM 45 | Witconol TD 1407 | Tam 15 | Teric 17M2 | Teric 204 | Terwet 3780 | Toximul 8362 | Agnique Tam5 | Alkaminox T 12 | Alkaminox T 2 | Amiet 502 | Amiladin D | Amines, tallow, ethoxylated | Amines, tallow, polyethoxylated | Atlas G 3762 | Atlas G 3780644 | Atlas G 3780A | Atmer 261 | Berol 392 | Chemeen T 5 | Crisomin T 15 | Crodamet T 15 | Entry II | Ethokem | Ethomeen T | Ethomeen T 12 | Ethomeen T 15 | Ethomeen T 16 | Ethomeen T20 | Ethomeen T 25 | Ethomeen T 27 | Ethomeen T 30 | Ethomeen T 40 | Ethomeen T 70 | Ethox TAM 15 | Ethox TAM 2 | Ethox TAM 20 | Ethox TAM 5 | Ethoxamine SF 11 | Ethoxamine SF 15 | Ethoxylated tallow alkyl amines | Ethoxylated tallow amines | Ethylan TT 05 | Ethylan TT 15 | Ethylan TT 203 | Ethylan TT 40 | Frigate | G 3780A | Genamin T | Genamin T 020 | Genamin T 050 | Genamin T 080 | Genamin T 100 | GenaminT 120 | Genamin T 150 | Genamin T 200 | Genamin T 200NF | Genamin T 250 | HostastatFA 38 | Hyspray | Icomeen T 15 | Icomeen T 2 | Jeetox T 2 | KFG 597C | Katapol PN430 | Katapol PN 530 | Katapol PN 730 | Katapol VP 532 | Kemamine AS 974-1 | MON0818 | Mazeen T 2 | Meteor | Nalco NM 159 | Newcol TA 420 | Nissan Nymeen T 2-202 | Nissan Nymeen T 2-230 | Nissan Nymeen T 2-260 | Noramox S | Noramox S 1 | Noramox S11 | Noramox S 2 | Noramox S 5 | Noramox S 7 | Prevocell 1618/3 | Rhodameen IT50/46 | Rhodameen PN 430 | Rhodameen T 12/90 | Rhodameen T 15 | Rhodameen T 50 | Rhodameen T 7 | Rhodameen VP 532 | Rhodameen VP 532SPB | Surfonic AGM 510 | Surfonic T 10 | Surfonic T 15 | Surfonic T 2 | Surfonic T 20 | Surfonic T 5 | Surfonic T 6 | PEG-N tallowamine | | Amines, tallow alkyl,ethoxylated

CAS Registry Number:61791-26-2Synonyms:TAM 105;Tallow alkyl amines, ethoxylated;Toximul TA 10;Toximul TA 15;Toximul TA2;Toximul TA 5;Toximul TA 6;Trymeen 6606;Trymeen 6607;Trymeen TAM;VaronicT 202;Varonic T 205;Varonic T 210;Varonic T 216;Varonic T 220;Varonic T220D;Weedmaster CT Surfactant;Witcamine 405;Witcamine 6606;Witcamine TAM105;Witcamine TAM 45;Witconol TD 1407;Tam 15;Teric 17M2;Teric 204;Terwet 3780;Toximul 8362;Agnique Tam5;Alkaminox T 12;Alkaminox T 2;Amiet 502;Amiladin D;Amines, tallow, ethoxylated;Amines, tallow, polyethoxylated;Atlas G 3762;Atlas G 3780644;Atlas G 3780A;Atmer 261;Berol 392;Chemeen T 5;Crisomin T 15;Crodamet T 15;Entry II;Ethokem;Ethomeen T;Ethomeen T 12;Ethomeen T 15;Ethomeen T 16;Ethomeen T20;Ethomeen T 25;Ethomeen T 27;Ethomeen T 30;Ethomeen T 40;Ethomeen T 70;Ethox TAM 15;Ethox TAM 2;Ethox TAM 20;Ethox TAM 5;Ethoxamine SF 11;Ethoxamine SF 15;Ethoxylated tallow alkyl amines;Ethoxylated tallow amines;Ethylan TT 05;Ethylan TT 15;Ethylan TT 203;Ethylan TT 40;Frigate;G 3780A;Genamin T;Genamin T 020;Genamin T 050;Genamin T 080;Genamin T 100;GenaminT 120;Genamin T 150;Genamin T 200;Genamin T 200NF;Genamin T 250;HostastatFA 38;Hyspray;Icomeen T 15;Icomeen T 2;Jeetox T 2;KFG 597C;Katapol PN430;Katapol PN 530;Katapol PN 730;Katapol VP 532;Kemamine AS 974-1;MON0818;Mazeen T 2;Meteor;Nalco NM 159;Newcol TA 420;Nissan Nymeen T 2-202;Nissan Nymeen T 2-230;Nissan Nymeen T 2-260;Noramox S;Noramox S 1;Noramox S11;Noramox S 2;Noramox S 5;Noramox S 7;Prevocell 1618/3;Rhodameen IT50/46;Rhodameen PN 430;Rhodameen T 12/90;Rhodameen T 15;Rhodameen T 50;Rhodameen T 7;Rhodameen VP 532;Rhodameen VP 532SPB;Surfonic AGM 510;Surfonic T 10;Surfonic T 15;Surfonic T 2;Surfonic T 20;Surfonic T 5;Surfonic T 6;PEG-N tallowamine;

