Dodicor 2565

Dodicor 2565

Dodicor 2565

Dodicor 2565 is an excellent corrosion inhibitor in acidic solutions, especially phosphoric acid or sulfamic acid.
Dodicor 2565 provides excellent protection of steel and zinc.
Dodicor 2565 provides syngeristic effect with Dodicor 2725 NF

Quaternary aryl ammonium chloride in ethylene glycol/ water

Product properties *)
Appearance: brownish liquid
Density [g/cm³]: 1.15 at 20°C
Viscosity [mPas]: 40 at 20°C
Flash point [°C]: > 100
pH value (1% in dist. water at 20°C): 3.5 – 5
Pour point [°C]: < -20
Water content (Karl-Fischer method) [%]: max. 13.0
NaCl [%]: 9 – 11

Dodicor 2565 is a very specific acid inhibitor for zinc, but also protects steel against attack by mineral acids.
Dodicor 2565 is effective at inhibiting sulphamic, phosphoric, sulfuric, hydrochloric, and organic carboxylic acids.
The protection level of Dodicor 2565 on steel surfaces does not completely equal that of other specialized inhibitors, but because of its excellent effect on zincsurfaces and, in contrast to other inhibitors, its good solubility and low foam characteristics, it is in many cases preferable to them

Soluble in water and acids, in certain cases under slight turbidity

When stored outdoors in is original sealed drums,DODICOR 2565 has a practically unlimited storage life.
Freezing temperatures and heat do not harm the product in any way.
The solidified product can be brought back into the liquid state by heating above the pour point and homogenizing by stirring.

DODICOR 2565 is a very specific acid inhibitor for zinc, but also protects steel against attack by mineral acids.
Due to its minimal non surface active structure and good water solubility DODICOR 2565 is recommended as general and HCl inibitor for wet crude oil or gas systems that have a tendency to foam or emulsifying.

As shown in the accompanying tables, the necessary concentration of DODICOR 2565 in the final acid formulation is generally 1-5 g/l.
If DODICOR 2565 is to be added to a more concentrated formulation, which has to be diluted with water before use, then the dilution factor should be taken into account accordingly.

In order to improve wettability it is recommended to add a nonionic surfactant like Exosel 118 or similar to the acid cleaning formulation.

In amounts of 0.5 -2% calculated on DODICOR 2565 the nonionic surfactant usually removes any cloudiness present completely.

1. Inhibiting of sulphamic acid Sulphamic acid as a 5-15% solution is effective as a descaling agent for equipment, vessels and associated pipework.
The action of this acid is weaker than that of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, but in many cases it is necessary or at least advisable to use a corrosion inhibitor for inhibiting.
This applies to steel, cast iron and above all to zinc and galvanized steel surfaces.

DODICOR 2565 is very well suited for the latter in particular, , using concentrations of 1-10 2 – 10) g/l.
At these same concentrations steel and cast iron are afforded excellent protection.
Ideally, DODICOR 2565 should be added to the sulphamic acid solution at the time this is being produced.

2. Inhibiting of phosphoric acid
Phosphoric acid and phosphoric acid containing cleaning solutions are frequently used to dissolve residues of concrete, chalk and mortar in the building industry.
As with sulphamic acid, the use of a corrosion inhibitor is recommended for the cleaning of steel and cast iron, but it is absolutely necessary for galvanized surfaces.
DODICOR 2565 is especially suited in these situations.
For removing concrete the following formulation is advised:

20% Phosphoric acid, 85% conc.
3% DODICOR 2565
77% Water

Depending on the application, the above concentrate may be diluted with one to four parts water (ie, from 1:1 to 1:4).
The exact degree of dilution and respective rate of action must be determined by trial and error.
A special pamphlet informing on practical tests on removal of concrete from zinc protected steel pipe can be made available on request.
Phosphoric acid is frequently also used in rust remover preparations.
It is highly recommended to add DODICOR 2565 to such preparations both to inhibit steel attack and to achieve additional safety against zinc dissolution.

Recommended formulations:
General purpose rust remover
30-40% Phosphoric acid, 85% conc.
2% DODICOR 2565 made up in water to 100%
Surface (atmospheric) rust remover
5-10% Phosphoric acid, 85% conc.
0.3-0.5% DODICOR 2565 made up in water to 100%

3. Inhibiting other acids
In addition to being an inhibitor for sulphamic and phosphoric acid, DODICOR 2565 is effective in inhibiting sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and organic carboxylic acids.
The protection level of DODICOR 2565 on steel surfaces does not completely equal that of other specialised inhibitors, but because of its excellent effect on zinc surfaces and, in contrast to other inhibitors, its good solubility and low foam characteristics, it
is in many cases preferable to them.

Application possibilities include acid cleaning, descaling, and rust remover formulations.
As a chloride containing compound DODICOR 2565 can cause pitting on certain chromium-nickel steels.

4. Inhibiting systems containing more than one metal
When a system to be cleaned contains other steel besides zinc and galvanized steel parts, a mixture of DODICOR 2725 and DODICOR 2565 can, in certain cases, be advantageous as an acid inhibitor.
This depends on the surface ratio of the two metals, thesafety measures that may be necessary and whether the metals are galvanically connected.

As an example, Table 3 shows some values for a zinc/steel ratio of 1:1 using a mixture of 4:1 DODICOR 2725 : DODICOR 2565 as inhibitor.
It can be clearly seen that when the steel and zinc surfaces are in galvanic contact the zinc protection is poor, but in the opposite case, with no galvanic contact between the steel and zinc, the protection of both metals is excellent.

Dodicor 2565 can be stored for at least to 2 years in original sealed sontainers at room temperature under the recommended conditions.
Protect from exposure to cold during transport and storage.
The properties of Dodicor 2565 are reversibly altered by exposure to cold.
If Dodicor 2565 becomes turbid, thickens or freezes through exposure to cold, thaw slowly at room temperature and afterwards stir briefly.

This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses.
Therefore it should not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application.
Any existing industrial property rights must be observed.
The quality of our products is guaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale.
