Bio-Lissom Fat-Reducing

Bio-Lissom Fat-Reducing

BIO-lissom fat-Reduction Capsule is a weight reduction pill hat can modify the body appearance in a short time, eliminate the excessive fat, and reconstruct the perfect contour. After taking it, you will find that 7-11 kg of your excess body weight has been reduced, creating the more appealing posture and reconstructing the nice contour. It is produced by Beijing Shengyonghe Bio-engineering Co., Ltd., which has been authenticated by China GMP, and approved by American FDA(Food and Drug Administration), it is sold well in Europe and America with the first grade quality.

Main ingredients: ginseng, lotus leaf extract, tea, snow lotus, saffron and medlar
Main functions: improve fat metabolism, reduce fat accumulation, reduce body weight, modify body contour, improve appearance, inhibit the growth of acne, expel toxin, nourish intestinal tract, and relieve constipation.
Applicable for: adolescent obesity, nutritional obesity, puerperal obesity and etc.
Usage and dosage: 1capsules twice a day, 30 minutes before meals.
