PubChem CID | 3007 |
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Molecular Formula | C9H13N |
Synonyms |
Molecular Weight | 135.21 |
Amphetamine is a synthetic substance related to natural sympathomimetic amines. Amphetamine appears to exert its central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral effects indirectly by inducing the release of biogenic amines from their storage sites in nerve terminals. This agent is a commonly abused psychostimulant drug, which may be snorted, taken orally, smoked, or injected. Amphetamine induces psychologic dependence which is manifested by elevated mood, increased wakefulness, concentration, physical performance and a feeling of well-being. With sustained use, the effects of tachycardia and enhanced alertness diminish while psychotoxic effects such as hallucinations and delusions may occur. (NCI04)