The Uses and Benefits of Solid Zinc Chloride
Granular Zinc Chloride is used for applications across many industries.

Ataman’s largest markets for solid Zinc Chloride are industrial applications, pharmaceuticals, and the plating industry.
Most of the industries that use this product are looking to add a zinc source to their applications for various reasons.

Zinc chloride is a chemical compound whose formula is ZnCl2, with a molecular weight of 136.3 g / mol.
This product is hygroscopic and deliquescent and therefore must be protected from moisture, even that contained in the atmosphere.

One of the main applications of zinc chloride is to act as an electrolyte in dry batteries (zinc-carbon).
Zinc chloride has the ability to attack the metal oxides, this property allowing its use as flux in the weld metal, dissolving the oxide layers, and leaving the metal surface clean.
Zinc chloride is used in various fields such as water treatment, as a fireproofing agent in textile processing and in the manufacture of bactericides, fungicides and stabilizers for plastics.

This product can be manufactured in liquid form at any concentration up to 65% in solid form as a dry powder.
The anhydrous material is packed in polyethylene valve bags of 25 or 50 Kgs, in big bags of 1.000 Kgs and in metal drums of 250 Kgs.
The liquid material can be delivered in tankers or IBC’S of 1.000 lts.
All the packaging we use is UN approved.

The Uses and Benefits of Liquid Zinc Chloride
Due to its high solulability, Zinc Chloride is available in highly concentrated solutions.
The industry standard solids content is 62.5%, though concentrations of 50%, 65%, and 68% are also available.

Zinc is highly effective corrosion inhibitor by forming a protective film on metal surfaces specially where high heat flux is found as in the steel mill cooling water system .
Zinc chloride and zinc bromide and even zinc hydroxide may be used as soluble zinc salt.
Recently the effect of combining the carboxylic acid with very small amounts of zinc chloride in sufficient to provide up to 4 ppm soluble zinc by weight results in effective corrosion inhibitor package.
This package is defined as more environmentally friendly than the common phosphate corrosion inhibitors which used in cooling water applications.

Zinc Chloride – Uses
Zinc Chloride is commonly used in dry cell batteries as an electrolyte where it also acts as a moisture absorbent and corrosion inhibitor.
ATAMAN Kimya provides a Battery Grade in both a 50% and 62.5% solution.

Zinc Chloride is used in fluxes for galvanizing, soldering and tinning.
Its ability to remove oxides and salts from metal surfaces insures good metal to metal bonding.

Zinc Chloride may be reacted with chelating agents to form solutions of zinc that are biologically available to plants and animals.
Zinc is one of the essential elements for plant and animal life.

Zinc Chloride is an excellent emulsion breaker and is used to separate oil from water.
It is also an effective packer fluid in oil and gas wells due to its high specific gravity.

Zinc Chloride is used in specialty corrosion inhibitors in cooling towers, potable water, and in gas and oil wells.

Zinc Chloride has been used as a catalyst in production of methylene chloride from methyl alcohol.
In the textile industry it has found use in resin systems to impart durable press to cotton and synthetic fabrics.
It has been used in reclaiming rubber where it dissolves rayon cord.
In conjunction with sodium dichromate it has made an excellent wood preservative.
Zinc Chloride has found use in the manufacture of glue, diazo dyes, paper, cosmetics, rayon, synthetic fibers, disinfectants and fire fighting foam.
In ore refining it has been used as a flotation agent.
Zinc Chloride is an excellent source of zinc as a starting material in the production of other zinc chemicals and is an effective catalyst for removing molecules of water, ammonia or mercaptans.

The largest markets for our zinc chloride solution are:

Municipal Water Treatment Plants
Ataman provides our high-quality, highly concentrated Zinc Chloride solutions to many wastewater treatment plants where it is added in small doses to help both purify the water and act as a clarifying agent.
The ZnCl2 can also provide protection to metal distribution systems.

Other Zinc Chloride Uses
Zinc is a well known antibacterial and can be found in consumer products, such as antibacterial ointments and mouthwash.

Why Choose ATAMAN for Zinc Chloride?

Customers from large chemical distributors to small municipalities choose Ataman Chemicals for their zinc chloride needs because we provide what they need.
We have decades of experience producing and distributing our high-quality liquid and solid zinc chloride products.
We offer multiple quantities to fit your needs, and have a large selection of other products your industry needs, providing you with the one-stop-shop experience.

Zinc chloride is the name of chemical compounds with the formula ZnCl2 and its hydrates.
Zinc chlorides, of which nine crystalline forms are known, are colorless or white, and are highly soluble in water.
ZnCl2 itself is hygroscopic and even deliquescent.
Samples should therefore be protected from sources of moisture, including the water vapor present in ambient air.
Zinc chloride finds wide application in textile processing, metallurgical fluxes, and chemical synthesis.
No mineral with this chemical composition is known aside from the very rare mineral simonkolleite, Zn5(OH)8Cl2·H2O.

IUPAC name : Zinc chloride
Other names :
Zinc(II) chloride
Zinc dichloride
Butter of zinc

Anhydrous ZnCl2 can be prepared from zinc and hydrogen chloride:

Zn(s) + 2 HCl → ZnCl2 + H2(g)
Hydrated forms and aqueous solutions may be readily prepared similarly by treating Zn metal with hydrochloric acid. Zinc oxide and zinc sulfide react with HCl:

ZnS(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2S(g)
Unlike many other elements, zinc essentially exists in only one oxidation state, 2+, which simplifies purification of the chloride.

Commercial samples of zinc chloride typically contain water and products from hydrolysis as impurities.
Such samples may be purified by recrystallization from hot dioxane.
Anhydrous samples can be purified by sublimation in a stream of hydrogen chloride gas, followed by heating the sublimate to 400 °C in a stream of dry nitrogen gas.
Finally, the simplest method relies on treating the zinc chloride with thionyl chloride.

Other names: ZnCl2; Butter of zinc; Chlorure de zinc; Zinc (chlorure de); Zinc chloride (ZnCl2); Zinc dichloride; Zinc muriate; Zinc Butter; Zinco (cloruro di); Zinkchlorid; Zinkchloride; Tinning flux; UN 1840; UN 2331; Zinc chloride, anhydrous; Zinco; Zinctrace; Hydrochloric acid zinc salt (2:1)

Molten anhydrous ZnCl2 at 500–700 °C dissolves zinc metal, and, on rapid cooling of the melt, a yellow diamagnetic glass is formed, which Raman studies indicate contains the Zn2+
2 ion.

A number of salts containing the tetrachlorozincate anion, ZnCl2−4, are known.
“Caulton’s reagent”, V2Cl3(thf)6Zn2Cl6 is an example of a salt containing Zn2Cl2−6.
The compound Cs3ZnCl5 contains tetrahedral ZnCl2−4 and Cl− anions.

No compounds containing the ZnCl4−6 ion have been characterized.

Whilst zinc chloride is very soluble in water, solutions cannot be considered to contain simply solvated Zn2+ ions and Cl− ions, ZnClxH2O(4−x) species are also present.
Aqueous solutions of ZnCl2 are acidic: a 6 M aqueous solution has a pH of 1.
The acidity of aqueous ZnCl2 solutions relative to solutions of other Zn2+ salts is due to the  formation of the tetrahedral chloro aqua complexes where the reduction in coordination number from 6 to 4 further reduces the strength of the O–H bonds in the solvated water molecules.

In alkali solution in the presence of OH− ion various zinc hydroxychloride anions are present in solution, e.g. Zn(OH)3Cl2−, Zn(OH)2Cl2−2, ZnOHCl2−3, and Zn5(OH)8Cl2·H2O (simonkolleite) precipitates.

When ammonia is bubbled through a solution of zinc chloride, the hydroxide does not precipitate, instead compounds containing complexed ammonia (ammines) are produced, Zn(NH3)4Cl2·H2O
and on concentration ZnCl2(NH3)2.[23] The former contains the Zn(NH3)62+ ion, and the latter is molecular with a distorted tetrahedral geometry.
The species in aqueous solution have been investigated and show that Zn(NH3)42+ is the main species present with Zn(NH3)3Cl+ also present at lower NH3:Zn ratio.

Aqueous zinc chloride reacts with zinc oxide to form an amorphous cement that was first investigated in the 1855 by Stanislas Sorel.

Sorel later went on to investigate the related magnesium oxychloride cement, which bears his name.
When hydrated zinc chloride is heated, one obtains a residue of Zn(OH)Cl e.g.

ZnCl2·2H2O → ZnCl(OH) + HCl + H2O
The compound ZnCl2·​1⁄2HCl·H2O may be prepared by careful precipitation from a solution of ZnCl2 acidified with HCl.

It contains a polymeric anion (Zn2Cl5−)n with balancing monohydrated hydronium ions, H5O2+ ions.

The formation of highly reactive anhydrous HCl gas formed when zinc chloride hydrates are heated is the basis of qualitative inorganic spot tests.

The use of zinc chloride as a flux, sometimes in a mixture with ammonium chloride (see also Zinc ammonium chloride), involves the production of HCl and its subsequent reaction with surface oxides.
Zinc chloride forms two salts with ammonium chloride:

(NH4)2ZnCl4 and (NH4)3ClZnCl4, which decompose on heating liberating HCl, just as zinc chloride hydrate does.

The action of zinc chloride/ammonium chloride fluxes, for example, in the hot-dip galvanizing process produces H2 gas and ammonia fumes.

Cellulose dissolves in aqueous solutions of ZnCl2, and zinc-cellulose complexes have been detected.
Cellulose also dissolves in molten ZnCl2 hydrate and carboxylation and acetylation performed on the cellulose polymer.

Thus, although many zinc salts have different formulas and different crystal structures, these salts behave very similarly in aqueous solution.
For example, solutions prepared from any of the polymorphs of ZnCl2, as well as other halides (bromide, iodide), and the sulfate can often be used interchangeably for the preparation of other zinc compounds.

Illustrative is the preparation of zinc carbonate:

ZnCl2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) → ZnCO3(s) + 2 NaCl(aq)
As a metallurgical flux
Zinc chloride has the ability to react with metal oxides (MO) to give derivatives of the formula MZnOCl2.
This reaction is relevant to the utility of ZnCl2 solution as a flux for soldering — it dissolves oxide coatings, exposing the clean metal surface.
Fluxes with ZnCl2 as an active ingredient are sometimes called “tinner’s fluid”.

Typically this flux was prepared by dissolving zinc foil in dilute hydrochloric acid until the liquid ceased to evolve hydrogen; for this reason, such flux was once known as “killed spirits”.

Because of its corrosive nature, this flux is not suitable for situations where any residue cannot be cleaned away, such as electronic work.
This property also leads to its use in the manufacture of magnesia cements for dental fillings and certain mouthwashes as an active ingredient.

In organic synthesis
An early use of zinc chloride (Silzic) was in building carbon skeletons by condensation of methanol molecules.

Unsaturated hydrocarbons are the major products, with reaction conditions influencing the distribution of products, though some aromatic compounds were formed.

In 1880, it was found that molten zinc chloride catalyses an aromatization reaction generating hexamethylbenzene.

At the melting point of ZnCl2 (283 °C), the reaction has a ΔG = −1090 kJ/mol and can be idealised as 15 CH3OH → C6(CH3)6 + 3 CH4 + 15 H2O
The discoverers of this reaction rationalized it as involving condensation of methylene units followed by complete Friedel-Crafts methylation of the resulting benzene ring with chloromethane generated in situ.

Such an alkylation transformation is an application of zinc chloride’s moderate strength as a Lewis acid, which is its principal role in laboratory synthesis.

Other examples include catalyzing
(A) the Fischer indole synthesis,and also
(B) Friedel-Crafts acylation reactions involving activated aromatic rings.

Related to the latter is the classical preparation of the dye fluorescein from phthalic anhydride and resorcinol, which involves a Friedel-Crafts acylation.
This transformation has in fact been accomplished using even the hydrated ZnCl2 sample shown.

Hydrochloric acid alone reacts poorly with primary alcohols and secondary alcohols, but a combination of HCl with ZnCl2 (known together as the “Lucas reagent”) is effective for the preparation of alkyl chlorides.
Typical reactions are conducted at 130 °C.
This reaction probably proceeds via an SN2 mechanism with primary alcohols but SN1 pathway with  secondary alcohols.

Zinc chloride also activates benzylic and allylic halides towards substitution by weak nucleophiles such as alkenes:
In similar fashion, ZnCl2 promotes selective NaBH3CN reduction of tertiary, allylic or benzylic halides to the corresponding hydrocarbons.

Zinc chloride is also a useful starting reagent for the synthesis of many organozinc reagents, such as those used in the palladium catalyzed Negishi coupling with aryl halides or vinyl halides.
In such cases the organozinc compound is usually prepared by transmetallation from an organolithium or a Grignard reagent, for example:
Zinc enolates, prepared from alkali metal enolates and ZnCl2, provide control of stereochemistry in aldol condensation reactions due to chelation on to the zinc.

In the example shown below, the threo product was favored over the erythro by a factor of 5:1 when ZnCl2 in DME/ether was used.

The chelate is more stable when the bulky phenyl group is pseudo-equatorial rather than pseudo-axial, i.e., threo rather than erythro.

In textile and paper processing
Concentrated aqueous solutions of zinc chloride (more than 64% weight/weight zinc chloride in water) have the interesting property of dissolving starch, silk, and cellulose.
Thus, such solutions cannot be filtered through standard filter papers.

Relevant to its affinity for these materials, ZnCl2 is used as a fireproofing agent and in fabric “refresheners”  such as Febreze.
Vulcanized fibre is made by soaking paper in concentrated zinc chloride.

Smoke grenades
The zinc chloride smoke mixture (“HC”) used in smoke grenades contains zinc oxide, hexachloroethane and granular aluminium powder, which, when ignited, react to form zinc chloride, carbon and aluminium oxide smoke, an effective smoke screen.

Fingerprint detection
Ninhydrin reacts with amino acids and amines to form a colored compound “Ruhemann’s purple” (RP).
Spraying with a zinc chloride solution forms a 1:1 complex RP:ZnCl(H2O)2, which is more readily detected as it fluoresces better than Ruhemann’s purple.

Historically, a dilute aqueous solution of zinc chloride was used as a disinfectant under the name “Burnett’s Disinfecting Fluid”.
It is also used in some commercial brands of antiseptic mouthwash.

Skin cancer treatment
Zinc chloride has been used in alternative medicine to cause eschars, scabs of dead tissue, in an attempt to cure skin cancers.
Various products, such as Cansema or “black salve”, containing zinc chloride and sold as cancer cures have been listed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as fake with warning letters being sent to suppliers.

Numerous reports in medical literature describe serious scarring and damage to normal skin by escharotic substances.
Given these side-effects, its use in treatment is not warranted as there are much safer and more effective alternatives, such as radiation therapy and Mohs surgery.

Zinc chloride is a skin irritant.
After contact of the skin, immediate removal is necessary using soap and plenty of water.
After contact of the eyes, adequate measures are rinsing with plenty of water or other eye rinse and contacting an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Zinc chloride is caustic to the gastrointestinal tract, occasionally leading to hematemesis.
Symptoms of acute intoxication are gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain.
Vomiting occurs almost universally. The lethal dose in humans is 3–5 g.
Decontamination of the gastrointestinal tract after oral uptake of zinc compounds is mostly unnecessary, since patients usually vomit sufficiently.
Milk may be administered to decrease absorption of the metal. Zinc levels may be normalized with EDTA salts.

Zinc chloride is extremely detrimental to the lungs, and pulmonary exposure to zinc chloride smoke has previously resulted in fatalities.
Inhalation of fumes of zinc, zinc oxide, or zinc chloride leads to pulmonary edema and metal fume fever.

Onset occurs within 4–6 h and may be delayed up to 8 h.
Symptoms include rapid breathing, dyspnea, cough, fever, shivering, sweating, chest and leg pain, myalgias, fatigue, metallic taste, salivation, thirst, and leukocytosis, which can last from 24 to 48 h.
In cases of fume inhalation, cortisone preparations should be applied immediately (e.g., by inhalation of Auxiloson) to avoid development of lung edema.

zinc chloride
Zinc dichloride
Butter of zinc
Zinc(II) chloride
Zinc butter
Zinc chloride (ZnCl2)
Zinc chloride fume
Zine dichloride
Zinc chloride, (solution)
Zinc (chlorure de)
Zinco (cloruro di)
Zinkchlorid [German]
Zinkchloride [Dutch]
Caswell No. 910
Zinc chloride, solution
Chlorure de zinc [French]
Zinc (chlorure de) [French]
CCRIS 3509
Zinco (cloruro di) [Italian]
HSDB 1050
EINECS 231-592-0
EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 087801

Zinc Chloride Solution Anhydrous
Zinc chloride, 98+%, extra pure
Zinc chloride, 97+%, ACS reagent
Zinc chloride, 98.5%, for analysis
Zinc chloride, 0.7M solution in THF, AcroSeal(R)
Zinc chloride, 2M solution in 2-MeTHF, AcroSeal(R)
Zinc chloride, 99.99%, (trace metal basis), anhydrous
Zinc chloride, 99.99%, (trace metal basis), extra pure
Zinc chloride, 1.0M solution in diethyl ether, AcroSeal(R)
Zinc chloride 0.1 M solution
Zinc chloride (TN)
Zinc muriate, solution
Zinc chloride [USP:JAN]
Zinc chloride [USAN:JAN]
Zinc chloride (JP17/USP)
Zinc chloride, LR, >=97%
Zinc chloride, p.a., 97.0%
Zinc chloride in plastic container
Zinc chloride, for molecular biology
Zinc chloride, ACS reagent, >=97%
Zinc chloride, reagent grade, >=98%
Zinc chloride solution, 0.5 M in THF

Zinc chloride, 99.999% trace metals basis
Zinc chloride, SAJ first grade, >=95.0%
Zinc chloride, JIS special grade, >=98.0%
EC 231-592-0
Zinc chloride solution, 1.0 M in diethyl ether
Zinc chloride, anhydrous [UN2331] [Corrosive]
Zinc chloride, solution [UN1840] [Corrosive]
Zinc chloride, solution [UN1840] [Corrosive]

Zinc chloride, anhydrous [UN2331] [Corrosive]
Zinc chloride solution, 1.9 M in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran
Zinc chloride, BioReagent, for molecular biology, >=97.0%
Zinc chloride, anhydrous, powder, >=99.995% trace metals basis
Zinc chloride, anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri(TM), ACS reagent, >=97%
Zinc chloride, anhydrous, beads, amorphous, -10 mesh, 99.99% trace metals basis
Zinc chloride, anhydrous, beads, amorphous, -10 mesh, 99.999% trace metals basis
Zinc chloride, anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri(TM), reagent grade, >=98%
Zinc chloride, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, reag. ISO, reag. Ph. Eur., >=98%
Zinc chloride, puriss., meets analytical specification of Ph. Eur., BP, USP, 98-100.5%
Zinc atomic spectroscopy standard concentrate 1.00 g Zn, 1.00 g/L, for 1L standard solution, analytical standard

vapor pressure : 1 mmHg ( 428 °C)
assay: ≥98%
mp :293 °C (lit.)

General description
Electrodeposition of zinc on glassy carbon and nickel substrates in zinc chloride-1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride molten salt is studied.

Zinc Chloride may be used:
• as catalyst in knoevenagel condensation of carbonyl substrates with acidic methylene reagents
• in the preparation of porous carbon nanofibers, useful in the fabrication of efficient electrodes for supercapacitors
• as a catalyst in preparation of poly(propylene fumarate)
• in the low temperature synthesis of nanocrystalline zinc oxide films
• in the synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles with low agglomeration.

Aqueous suspensions of the nanoparticles displayed high transmittance in the visible light range, but exhibited strong absorption in the UV range.

In chemical compounds, zinc exhibits almost exclusively a +2 oxidation state.
A few compounds of zinc in the +1 state have been reported, but never any compounds of zinc in the +3 state or higher.

Zinc chloride is a chemical compound whose formula is ZnCl2, with a molecular weight of 136.3 g / mol.
This product is hygroscopic and deliquescent and therefore must be protected from moisture, even that contained in the atmosphere.

One of the main applications of zinc chloride is to act as an electrolyte in dry batteries (zinc-carbon).
Zinc chloride has the ability to attack the metal oxides, this property allowing its use as flux in the weld metal, dissolving the oxide layers, and leaving the metal surface clean. Zinc chloride is used in various fields such as water treatment, as a fireproofing agent in textile processing and in the manufacture of bactericides, fungicides and stabilizers for plastics.

This product can be manufactured in liquid form at any concentration up to 65% in solid form as a dry powder.
The anhydrous material is packed in polyethylene valve bags of 25 or 50 Kgs, in big bags of 1.000 Kgs and in metal drums of 250 Kgs.
The liquid material can be delivered in tankers or IBC’S of 1.000 lts.
All the packaging we use is UN approved.

Zinc Chloride is an excellent water soluble crystalline Zinc source for uses compatible with chlorides.
Chloride compounds can conduct electricity when fused or dissolved in water.
Chloride materials can be decomposed by electrolysis to chlorine gas and the metal.
They are formed through various chlorination processes whereby at least one chlorine anion (Cl-) is covalently bonded to the relevant metal or cation.
Ultra high purity and proprietary formulations can be prepared.
The chloride ion controls fluid equilibrium and pH levels in metabolic systems.
They can form either inorganic or organic compounds.
Zinc Chloride is generally immediately available in most volumes.
High purity, submicron and nanopowder forms may be considered.

Butter of zinc
Zinc (chlorure de)
Zinc butter
Zinc chloride
Zinc chloride (ZnCl2)
Zinc chloride in plastic container
Zinc chloride, (solution)
Zinc dichloride
Zinc(II) chloride
Zinco (cloruro di)
Zine dichloride

chlorek cynku(II) (pl)
chlorid zinečnatý (cs)
chlorid zinočnatý (sk)
chlorure de zinc (fr)
cink-klorid (hu)
cinka hlorīds (lv)
cinko chloridas (lt)
cinkov klorid (hr)
cloreto de zinco (pt)
clorura de zinc (ro)
cloruro de cinc (es)
cloruro di zinco (it)
dichlorek cynku (pl)
sinkkikloridi (fi)
sinkklorid (no)
Tsinkkloriid (et)

zinkchlorid (da)
Ataman Kimya
zinkchloride (nl)
Ataman Kimya
zinkklorid (sv)
Ataman Kimya
χλωρίδιο του ψευδαργύρου (el)
Ataman Kimya
цинков хлорид (bg)
Ataman Kimya

Ataman Kimya, Other
nc chloride
Ataman Kimya
zinc cloride

Zinc oxide
Ataman Kimya
zinc(2+) dichloride
zinc(2+) ion dichloride

Ataman Kimya

Hegaflux AS

Zinc (II) Chloride

Zinkchlorid, freilaufend
Zinc dichloride, Zinc(II) chloride, Dichlorozinc, Zinc Butter, cas 21351-91-7 (zinc chloride hydrate / hydrated)

Butter of zinc
Zinc (chlorure de)
Zinc butter
Zinc chloride
Zinc chloride (ZnCl2)
Zinc chloride in plastic container
Zinc chloride, (solution)

Zinc dichloride
Zinc(II) chloride
Zinco (cloruro di)
Translated names
chlorek cynku(II) (pl)
chlorid zinečnatý (cs)
chlorid zinočnatý (sk)
chlorure de zinc (fr)
cink-klorid (hu)
cinka hlorīds (lv)
cinko chloridas (lt)
cinkov klorid (hr)
cloreto de zinco (pt)
clorura de zinc (ro)
cloruro de cinc (es)
cloruro di zinco (it)
dichlorek cynku (pl)
sinkkikloridi (fi)
sinkklorid (no)
Tsinkkloriid (et)
zinkchlorid (da)
zinkchloride (nl)
zinkklorid (sv)
χλωρίδιο του ψευδαργύρου (el)
цинков хлорид (bg)

IUPAC names
zinc chloride
zinc cloride
Zinc oxide
zinc(2+) dichloride
zinc(2+) ion dichloride
Hegaflux AS
Zinc (II) Chloride
Zinc chloride [Wiki]
231-592-0 [EINECS]
7646-85-7 [RN]
Additive Screening Solution 29/Kit-No 78374
Dichlorure de zinc [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
MFCD00011295 [MDL number]
Zinc dichloride [ACD/IUPAC Name]
zinc(II) chloride
zinc(ii) dichloride
Zinkchlorid [German]
Zinkdichlorid [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
21351-91-7 [RN]
24359-56-6 [RN]
53917-99-0 [RN]
99.95% (metals basis)
ACS, 97%
butter of zinc
chlorure de zinc
Chlorure de zinc [French]
EINECS 231-592-0
Galvanizers Flux
Hydrochloric acid zinc salt (2:1)
Tinning flux
UN 1840
UN 2331
Zinc (chlorure de)
Zinc (chlorure de) [French]
zinc (II) chloride
zinc and dichloride
Zinc atomic spectroscopy standard concentrate 1.00 g Zn
Zinc butter
Zinc chloride (99.99%-Zn) PURATREM
Zinc chloride (JP15/USP) [USP]
Zinc chloride (TN)
Zinc Chloride ACS USP
Zinc Chloride Solution 50%
Zinc chloride, 0.5M solution in THF
Zinc chloride, 0.7M solution in THF
Zinc chloride, 1.9M in 2-MeTHF
Zinc chloride, 1M in diethyl ether
Zinc chloride, 25mM aqueous solution
Zinc Chloride, ACS grade -10 mesh
Zinc chloride, anhydrous [UN2331] [Corrosive]
Zinc chloride, anhydrous, USP grade
Zinc chloride, ultra dry
Zinc dichloride fume
Zinc muriate
Zinc standard concentrate 10.00 g Zn
zinc(2+) chloride
Zinco (cloruro di)
Zinco (cloruro di) [Italian]
Zine dichloride
Zinkchlorid [German]
Zinkchloride [Dutch]
氯化锌 [Chinese]


Dry Cell or Batteries: Zinc Chloride is commonly used in dry cell batteries as an electrolyte where it also acts as a moisture absorbent and corrosion inhibitor.
ZnCl2 is an excellent water soluble Zinc source for uses compatible with chlorides.
Chloride compounds can conduct electricity when fused or dissolved in water.
Chloride materials can be decomposed by electrolysis to chlorine gas and the metal.
They are formed through various chlorination processes whereby at least one chlorine anion (Cl-) is covalently bonded to the relevant metal or cation.
Zinc Chloride is generally immediately available in most volumes and high purity in ATAMAN’s stocks.

A zinc chloride battery is a heavy duty variation of a zinc carbon battery.
It is used in applications that require moderate to heavy current drains.
Zinc chloride batteries have better voltage discharge per time characteristics and better low temperature performance than carbon zinc batteries.
They batteries are used in radios, flashlights, lanterns, fluorescent lanterns, motor driven devices, portable audio equipments, communications equipments, electronic games, calculators, and remote control transmitters.


Today, there are three primary types of acid zinc plating baths: straight ammonium chloride, straight potassium chloride and mixed ammonium chloride/potassium chloride.
Acid zinc plating systems have several advantages over alkaline cyanide and alkaline non-cyanide zinc plating systems except that in acid zinc plating, the electrolyte is extremely corrosive.

Ammonium chloride zinc plating. The ammonium chloride bath is the most forgiving of the three major types of acid zinc plating because of its wide operating parameters.
The primary drawback of this system is the high level of ammonia, which can cause problems in wastewater treatment.
Ammonia acts as a chelator, and if the rinse waters are not segregated from other waste streams, removal of metals to acceptable levels using standard water treatment practices can be difficult and expensive.
Ammonia is also regulated in many communities.

Potassium chloride zinc plating.
Potassium chloride zinc plating solutions are attractive because they contain no ammonia.
The disadvantages of this system are a greater tendency to burn on extreme edges and higher operating costs.
The potassium bath also requires the use of relatively expensive boric acid to buffer the solution and prevent burning in the high-current-density areas, functions performed by the ammonium chloride in the other systems.

Mixed ammonium chloride/potassium chloride zinc plating.
This bath combines the best of the ammonia and ammonia-free baths.
Because potassium chloride is less expensive than ammonium chloride, the maintenance costs of the mixed bath are lower than the ammonia bath, and it does not require boric acid.
The ammonia levels in the rinse waters are low enough that it does not significantly interfere with wastewater treatment, even if plating nickel and copper in the same plant with mixed waste streams.
If local regulations restrict the level of ammonia discharged, special waste treatment equipment will be required, and the non-ammonia bath is most likely the best choice.

Galvanizing, Soldering and Tinning Fluxes:  Zinc Chloride is used in fluxes for galvanizing, soldering and tinning.
Its ability to remove oxides and salts from metal surfaces insures good metal to metal bonding.
It has the ability to attack metal oxides (MO) to give derivatives of the formula MZnOCl2.
This reaction is relevant to the utility of ZnCl2 as a flux for soldering – it dissolves oxide coatings exposing the clean metal surface.
Typically this flux was prepared by dissolving zinc foil in dilute hydrochloric acid until the liquid ceased to evolve hydrogen; for this reason, such flux was once known as killed spirits or “Marela”.

Agriculture: It is very rarely used in agriculture.
It may be reacted with chelating agents to form solutions of zinc that are biologically available to plants and animals.
It’s the Chelate manufacturing that consumes Zinc Chloride.

Petroleum: It is an excellent emulsion breaker and is used to separate oil from water.
It is also an effective packer fluid in oil and gas wells due to its high specific gravity.
However its a little more costly than the other low specific gravity fluids used in the process.

Water Treatment: It is used in specialty corrosion inhibitors in cooling towers, potable water, and in gas and oil wells.

Resins: It is used in Ion – Exchange resins production.

Paints: It is used in for the production of lithopone and as pigment for zinc chromate.

Rubber: It is used as accelerator in the vulcanizing process of rubber.

Glue, wood working: It is used in for the preservation of glue, and for the impregnation of timber.

Printing: It is used in off-set in the chemical products.

Odor Control: It reacts with sulfide to minimize release of H2S gas in waste treatment facilities.

Oil-Gas Wells: High-density solutions of zinc chloride and calcium chloride give good performance in well completion and work-over operations;
the solutions also used as packer fluids under certain well conditions.
Zinc chloride has been used in specialty corrosion inhibitors and invert emulsion breakers.

Vulcanized Fiber & Reclaimed Rubber: Water-leaf paper is gelatinized with zinc chloride solution is lesstacky, drier and less moisture-absorbent than caustic reclaimed rubber.
The zinc chloride not only dissolves the cellulosic fibers in the scrap, but also catalyzes depolymerization of the elastomer.
Similar method is used for Rubber reclaimed from natural, styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), and mixed scrap

Animal drug: Zinc Chloride is used for the production of zinc bacitracin.

Herbicide: Zinc Chloride is used as an herbicide.
It is used to control lichen and moss growing on the roofs of houses and other domestic dwellings, along walks, driveways, fences, and wherever moss grows

Chemical: Zinc Chloride is used in the production of ethyl acetate.
It is used as condensing agent for the production of organic dye-stuff.
It is used as a stabilizing agent for diazonium compounds.
It is used for the production of active carbon.
Zinc Chloride is used for Friedel Craft Reaction, Azotropic or Azeotropic Distillation, Desiccation.
Zinc laurate, linoleate Stearate or resinate can be formed from zinc chloride solutions and solutions of the corresponding sodium salt.
Zinc chloride is a Lewis acid and therefore electrophilic in character.

Its catalytic activity is milder than that of aluminum chloride in, for example, Friedel-Crafts type reactions.
Zinc chloride is particularly effective in catalyzing reactions that eliminate molecules of water, ammonia or mercaptans.
Its solutions gelatinize cellulosic materials and induce crosslinking in such polymer formers as the methylol ureas.
It absorbs readily on charcoal or silica for catalyzing acylations and alkylations by Friedel-Crafts synthesis.
In esterifications and condensation reactions, it facilitates the elimination of water or ammonia molecules from the reactants.
One example is the Fischer idole synthesis.


Zinc Chloride has been used as a catalyst in production of methylene chloride from methyl alcohol.

In the textile industry it has found use in resin systems to impart durable press to cotton and synthetic fabrics.

It has been used in reclaiming rubber where it dissolves rayon cord.

In conjunction with sodium dichromate it has made an excellent wood preservative.

Zinc Chloride has found use in the manufacture of glue, diazo dyes, paper, cosmetics, rayon, synthetic fibers, disinfectants and fire fighting foam.

In ore refining it has been used as a flotation agent.

It is an excellent source of zinc as a starting material in the production of other zinc chemicals and is an effective catalyst for removing molecules of water, ammonia or mercaptants.

Zinc Chloride is used for Friedel Craft Reaction, Azotropic or Azeotropic Distillation, Desiccation & Karl Fischer.

In the laboratory, zinc chloride finds wide use, principally as a moderate-strength Lewis acid.
It can catalyze the Fischer indole synthesis and also Friedel-Crafts acylation reactions involving activated aromatic rings.

Related to the latter is the classical preparation of the dye fluorescein from phthalic anhydride and resorcinol, which involves a Friedel-Crafts acylation.

Hydrochloric acid alone reacts poorly with primary alcohols and secondary alcohols, but a combination of the acid with Zn (known together as the “Lucas reagent”) at 130°C is effective for the preparation of alkyl chlorides.

This probably reacts via an SN2 mechanism with primary alcohols but via SN1 with secondary alcohols.

Zinc chloride is also able to activate benzylic and allylic halides towards substitution by weak nucleophiles such as alkenes.

In similar fashion, Zinc Chloride promotes selective NaBH3CN reduction of tertiary, allylic or benzylic halides to the corresponding hydrocarbons.

Zinc chloride is also a useful starting point for the synthesis of many organo zinc reagents, such as those used in the palladium catalyzed Negishi coupling with aryl halides or vinyl halides.

In such cases the organozinc compound is usually prepared by transmetallation from an organolithium or a Grignard reagent.

Zinc enolates, prepared from alkali metal enolates and ZnCl2, provide control of stereochemistry in aldol condensation reactions due to chelation on to the zinc.
This is because the chelate is more stable when the bulky phenyl group is pseudo-equatorial rather than pseudo-axial, i.e., threo rather than erythro.

Fournit des effets cosmétiques à la cavité buccale (nettoyage, désodorisation et protection). Agent apaisant : Aide à alléger l’inconfort de la peau ou du cuir chevelu. Principaux
synonymes. Noms français : Chlorure de zinc; DICHLORURE DE ZINC; ZINC, CHLORURE DE; ZINC, DICHLORURE DE; Noms anglais : BUTTER OF ZINC; ZINC BUTTER; Zinc chloride; ZINC DICHLORIDE;
Utilisation et sources d’émission; Agent de déshydratation, mordant à teinture; Butter of zinc; Zinc (chlorure de); Zinc butter; Zinc chloride; Zinc chloride (ZnCl2); ZINC CHLORIDE,
ANHYDROUS; Zinc dichloride; Zinc(II) chloride; Zinco (cloruro di); Zine dichloride; çinko klorür, çinkoklorür, çinkoklorit, çinkoklorid, çinko klorit, çinko klord; Zintrace.
Translated names: chlorek cynku(II) (pl); chlorid zinečnatý (cs); chlorid zinočnatý (sk); chlorure de zinc (fr); cink-klorid (hu); cinka hlorīds (lv); cinko chloridas (lt); cinkov
klorid (hr); cloreto de zinco (pt); clorura de zinc (ro); cloruro de cinc (es); cloruro di zinco (it); dichlorek cynku (pl); sinkkikloridi (fi); sinkklorid (no); Tsinkkloriid (et);
zinkchlorid (da); zinkchloride (nl); zinkklorid (sv); χλωρίδιο του ψευδαργύρου (el); цинков хлорид (bg); IUPAC names; Dichlorozinc; nc chloride; zinc cloride; Zinc oxide; zinc(2+)
dichloride; zinc(2+) ion dichloride; zinc-chloride-. Trade names: Hegaflux AS; Zinc (II) Chloride; Zinkchlorid, freilaufend; ; Zinc chloride; 231-592-0 [EINECS]; 7646-85-7 [RN];
dichlorozinc; Dichlorure de zinc [French] ; MFCD00011295 [MDL number]; ZH1400000; ZINC CHLORIDE ZN-65 ; Zinc dichloride [ACD/IUPAC Name]; zinc(II) chloride; zinc(ii) dichloride;
Zinkchlorid [German]; Zinkdichlorid [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name] [7646-85-7] 21351-91-7 [RN] 24359-56-6 [RN] 53917-99-0 [RN] 99.95% (metals basis) ACS, 97% butter of zinc C016837
chlorure de zinc Chlorure de zinc [French] EINECS 231-592-0 Galvanizers Flux hexite Hydrochloric acid zinc salt (2:1) Tinning flux UN 1840 UN 2331 UNII:86Q357L16B UNII-86Q357L16B WLN: ZN G2 Zinc (chlorure de) Zinc (chlorure de) [French] zinc (II) chloride zinc and dichloride Zinc atomic spectroscopy standard concentrate 1.00 g Zn Zinc butter Zinc chloride (JP15/USP) [USP] Zinc chloride (TN) Zinc Chloride ACS USP Zinc Chloride Solution 50% Zinc Chloride, ACS grade -10 mesh Zinc chloride, anhydrous [UN2331] [Corrosive] Zinc chloride, anhydrous, USP grade Zinc chloride, ultra dry ZINC CHLORIDE|DICHLOROZINC Zinc dichloride fume Zinc muriate Zinc standard concentrate 10.00 g Zn zinc(2+) chloride ZINC(2+) DICHLORIDE zinc(ii)chloride Zincchloride Zinco Zinco (cloruro di) Zinco (cloruro di) [Italian] Zinctrace Zine dichloride Zinkchlorid Zinkchlorid [German] Zinkchloride Zinkchloride [Dutch] Zintrace 氯化锌 [Chinese]

Zinc chloride [Wiki]
231-592-0 [EINECS]
7646-85-7 [RN]
Additive Screening Solution 29/Kit-No 78374
Dichlorure de zinc [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
MFCD00011295 [MDL number]
Zinc dichloride [ACD/IUPAC Name]
zinc(II) chloride
zinc(ii) dichloride
Zinkchlorid [German]
Zinkdichlorid [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
21351-91-7 [RN]
24359-56-6 [RN]
53917-99-0 [RN]
99.95% (metals basis)
ACS, 97%
butter of zinc
chlorure de zinc
Chlorure de zinc [French]
EINECS 231-592-0
Galvanizers Flux
Hydrochloric acid zinc salt (2:1)
Tinning flux
UN 1840
UN 2331
Zinc (chlorure de)
Zinc (chlorure de) [French]
zinc (II) chloride
zinc and dichloride
Zinc atomic spectroscopy standard concentrate 1.00 g Zn
Zinc atomic spectroscopy standard concentrate 10.00 g Zn
Zinc butter
Zinc chloride (99.99%-Zn) PURATREM
Zinc chloride (JP15/USP) [USP]
Zinc chloride (TN)
Zinc Chloride 0.5M solution in Tetrahydrofuran
Zinc Chloride ACS USP
Zinc Chloride Solution 50%
Zinc chloride solution, 1.9 M in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran
Zinc chloride, 0.5M solution in THF
Zinc chloride, 0.7M solution in THF
Zinc chloride, 1.9M in 2-MeTHF
Zinc chloride, 1M in diethyl ether
Zinc chloride, 25mM aqueous solution
Zinc Chloride, ACS grade -10 mesh
Zinc chloride, anhydrous [UN2331] [Corrosive]
Zinc chloride, anhydrous free=-flowing, reagent grade
Zinc chloride, anhydrous, USP grade
Zinc chloride, trace metals grade, 99.99%
Zinc chloride, ultra dry
Zinc chloride, ultra dry, -10 mesh beads, ampoule, 99.99% trace metals grade
Zinc dichloride fume
Zinc muriate
Zinc standard concentrate 10.00 g Zn
zinc(2+) chloride
Zinco (cloruro di)
Zinco (cloruro di) [Italian]
Zine dichloride
Zinkchlorid [German]
Zinkchloride [Dutch]
氯化锌 [Chinese]

Cooling towers are heat-transfer units, used to remove heat from any water-cooled system.
The cooled water is then re-circulated back into the system.
Since the process water is re-circulated, the mineral concentration increases as a result of the evaporation.

Performance of this unit is critical for efficient and economical operation.
The heat transfer surfaces must be kept as clean as possible to assure maximum heat transfer.
As the mineral content in the cooling water increases, the potential for scaling and corrosion increases, threatening efficient operation of the heat exchanger.

Corrosion can be minimized by the addition of a corrosion inhibitor.

Which is a chemical compound that, when added in small concentration stops or slows down corrosion of metals and alloys.
Inhibitors are chemicals that react with a metallic surface, or the environment this surface is exposed to, giving the surface a certain level of protection.

Zinc chloride as an effective corrosion inhibitor with good properties that is more environmentally friendly than the current common phosphonate corrosion inhibitors, particularly for use in cooling water treatment chemicals.
The increasing use of zinc chloride from industries such as power, steel, mining and metallurgy, petrochemicals, oil & gas, and food & beverages is driving the growth of the market for corrosion inhibitors.
In these industries, the corrosion inhibitors are injected into water cooling systems in specified doses to prevent scaling, corrosion, and growth of bacteria in water.

Zinc chloride can be used as catalyst for organic synthesis in pharmaceutical and chemical industry.
As a Lewis acid, zinc chloride catalyst has moderate strength.
It has the ability to catalyze the formation of Fishel indole.
It also helps to convert arylhydrazone into indoles.
Monoacylated components are obtained from acyl chloride and aromatic, Friedel-Cladecryl Reactions.
At the same time, zinc chloride as a pharmaceutical intermediate, used in the production of vanillin, rabbit auricularia aldehyde, anti-inflammatory analgesic catalyst.
In recent years, it has been widely used in the preparation of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Anticancer and analgesic drugs.

Zinc is an excellent fertilizer and an indispensable trace element in the growth process of various crops. It is involved in the synthesis of auxin in crops, thus promoting the growth of young leaves, stems and roots.


For a variety of zinc-deficient crops, zinc oxide can improve the growth of plants and grains,  prevent micronutrient deficiency, and play an important role in the formation and development of seeds and fruits.
It has been widely used in the feed of wheat, soybean, corn and other crops.

Zinc also is an essential trace element for all animals. It is found in all tissues and organs of animals. It is involved in the whole process of life and is mainly reflected in the metabolism of  proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids.


Zinc chloride as a high zinc source in Suckling pig feed can effectively improve the product quality.
And basic zinc chloride is a neutral substance with stable chemical properties.
Due to its excellent physical and chemical properties and biological titer, it can avoid malabsorption of animal nutrients and promote the growth of animals.

Zinc Chloride 96% and 98% is the effective catalyst for manufacturing Ion exchange resin.


Ion exchange resins remove harmful contaminants from liquids, replacing them with beneficial, desired ions.
Ion exchange is used in water treatment, including water softening,  industrial demineralization, ultrapure water production, and wastewater treatment.
It has special utility in chemical synthesis, manufacturing, food processing, mining, agriculture.

Zinc chloride galvanizing, high current efficiency, bright coating.
For the construction industry, light industry, electronics and other industries to provide excellent and effective corrosion protection. Galvanizing steel and steel structure parts can increase corrosion resistance, enhance protection and prolong service life.
Whether it is steel pipe used for raw water and crude oil distribution, or household appliances often used in our life, galvanizing will protect your assets no matter what the environment. We have a wide range of zinc chloride products used in these applications and have been well received.

Zinc is an important trace element and raw material for various applications. Our zinc chloride is available in various qualities and can be used for different industrial applications like pharmaceutical, battery, water treatment, catalysts etc.

The battery industry is one of the largest users of zinc series products because zinc has several advantages like lower cost, sustainability and more safety. Zinc chloride can be used as the electrolyte of dry batteries to enhance its electrical conductivity, adjust the pH value of the cell, so that it has a longer service life and more stable voltage output, which is the most popular zinc carbon battery in the market.

In fact, battery grade zinc chloride is the highest standard product of zinc chloride, which can be applied not only in the battery field, but also in all fields requiring the highest level of zinc chloride

Concentrated aqueous solutions of zinc chloride (more than 64% weight / weight zinc chloride in water) have dissolving starch, silk, and cellulose. Vulcanized fibre is a laminate material formed by the reaction and crosslinking of pure cellulose cotton in a zinc chloride acid bath.
Vulcanized fibre is available and in tube, rod, strip, and sheets in a variety of thicknesses.
It has high tensile and tear strength and both good electrical and mechanical properties.

Zinc chloride solution, playing a important foundation for vulcanized fibre used in electrical, textile and machinery industries.
The swelling and dissolving effect of zinc chloride on cotton fiber makes cellulose gelatinized rapidly to make raw vulcanized fibre paper, then paper becomes as hard as steel Vulcanized fibre paper.
At the same time, you can completely reduce the cost of recycling zinc in the process of washing.

Color is used in our lives to beautify our environments.
Dyes brings a lot of color.
Zinc Chloride 98% as an important raw material for basic / cationic dyes.

Zinc Chloride
General Application
Zinc chloride is used across several industries in many applications.
Foods, textiles, metals, medicine, batteries, paper, glue, alcohol, hygiene products, supplements, oil refinement, and many more all employ zinc chloride in their production.

Decomposition only occurs at high temperatures
No listed carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, reproductive hazard
Polymerization will not occur
Will not burn, explode, or oxidise
Reduces traces of salt in irrigation water that cause drainage issues
Replenished zinc in soil and crops when used as a fertilizer

General Information
Zinc chloride exists in a crystalline state.
There are four crystalline forms and multiple hydrates.
The anhydrous forms are closely-packed with hexagonal crystals.
Anhydrous zinc chloride is through a chemical reaction between zinc and hydrogen chloride.
This reaction releases hydrogen gas.

Filtration of a zinc chloride solution through normal filter paper is impossible because zinc chloride dissolves starch, cellulose, and silk.
It is also mildly corrosive to metals but can be used to remove oxide coatings to reveal a clean metal surface.

There are slight safety concerns when using zinc chloride that can be addressed with standard safety precautions.
Zinc chloride can become airborne in the form of fumes or white particulates. The fumes are corrosive to metals.

Safety Information
Zinc chloride is toxic with chronic exposure and when ingested.
Care should be taken to avoid contact with skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
Inhalation should be avoided. Symptoms of exposure include burns and ulcers on skin, eye irritation and blurred vision, lung irritation and cough, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath that may require immediate medical intervention.

When in contact with cyanides, zinc chloride can produce HCl gas.
HCl gas can cause corrosive damage to human tissues, including the eyes, skin, and respiratory system.
HCl gas can lead to pulmonary oedema and death.

When in contact with sulphide salts, zinc chloride can produce H2 gas.
H2 is a highly flammable hydrogen gas that can spontaneously ignite in high enough concentrations in the air.
It is also an asphyxiant, which means humans can die of suffocation when there is too much H2 in the air.

Large discharges may influence aquatic organisms.

Zinc Chloride Uses in Agriculture and Medicine
The uses of zinc chloride are extensive, to say the least.
Currently, its most noteworthy application is in the agriculture industry.
Due to zinc deficiency maize and other crops are now being fertilised with zinc chloride products at the encouragement of authorities in several parts of the world.
The zinc content of crops is greatly increased through the used of these fertilisers and is passed to consumers when the crops are eaten.

Zinc is vital to the health and function of human immune systems and is recommended for the treatment of eating disorders, celiac and Crohn’s disease, diarrhoea, sprue, ulcerative colitis, and other diseases and conditions.
It is required for enzyme activity that facilitates healing, cell division, cell growth, and the release of vitamin A from the liver, which is essential to a number of other physiological functions.
Zinc is also essential for the synthesis of proteins and fats.

Zinc chloride is also used in the production of astringents for the treatment of corns and calluses, antiseptics for ulcer treatment, pododermatitis treatments, and the treatment of cancer-related ulcers.
Alternative medicine employs zinc chloride to create scabs and dead tissue in an effort to treat certain skin cancers, though other methods are generally preferred by medical professionals.

When zinc chloride is added to irrigation water, it helps reduce the amount of salt in the water.
This reduces the negative effects salinity tends to have on the drainage of crop soil, helping to negate the costly consequences drainage issues present to farmers.

Other Zinc Chloride Applications
As previously stated, zinc chloride applications are diverse and numerous.
Some zinc chloride uses are listed here.

Production of:

Embalming material
Soldering flux
Parchment paper
Activated carbon
Vulcanized fibre
Cold-water glues
Artificial silk
Galvanized iron
Copper-plated iron
Browned steel
Magnesia cement
Cement for metals
Vulcanised rubber
Benzyl chloride
Organozinc compounds
Tinner’s fluid
Dry-cell batteries
Smoke bombs
Resin textile finish
Textile dyes
Fabric freshener

It is used to:

Preserve wood
Fireproof lumber
Etch metals and glasses
Carbonise woollen goods
Crimp and crepe fabrics
Treat textiles
Preserve anatomical specimens
Separate wool/pant fibres/silk

And is used in:

Chemical synthesis
Dissolution of oxide coatings
Oil refining
Water treatment

Increasing demand for zinc chloride from chemical and textile industries can be attributed to the growth in usage in these industries.
Other than this, zinc chloride also finds a number of other applications in various end-use industries such as in galvanizing, tinning of fluxes and soldering.
It can also be used as an odor controller, due to which its demand is increasing in the market.
The reaction of sulfide with zinc chloride minimizes the release of H2S gas in waste water treatment facilities, thereby aiding in odor control.
Zinc chloride is used in the rubber industry for the vulcanization of rubber.
That apart, dissolution of cellulosic fibers in scrap is done with the help of zinc chloride.
Zinc chloride is also used for various other applications such as textile finishing, liquid fertilizers, organic synthesis, dry cell batteries and wood preservatives, among others.

However, the global zinc chloride market is projected to face numerous challenges as zinc chloride is toxic in nature and can cause skin & eye burns.
Zinc chloride and water, on contact with eyes, can cause permanent damage. Such factors are further expected to hamper the growth of the zinc chloride market.

