VITAMIN F = alpha-linolenic acid + Linoleic acid


alpha-linolenic acid is an OMEGA-3 fatty acid
linoleic acid is an OMEGA-6 fatty acid

mixture of fatty acids
Synonym: Essential fatty acids

CAS Number 11006-87-4
EC Number 234-245-1

Vitamin F isn’t really a vitamin in the traditional sense, but rather a compound of fatty acids, namely alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid).

Vitamin F is made up of two essential fatty acids. These are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid, and linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 fatty acid both of which are incredibly important and play a major role in maintaining the health of our skin.

There are two types of essential fatty acids – alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 EFA, and linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 EFA.
These are considered essential, because they cannot be synthesized by the human body.
The word “linoleic” is derived from the Greek word “linon,” which means flax, and “oleic,” which translates to “relating to, or derived from oil.”
All essential fatty acids are straight-chain hydrocarbons, and linoleic comprises 18 carbons and two double bonds.
It is a polyunsaturated fatty acid used in biosynthesis, and it forms the lipid component of the cell membranes in the body.

You can gain health benefits such as reduced inflammation and aid in blood sugar control by filling your diet with foods high in vitamin F, or you can apply it topically onto your skin to discover its skincare benefits

ALA and LA are both types of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids do a lot of important things, including protecting nerves. Without them, your blood cannot clot, and you can’t even move your muscles. However, your body can’t make its own ALA and LA. They have to come from your diet.

There are two main families of polyunsaturated fatty acids. One is omega-3 fatty acids, which include ALA. The other is omega-6 fatty acids, which include LA.

When used topically, vitamin F has anti-inflammatory and moisturising properties which help maintain the skin’s barrier, while relieving dryness and maintaining balance.

“Other benefits of Vitamin F are the anti-inflammatory properties, meaning they are great for all skin types, but in particular, those who suffer from blemishes, acne, dermatitis, and Psoriasis.
Vitamin F is high in antioxidants which means it can protect the skin from environmental damage and external aggressors which can lead to aging of the skin.”

VITAMIN F is skincare ingredient that works to repair and maintain the skin’s barrier and also provides an anti-inflammatory effect. VITAMIN F can be found in oils such as rosehip, sunflower, argan, olive, flaxseed, and chia, meaning it can easily be incorporated into your diet and your skincare products to see even further benefits.

Vitamin F Uses, Benefits

Vitamin F is not a vitamin in the traditional sense of the word.

Rather, vitamin F is a term for two fats — alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and linoleic acid (LA).
They are essential for regular body functions, including aspects of brain and heart health.

Alpha-linolenic acid is a member of the omega-3 fat family, while Linoleic acid belongs to the omega-6 family.

Common sources of both include vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds.

They were discovered in the 1920s when scientists found that fat-free diets had adverse effects on rats.
Initially, the scientists suspected the rats were deficient in a new vitamin they called vitamin F — later found to be Alpha-linolenic acid and Linoleic acid .

Vitamin F is known to hydrate the skin while also providing anti-inflammatory benefits and replenishing and restoring the skin’s barrier.
Safe to say, the benefits for the skin are there, and this vitamin/fatty acid is beneficial for all skin types.
One of the key points of why this ingredient is becoming hot news is because the body can’t product vitamin F on it’s own, so it needs to be manually replenished through diet and skin care.

The most surprising fact about vitamin F is that it’s actually not a vitamin at all, but rather a combination of two fatty acids; linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).
Unlike other non-essential fatty acids which are produced in the body, ALA and LA are substances the body isn’t capable of producing on its own and is normally obtained through dietary sources and topical applications.

Key functions in your body
The two types of fat that comprise vitamin F — Alpha-linolenic acid and Linoleic acid — are classified as essential fatty acids, meaning they are necessary for health.
Since your body is unable to make these fats, you have to get them from your diet (4Trusted Source).

Alpha-linolenic acid and Linoleic acid play the following crucial roles in the body:

Vitamin F serves as a calorie source:  As fats, Alpha-linolenic acid and Linoleic acid provide 9 calories per gram.

Vitamin F provides cell structure: Alpha-linolenic acid, Linoleic acid, and other fats provide structure and flexibility to all cells in your body as a major component of their outer layer.
Vitamin F aids growth and development: Alpha-linolenic acid plays an important role in normal growth, vision, and brain development.
Vitamin F can be converted to other fats: Your body converts Alpha-linolenic acid and Linoleic acid into other fats needed for health.
Vitamin F helps the body to make signaling compounds: Alpha-linolenic acid and Linoleic acid are used to make signaling compounds that help regulate blood pressure, blood clotting, immune system responses, and other major body functions.

Vitamin F deficiency is rare. However, a lack of Alpha-linolenic acid and Linoleic acid can lead to various symptoms, such as dry skin, hair loss, slow wound healing, poor growth in children, skin sores and scabs, and brain and vision problems.

Vitamin F supplies calories, provides structure to cells, supports growth and development, and is involved in major bodily functions like blood pressure regulation and immune response.

Potential health benefits
According to research, the fats that make up vitamin F — Alpha-linolenic acid and Linoleic acid — may offer several unique health benefits.

Health benefits of alpha-linolenic acid
Alpha-linolenic acid is the primary fat in the omega-3 family, a group of fats thought to have many health benefits.
In the body, Alpha-linolenic acid is converted into other beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Together, Alpha-linolenic acid, EPA, and DHA offer a wealth of potential health benefits:

Reduce inflammation: An increased intake of omega-3 fats like Alpha-linolenic acid has been associated with decreased inflammation in the joints, digestive tract, lungs, and brain.
Improve heart health: Though findings are mixed, increasing Alpha-linolenic acid in your diet may help lower your risk of heart disease. In one study, every 1-gram increase in Alpha-linolenic acid consumed per day was associated with a 10% reduced risk of heart disease.
Aid growth and development: Pregnant women need 1.4 grams of Alpha-linolenic acid per day to support fetal growth and development.
Support mental health:  More research is needed, but some evidence suggests that regular intake of omega-3 fats may help improve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Health benefits of linoleic acid
Linoleic acid (LA) is a primary fat in the omega-6 family. Like Alpha-linolenic acid, Linoleic acid is converted into other fats in your body.

It offers many potential health benefits when consumed in moderation, especially when used in place of less healthy saturated fats:

Diets containing Alpha-linolenic acid may help reduce inflammation, promote heart and mental health, and support growth and development. Furthermore, Linoleic acid may aid blood sugar control and has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

General description
Vitamin F is a mixture of the only two essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), such as linoleic acid (LA), and α linolenic acid (ALA) required by humans.
α-linolenic acid satisfies the need for an omega-3 fatty acid back-bone structure and linoleic acid satisfies the need for an omega-6 fatty acids back-bone structure.

Biochem/physiol Actions
Vitamin F or linoleic acid exhibits restorative properties and properties, which may aid in skin-care. Therefore, Vitamin F is used in cosmetics and dermatology.

Other Notes
Vitamin F, its application and designation; Stabilization and use for cosmetic purposes

Vitamin F benefits the skin by making ceramides that build the skin’s outer, visible layer, also known as the skin’s ‘barrier.’
The ceramides then cement the skin cells together to keep your skin as healthy as possible, while maintaining optimal hydration levels and blocking out harmful pollution, infections, irritants, and UV light. These external factors can damage your skin. When your skin is lacking in vitamin F, it can appear flaky, dry, and even red and inflamed, also making it more prone to eczema, acne, and sensitivity. Including vitamin F in your skincare regime will:

Nourish and moisturize your skin
Protect your skin’s barrier from harmful pollutants
Helps maintain healthy hair and nails as well as skin
Soothe dry and inflamed skin
Help fight breakouts and acne
Fight infections and irritants
Keep skin strong, soft and smooth

Vitamin F foods
Which foods are the best sources of vitamin F?

Good sources of vitamin F include:
vegetable oils, such as rapeseed oil seeds, such as flax, pumpkin and hemp nuts, including walnuts and almonds, soybeans, tofu

Vitamin F is not a traditional vitamin but a term for two fats: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and linoleic acid (LA).

ALA and LA are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs). ALA is an omega-3 fatty acid, and LA is an omega-6 fatty acid.

Scientists coined the term vitamin F in the 1920s to describe ALA and LA

Fatty acids play the following roles in human health:

maintaining the structure, flexibility, and fluidity of cell membranes
producing and storing energy
ensuring normal growth and function of the brain and retina
regulating inflammatory processes
influencing neurotransmitter synthesis and signaling
preventing chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and rheumatoid arthritis
The body can convert ALA into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.

Vitamin F is a term for two essential fatty acids: ALA and LA.
People need to consume these nutrients to stay healthy and avoid the risk of chronic diseases.

Certain plant foods, such as nuts, seeds, and oils, are good sources of ALA and LA.
People can also apply the fatty acids topically to the skin, which may benefit rough and dry skin and improve signs of aging.

People who eat a vegan diet should take care to consume the correct ratio of LA to ALA.
Signs of deficiency can include dry skin and poor wound healing, although symptoms may not always be apparent.


Vitamin F protects Skin: As it makes ceramides on the skin, these help to build our outermost layer of skin and act like glue to keep cells together. This means that vitamin F can help to block out irritants, UV light and pollutants that would otherwise damage skin.

Vitamin F retains Moisture: Vitamin F becomes ceramides when used on the skin, a family of lipids that help form the skin’s barrier and help the skin retain moisture.

Vitamin F reduces Inflammation : Vitamin F can help with some inflammatory skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis as it helps to reduce inflammation as well as regulate healthy cell function, and excessive water loss.

Vitamin F calms Skin: Vitamin F helps to soothe and calm irritated skin by helping our skin’s barrier become healthier. This aids with irritable and inflamed skin as well as helping to calm troubled skin such as those prone to breakouts and blemishes.

Vitamin F Tackles Blemishes: Some studies have shown that those who experience trouble with acne prone skin could reduce blemishes by 25% in around a month, by applying linoleic acid (vitamin F) topically.

When used topically, vitamin F has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing benefits, making it a gentle, but effective ingredient for skin issues like eczema and psoriasis. Another reason the ingredient is surging in popularity: Vitamin F works well with other topical active ingredients, and is safe for all skin types.

It is a vitamin that actually does not fit the standard definition of a traditional vitamin. In fact, it is better classified as a fat – a fat that is absolutely essential to our biological process, but which our bodies do not synthesize.
What is this amazing, yet illusive vitamin? It is vitamin F. Perhaps better known as linoleic acid, an omega-6 essential fatty acid (EFA). It plays a crucial role – in tandem with omega-3 EFAs – in brain function, normal growth, skin and hair regeneration, bone health, and metabolic function.
In the world of aesthetics, vitamin F is typically found in skin-nourishing formulations as linoleic acid.

This powerhouse ingredient comes with a laundry list of benefits, but in skin care it may be best known for its ability to heal, hydrate and plump.

What It Is
There are two types of essential fatty acids – alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 EFA, and linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 EFA. These are considered essential, because they cannot be synthesized by the human body. The word “linoleic” is derived from the Greek word “linon,” which means flax, and “oleic,” which translates to “relating to, or derived from oil.” All essential fatty acids are straight-chain hydrocarbons, and linoleic comprises 18 carbons and two double bonds. It is a polyunsaturated fatty acid used in biosynthesis, and it forms the lipid component of the cell membranes in the body.

How It Works
Essential fatty acids are necessary to normal growth and function of healthy cells. They are vital to the synthesis of tissue lipids, and in the life and death of cardiac cells. These characteristics make EFAs important to healthy skin and hair – it helps maintain shine and strength in hair.
In skin care, linoleic acid provides
anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and healing support. It also helps fight acne, softens the skin, and keeps it supple and youthful. EFAs can also help facilitate the penetration of other active ingredients such as antioxidants, because of their ability to permeate the skin barrier.
Deficiencies are more likely to occur with omega-3 than omega-6 EFAs simply because omega-6 EFAs are more abundant in our food sources. Regardless, a deficiency in EFAs can result in dry hair and skin, hair loss, poor wound healing, and decreased cell regeneration.

Where to Find It
Vitamin F is found in a variety of food sources. Linoleic (omega-6) is commonly found in a variety of oils such as safflower, grape seed, poppy seed, sunflower and hemp oil … to name a few. It is also found in almonds, egg yolks and cocoa butter. Alpha-linolenic acid is also found in seed oils, as well as salmon, emu, flax, soybeans, walnuts, chia and hemp seeds.
In aesthetics linoleic acid may be commonly found in skin-nourishing and building formulas. Essential fatty acids are ideal for post-care following corrective treatments such as peels, as they provide anti-inflammatory properties, allow for quicker recover, minimize scarring and relieve pain.
With linoleic acid’s potent healing properties, it should be a treatment room staple. Not only is it useful in accelerating the healing during the post-corrective treatment, it also can help treat burns, cold sores and other minor wounds. Keep in mind that EFAs are also the building blocks of healthy cells, making them a vital part of any healthy aging regimen.

Research has found that including linoleic acid in hair products helps the scalp absorb other ingredients faster and more efficiently. This makes both fatty acids excellent carrier oils, increasing absorption and helping to deliver other active ingredients where they need to go.

Additional research proved that linoleic acid helps to maintain the health of cell membranes, improve nutrient use, and establish and control cellular metabolism. In other words, it optimizes the skin and scalp so that they get everything they need to stay healthy, moisturized, and balanced.

VITAMIN F sometimes used to represent essential fatty acids of linoleic acid and linolenic acid. There are many fatty acids that have benefit for skin, including arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic, and oleic acids to name a few. These all have emollient, hydrating, replenishing, and often antioxidant properties for skin.
