Sodium gluconate is sodium salt of gluconic acid that is produced by the fermentation of glucose. PMP Sodium gluconate comes in a fine granular or powdered form. It is soluble in water, non corrosive, non toxic, biodegradable and biorenewable.

Sodium gluconate is a compound with formula NaC6H11O7. It is the sodium salt of gluconic acid. Its E number is E576. Sodium gluconate is widely used in textile dyeing, printing and metal surface water treatment. It is also used as a chelating agent, a steel surface cleaning agent, a cleaning agent for glass bottles, and as a chelating agent for cement, plating and alumina dyeing industries. It is a white powder that is very soluble in water.

Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with a chelating property.Sodium gluconate acts as a stabilizer, a sequestrant, and a thickener when used as a food additive.
It is usually used in dairy products, processed fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices, cereals, processed meats, preserved fish, etc.

Sodium gluconate is a compound with formula NaC6H11O7.
It is the sodium salt of gluconic acid. Its E number is E576.
Sodium gluconate is widely used in textile dyeing, printing and metal surface water treatment.
It is also used as a chelating agent, a steel surface cleaning agent, a cleaning agent for glass bottles, and as a chelating agent for cement, plating and alumina dyeing industries.
It is a white powder that is very soluble in water.

Sodium Gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid with chelating property.
Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions.

Sodium gluconate is an organic sodium salt having D-gluconate as the counterion. It has a role as a chelator. It contains a D-gluconate.

Sodium gluconate is a water-soluble organic sodium salt of gluconic acid. Gluconate salts are oxidation products of glucose and occur widely in nature.
Sodium gluconate belongs to the hydroxycarboxylic acid salt family.
The chemical structure of sodium gluconate consists of a sixcarbon chain with five hydroxyl (-OH) groups terminating in a carboxylic acid group.
The close proximity of the oxygen atoms within the chemical structure lends to its function as a highly efficient chelating agent.
Chelating agents binding to positively charged metal ions in solution and prevent them from forming insoluble precipitates with other ions that may be present.
Sodium gluconate functions as a chelating agent over a wide pH range. It is efficient in forming stable chelates with divalent and trivalent metal ions such as calcium, copper, iron, aluminum, and other metals, reducing the adverse effects these metals can have on systems.
In addition, sodium gluconate acts as a humectant, which means that it attracts water and increases hydration in products.
These properties contribute to the use of sodium gluconate as a high performing chelating agent, sequestrant, processing aid, humectant, and corrosion inhibitor in a variety of applications.

IUPAC name
Sodium (2R,3S,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoate
Sodium D-gluconate
CAS Number: 527-07-1

D-gluconate; D-gluconic acid; dextrone acid; gluconate; gluconic acid; magnerot;
magnesium gluconate; maltonic acid; pentahydroxycaproic acid; D-gluconic acid,
monosodium salt

D-Gluconic acid, monosodium salt
Gluconic acid sodium salt
Monosodium D-gluconate
Monosodium gluconate
sodium (2R,3S,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoate

Chemical formula: C6H11NaO7
Molar mass:218.137 g·mol−1
Appearance: White powder
Odor: Odorless
Solubility in water: 58 g/100 mL
Solubility in ethanol and diethyl ether: Slightly soluble

Sodium gluconate  is a chemical compound, salt of sodium and gluconic acid with the formula HOCH 2 (CHOH) 4 COONa, colorless crystals, soluble in water, food additive E576.
Alkaline fermentation of cellulose .
Physical properties
Sodium gluconate forms colorless crystals.

Soluble in water and ethanol .


Sodium D-gluconate


D-Gluconic acid, monosodium salt

D-Gluconic acid sodium salt

Gluconic acid sodium salt

Monosodium gluconate


Monosodium D-gluconate

D-Gluconate sodium salt

Gluconate (sodium)

Pasexon 100T

Gluconato di sodio [Italian]


Sodium gluconate [USP]

Gluconic acid, monosodium salt, D-

EINECS 208-407-7


gluconate sodium

sodium (2R,3S,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoate


2,3,4,5,6-Pentahydroxycaproic acid sodium salt




Sodium gluconate (USP)

Gluconic acid, sodium salt

D-Gluconic acid, sodium salt (1:?)

D-Gluconic acid, sodium salt

Gluconic acid, sodium salt, 98%


Gluconato di sodio

D-Gluconic acid, sodium salt (1:1)

EINECS 238-976-7

gluconic acid sodium


In industrial detergents
Sodium gluconate and gluconic acid are used as complexing agents for bivalent or trivalent metal cations (Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Fe 3+ , Al 3+ ) in industrial alkaline cleaning solutions. They are particularly effective in this application, even when compared to agents such as NTA and EDTA . Gluconic acid and sodium gluconate are commonly used in liquid formulations in combination with other ingredients such as surfactants , sodium hydroxide, sodium silicate, and phosphates. Such formulations can be more effective due to synergy, arising from a combination of the properties of two or three components: Trisodium phosphate, used as a detergent , does not have complexing properties and in hard water can cause precipitation of calcium in the form of an insoluble phosphate salt. Sodium gluconate added to the solution reacts with calcium ions to form a soluble chelate compound. Surfactantsgenerally more effective in soft or demineralized water. Since it is very expensive to demineralize water, adding sodium gluconate to the formulation is an economical solution. Silicates complement the action of sodium hydroxide by imparting increased alkalinity and preventing corrosion. Sodium gluconate imparts synergy to these properties. Due to the combination of complexing, dispersing and anti-corrosive properties, high solubility and increased stability in a strongly alkaline environment, sodium gluconate is the best complexing agent for creating alkaline formulations.

Additive to concrete and building mixtures
Sodium gluconate slows down the setting of concrete , lowers water content and improves plasticity even at low dosages. Its use contributes to obtaining concrete with increased strength after 28 days. The principle of action of sodium gluconate is based on several interrelated mechanisms: – Adsorption: Sodium gluconate is adsorbed on the surface of cement particles during hydration and prevents their contact with water, slowing down the setting. – Sedimentation (precipitation): in the aqueous phase, sodium gluconate interacts with calcium ions, forming an insoluble and impermeable layer of calcium gluconate on the surface of the cement particles. This slows down hydration and lengthens the hardening time. The mechanical strength of the cement is increased under conditions favorable for the formation of long microcrystalline fibers. – Complexation: sodium gluconate isolates calcium ions, preventing the formation of crystal nuclei. – Dispersion: Sodium gluconate helps to disperse the cement particles in the mixture, reducing the effect of Van der Waals forces and improving wetting. This increases the fluidity or allows the water content to be reduced. It is known that with a low water content, microcrystalline fibers of increased length are not required to bind all cement particles. This leads to an increase in the strength of the cement after 28 days. Thus, sodium gluconate increases plasticity and strength by reducing the water content of the mixture, and also slows down the hardening.

Cement additive for the oil industry
Sodium Gluconate is used in the oil industry to cement boreholes. Cementing serves for:

fixing the drill string relative to the sides of the well
drill string enclosures
protecting the drilling space from pressure fluctuations and corrosion
reduction of fluid loss through the permeable layer
According to American Petroleum Institute standards, there are several grades of cement that are used for this process. Some types of cements contain retardants, in these types of cements sodium gluconate can be injected directly into the cement. Another related application of sodium gluconate is in the treatment of a production well. Operating time, recoil can be reduced due to the formation of salts such as calcium sulfate or calcium carbonate, which reduce the geological permeability of gas and oil. In these cases, it is possible to use acid or alkali to destroy these formations. The addition of sodium gluconate to the working fluid can improve properties by keeping the salts dissolved. Related Uses: Preventing crystal growth. Sodium gluconate prevents the formation of salt and mineral deposits. Sodium gluconate is absorbed on the surface of the crystal and prevents its further growth. Thus, the size and number of crystals changes. Corrosion inhibitor. In an alkaline environment, especially in enriched borax, sodium gluconate is a good corrosion inhibitor for ferrous metals such as cast iron or steel.

Metallurgical applications
In steel production and especially in aluminum production – sodium gluconate works as a well-known, fairly effective chelating agent that binds metal ions and thereby prevents the deposition of aluminum hydroxide on surfaces, allows the sediment to be easily removed during filtration. When pickling steel, sodium gluconate prevents metal salt deposits from settling in the bath or on the sheets, thereby improving the condition of the metal surface. Etching of metals has as its goal either the continuous dissolution of a thin layer from the metal surface – matt etching, or etching on the surface of only individual places – etching of drawings, letters. In the latter case, the metal surface is covered with a protective layer, on which a pattern is applied, cut with a sharp tool (needle) to the metal, so that

Application in the food industry
Sodium gluconate in the food industry is an additive-complexing agent and flavor enhancer (food additive designed to enhance taste sensations by increasing the sensitivity of the taste
buds of the tongue). Sodium gluconate E-576, according to SanPiN – 01: “Food additives that do not have a harmful effect on human health when used for the manufacture of
food” in accordance with the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2001 N 36 is allowed for application.

Raw Materials For Concrete Admixtures Water Reducers / Superplasticizers / Retarders

Product description

Sodium Gluconate is a sodium salt of gluconic acid, specially formulated for the highest grade of water reduction.

Areas of use

Sodium Gluconate – is used in the following conditions and applications.

It is used in situations where good workability and consistency protection are required in additive compositions with the highest degree of water reduction.
• In additive formulations for densely reinforced elements such as beams, posts and partitions.
• In additives formulations for industrial floors.
Provides an economical design with polycarboxylate based additives.
Benefits and Properties

Due to its organic and inorganic compounds, Lyksor Sodium Gluconate is well compatible with polycarboxylate based impurities, in addition, high dosages provide a more
economical impurity cost.
Sodium Gluconate prolongs the setting time of concrete.
In the formulation of additives, the use of Lyksor Sodium Gluconate in the appropriate dosage provides greater ease of processing, facilitates mixing, transportation, and
placement of concrete in the formwork.
Sodium Gluconate improves strength and durability by reaching the target consistency class with a lower WBR.
Sodium Gluconate maintains the consistency of the concrete longer than the reference concrete.

E576 Sodium gluconate
Sodium gluconate (E576)
Sodium gluconate is a chemical that is included in the list of food additives, belongs to the group of emulsifiers. According to the international classification, sodium gluconate
is assigned the code E576, under this marking it can most often be found on food labels.

General characteristics and obtaining E576
Sodium gluconate is a salt of sodium and gluconic acid , which, when interacting with alkalis, forms sodium gluconate and releases carbonate impurities. Sodium gluconate is a
transparent crystals or powder, colorless and odorless (calorizator). The substance is highly soluble in water and other liquids, with the exception of alcohol and its derivatives.

Prescription of sodium gluconate
E576 is considered a complexing food additive, it is a taste enhancer that affects the sensitivity of the taste buds of the tongue, thereby enhancing the taste sensation. Has the ability
to bind excess iron , calcium and heavy metal ions, which is used in the brewing industry to remove pathogens remaining on the walls of bottles

The benefits and harms of E576
Officially, sodium gluconate is considered a food supplement that is not harmful to human health. But, given the chemical origin of E576, you should not eat foods containing sodium gluconate
in excessive quantities. In case of an overdose of the substance, the body will react with a headache, reddening of the face, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and profuse sweating,
shortness of breath and palpitations may appear.

Application of sodium gluconate
Food additive E576 is used in most cases as a complexing agent. It allows you to create a homogeneous mixture of substances immiscible in nature, forming chelate bonds with them. Sodium gluconate is used not only in the food industry, its areas of application are:

production of detergents,
textile industry,
production of concrete and cement.

Sodium gluconate used in industrial alkaline cleaning solutions. In this application, it is particularly effective, even when compared to agents such as NTA and EDTA. Sodium gluconate is commonly used in liquid formulations in combination with other ingredients such as surfactants, sodium hydroxide, sodium silicate, and phosphates. Such formulations can be more effective due to the synergism arising from the combination of the properties of two or three components: Trisodium phosphate, used as a detergent, does not have complexing properties and in hard water can precipitate calcium in the form of an insoluble phosphate salt. Sodium gluconate added to the solution reacts with calcium ions to form a soluble careless compound. Surfactants are generally more effective in soft or demineralized water. Since it is very expensive to demineralize water, adding sodium gluconate to the formulation is an economical solution. Silicates complement the action of sodium hydroxide by imparting increased alkalinity and preventing corrosion. Sodium gluconate imparts synergy to these properties. Due to the combination of complexing, dispersing and anticorrosive properties, high solubility and increased stability in a strongly alkaline environment, sodium gluconate is the best complexing agent for creating alkaline formulations.

Synonyms: monosodium salt, Sodium gluconate, Sodium D-gluconate, Sodium gluconate, D-gluconic acid sodium salt
English names: monosodium salt, Sodium Gluconate

Sodium gluconate is an organic compound, the Sodium gluconatesodium salt of gluconic acid. Formula – NaC6H11O7, in structural form – HOCH2 (CHOH) 4COONa. The names are synonyms: sodium gluconate, sodium D-gluconate. It is obtained by processing cellulose.

Sodium gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid, produced by fermentation of glucose. It is a white to tan, granular to fine, crystalline powder, very soluble in water. Non corrosive, non-toxic and readily biodegradable (98 % after 2 days), sodium gluconate is more and more appreciated as chelating agent.

The outstanding property of sodium gluconate is its excellent chelating power, especially in alkaline and concentrated alkaline solutions. It forms stable chelates with calcium, iron, copper, aluminium and other heavy metals, and in this respect, it surpasses all other chelating agents, such as EDTA, NTA and related compounds.

Aqueous solutions of sodium gluconate are resistant to oxidation and reduction, even at high temperatures. However, it is easily degraded biologically (98 % after 2 days), and thus presents no wastewater problem.

Sodium gluconate is also a highly efficient set retarder and a good plasticiser / water reducer for concrete, mortar and gypsum.

And last but not least, it has the property to inhibit bitterness in foodstuffs.

SODIUM GLUCONATE is an excipient used by pharma and nutraceutical manufacturers to obtain the benefits of a buffer and pH adjuster. This organic salt can be used in swallowable tablets, orally dispersible tablets, and hard capsules

The neutralized form of gluconic acid. It’s a great ingredient to neutralize metal (especially iron and copper) ions in a cosmetic product. This helps to prevent discoloration of the formula over time or rancidity of cosmetic oils. It can also be a pH regulator and a humectant (helps skin to cling onto water).

It’s also used in oral care products where it reduces the bitterness of other ingredients

CDR reports use of liquid sodium gluconate as a corrosion inhibitor, anti-scaling agent, and processing aid in food, beverage, and tobacco manufacturing processing (incorporation into formulation, mixture, or reaction product). SPIN identifies use of sodium gluconate in food, beverage, and tobacco manufacturing in Nordic countries, including the manufacture of beer, vegetable and animal oils and fats, dairy products, meat and meat products, as well as processing and preserving of fruits, vegetables, meat, meat products, fish, and fish products.
CDR reports use of dry powder, pellet, and large crystal sodium gluconate in water treatment products.
CDR identifies concentrations of at least 90 percent by weight in commercial, dry powder water treatment products.
GE Betz identifies use of sodium gluconate in water and process technology membrane cleaners, and Hydrite Chemical identifies use in water treatment products.
SPIN reports use of sodium gluconate in water treatment softeners and calcium removers in Nordic countries.
CDR reports use of liquid, dry powder, and other solid sodium gluconate as a plating agent, surface treatment agent, and processing aid in fabricated metal manufacturing, for processing and use
CDR reports use of dry powder sodium gluconate in commercial paints and coatings and as a plating and surface treatment agent in industrial paint and coating manufacturing
Synapse Information Resources identifies use of sodium gluconate in hide tanning, as a sequestrant and chelating agent in textiles and leather, and as a mordant for fabrics.
Hydrite Chemical identifies use as a textile dye.
HazMap identifies use of sodium gluconate in textile bleach stabilization and generally in the tanning and textile industries.
SPIN reports use of sodium gluconate in textile finishing and manufacturing, as well as washing and cleaning of textile and fur products


Powder with fine crystals, colorless. Soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol. Reacts easily with acids and alkalis.

Sodium gluconic acid is considered a harmless additive and is approved for use in the Russian Federation, CIS countries and the European Union, although it has side effects. For example, it enhances not only taste, but also the feeling of hunger, stimulating a person to eat more than necessary. In addition, in large doses, the substance can cause allergies, headache, dizziness, irritation and rash on the skin, tachycardia, increased sweating. With regular consumption, addiction develops, and food without this additive begins to seem bland.

Store the reagent in a ventilated, cool area.


Most often used as a food additive E576. Belongs to the category of flavor enhancers. Strengthens the taste by improving the sensitivity of the receptors of the tongue, makes the taste of protein products (meat, fish, mushroom) more intense. It is in demand in the manufacture of semi-finished products, soy sauce, bouillon cubes, chips, seasonings for meat and fish. In restaurants and fast food cafes, it is used in its pure form as a seasoning. It is also used as a shaper, emulsifier, acidity level regulator. Strengthens the effectiveness of antioxidants, helps to bind and make indigestible excess amounts of iron, calcium, heavy metals.
In the food industry – for washing membranes for ultrafiltration separation of milk; washing food bottles; descaling beer containers.
Part of laundry detergents and household detergents, bleaches, shampoos.
In the production of professional Sodium gluconic acidalkaline cleaning agents for industrial removal of organic and inorganic sludge; rust, carbon and silicate deposits from glass surfaces. The addition of sodium gluconate to liquid products helps them to be used in water of any hardness. In addition, the reagent enhances the action of other components, reduces their corrosive properties, and improves water solubility.
In building and concrete mixtures to improve the plasticity of the mortar. Thanks to the addition of sodium gluconate, concrete sets more slowly and requires less water to prepare the solution. Ready concrete with additives of the reagent is characterized by increased strength.
In the oil industry for cementing wells, extending their life, strengthening drill strings, protecting the walls of wells from the pressure of surrounding formations and their corrosive effects, preventing fluid loss from the well. The substance is used to prevent “salting” of wells (salt deposits impair the permeability of the well to oil and gas; the reagent maintains salts in a soluble form). When alkaline reagents are used in drilling fluids, sodium gluconate additive protects cast iron and steel parts of drills and strings from corrosion.
In metallurgy – when smelting steel and aluminum, when pickling steel.
In pharmacology and medicine as a regulator of water-salt balance. It is used in droppers for anti-shock and detoxification therapy; with frostbite, burns, large blood loss; to restore
the balance of electrolytes; in the treatment of peritonitis.


Agricultural chemicals (non-pesticidal)- pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing

Plasticizers- nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (includes clay, glass,cement, concrete, lime, gypsum, and other nonmetallic mineral productmanufacturing;


Plating agents and surface treating agents- fabricated metal product manufacturing

Fertilizer-pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing

Surface active agents- soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing

Processing aids not otherwise listed- soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing)

nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (includes clay, glass, cement, concrete, lime, gypsum, and other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing;

food, beverage, and tobacco product manufacturing

all other chemical product and preparation manufacturing

fabricated metal product manufacturing;

nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (includes clay, glass,cement, concrete, lime, gypsum, and other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing

oil and gas drilling, extraction, and support activities

Corrosion inhibitors and anti-scaling agents- food, beverage, and tobacco product manufacturing;

All other basic inorganic chemical manufacturing

Powdered vat cleaner, aluminum Cleaner, glass Cleaner, etc.- soap, cleaning

compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing

Laboratory chemicals- all other chemical product and preparation manufacturing

Chelating agent- soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing

Chemical distribution- wholesale and retail trade

Solvents (for cleaning and degreasing)- soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing

Processing- incorporation into an article

Solvents (which become part of product formulation or mixture)- soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing

Plasticizers- all other chemical product and preparation manufacturing

Functional fluids (open systems)- fabricated metal product manufacturing

Sodium gluconate is the sodium salt of D-gluconic acid. D-gluconic acid is a 6-carbon aldonic acid (oxidized sugar) derived from glucose.
EPA used best professional judgement to select analogs to sodium gluconate based on similarity in structure, physical-chemical properties and functionality, with the assumption that these chemicals will have similar environmental transport and persistence
characteristics, and bioavailability and toxicity profiles. All analogs are aldonic acids containing 5-7 carbon atoms, or their corresponding salts or esters. Sodium glucoheptonate is used as an analog and has a chain length of 7 carbons.
Analogs also include the free acid D-gluconic acid and two additionalsalts.
Like the sodium salt, the potassium and calcium salts are expected to readily dissociate under environmentally and biologically relevant conditions to release gluconic acid and/or gluconate anion, depending on the ambient pH.
As a result, the environmental and health effects of these compounds are expected to be very similar to those of sodium gluconate.
In addition, glucono-delta-lactone is a cyclic ester (lactone) of D-gluconic acid.
The lactone and acid are interconverted to each other and exist in equilibrium in aqueous solution.
Based on these factors, the environmental and toxicological effects of glucono-delta-lactone and D-gluconic acid are expected to be very similar to each other and to sodium gluconate.

gluconic acid sodium salt
D-    gluconic acid sodium salt
dextro-    gluconic acid sodium salt
D-    gluconic acid sodium salt (1:1)
dextro-    gluconic acid sodium salt (1:1)
gluconic acid, sodium salt
hexonic acid, sodium salt (1:1)
sodium 2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxy-1-hexanoate
sodium 2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoate
sodium D-gluconate
sodium galactonate
mono    sodium gluconate

Sodium gluconate is a compound with formula NaC6H11O7. It is the sodium salt of gluconic acid. Its E number is E576. Sodium gluconate is widely used in textile dyeing, printing and metal surface water treatment. It is also used as a chelating agent, a steel surface cleaning agent, a cleaning agent for glass bottles, and as a chelating agent for cement, plating and alumina dyeing industries.
It is a white powder that is very soluble in water.

Brightener for nickel iron alloy electroplating. When used alone, it can make the plating solution clear, make the plating surface bright, and make crystal fine and a great leveling. Dosage is 0.1 ~ 0.2 g/L.
Food additives, electroplating complexing agent, water quality stabilizer, color agent in printing and dyeing industry, treatment agent for iron and steel surface.
Used in pharmaceutical industry.
Used as a corrosion inhibitor for circulating cooling water systems, used in electroplating and metal cleaning and used in pharmacy.
Nutritional supplements, chelating agent and yeast food.
In the treatment of industrial water, used as scale-corrosion inhibitor. A good compound effect with aluminum.
The calcium gluconate is added into the reaction kettle. Add sulfuric acid aqueous solution while stirring. After mixing for one hour, let it stand for a while and then get it filtered. The filter residue is CaSO4 and gets it removed. The filtrate is added into the neutralization kettle, and a proper amount of Na2CO3 aqueous solution is added to neutralize it. Finally get it through concentration, filtration and drying. Check the finished products with proper packaging.

Sodium gluconate is a salt of gluconic acid. It is a white powder, odorless and soluble in water. Sodium gluconate is used as chelating agent in various applications such as cement, alumina dyeing and plating industries. Sodium gluconate is also used as a surface cleaning agent. It is an effective sequestrant for magnesium, iron, aluminum, copper and calcium. It is used as a softener in water treatment.

The market for sodium gluconate was mainly driven by construction and industrial sector. Sodium gluconate is also used in textile industry in degreasing and cleaning fibers, sequestrant for metal ions. It can be used as retardant and plasticizer in construction industry. Sodium gluconate is used in treatment of metallic surfaces, aluminum etching and metal degreasing among other. Construction sector can provide major opportunities for sodium gluconate in near the future. However, higher manufacturing costs can be major restraint for the market in upcoming years.

In terms of demand, Asia Pacific was the leading region in the sodium gluconate market. The demand is high due to the huge demand from construction industry. China is one of the major producer and consumer for sodium gluconate and is expected to be the same in near future. India and Japan are likely to exhibit more demand for sodium gluconate across the forecast period. Asia Pacific was followed by North America. The market for sodium gluconate is huge from metal cleaning and textile market. Europe market is anticipated to grow and is likely to show greater demand in upcoming years owing to huge demand for sodium gluconate from various manufacturing sectors. The Rest of the World market is likely to potential market for sodium gluconate in next few years.

Sodium gluconate or sodium d-gluconate, the sodium salt of gluconic acid with the European food additive number E576, is different with other gluconates that can be used as a nutrient, this ingredient is mainly used as a chelating agent and cleaner in food and industrial uses.

What is Sodium Gluconate (E576) in food and other uses?Sodium Gluconate in beverageCHELATING AGENT MAY 7, 2020 NO COMMENTS
Uses | Specification | Property | Safety | FAQs

Sodium gluconate or sodium d-gluconate, the sodium salt of gluconic acid with the European food additive number E576, is different with other gluconates that can be used as a nutrient, this ingredient is mainly used as a chelating agent and cleaner in food and industrial uses.

What’re the Uses of Sodium gluconate?
It is a multi-functional ingredient that can be used in a lot of fields, commonly used for its outstanding chelating property in food and industrial uses. Also used for its PH buffering and taste improvement in food.

Food grade sodium gluconate can be used as:

A sequestrant agent by chelating undesirable metal ions.
A PH buffer in drink.
A taste improver for beverage by masking off-notes or reducing the bitterness/aftertaste from artificial sweeteners, soybean protein, minerals or caffeine.
A stabilizer in meat products by increasing meat water-binding capacity and improving its firmness and sliceability. Meanwhile, sodium gluconate is a replacement of phosphates. (1)
Pharma & Nutraceutical
It can be used as an excipient as a buffer and pH adjuster in the following products (2):

Swallowable/orally dispersible tablets
Hard capsules
Sodium gluconate functions as a chelating and skin conditioning in cosmetic and personal care products. (3)

And usually we can find it in skin care products like face cream, soap, and toothpaste.

Industrial uses
Chelating agent

With good sequestering power (over EDTA, NTA and some other related compounds) to combine with di- and trivalent metal ions, such as calcium, iron, copper, aluminium to form stable chelates and take them out of water or the solution at an alkaline pH, and with little effect on temperature.

Due to this property, it is widely used in:

Water treatment
Bottle washing
Corrosion inhibition
Metal surface treatment
Industrial cleaning
Concrete retarder

In addition, it can be used in the construction industry, as a retarding cement enhancing additive. (4)

Other names
Sodium d-gluconate
Sodium salt of D-gluconic acid
CAS number    527-07-1
Chemical formula    NaC6H11O7
Molecular weight    218.137

(2R,3S,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoate de sodium
14906-97-9 [RN]
2,3,4,5,6-Pentahydroxycaproic acid sodium salt
238-976-7 [EINECS]
527-07-1 [RN]
D-Gluconate de sodium [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
D-Gluconate sodium salt
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt
D-Gluconic acid, sodium salt (1:1) [ACD/Index Name]
MFCD00064210 [MDL number]
Natrium-D-gluconat [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
sodium (2R,3S,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoate
Sodium (2R,3S,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoate (non-preferred name)
Sodium D-gluconate [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Sodium Gluconate
16916-78-2 [RN]
D-Gluconic acid monosodium salt
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt;Sodium D-gluconate;D-Gluconate sodium salt
D-Gluconic acid sodium salt|Sodium gluconate
D-Gluconic acid, monosodium salt
D-Gluconic acid, sodium salt
EINECS 238-976-7
Gluconate (sodium)
Gluconate sodium
Gluconic acid sodium salt
Gluconic acid, monosodium salt, D-
Gluconic acid, sodium salt
Monosodium gluconate
Sodium gluconate (USP)
Sodium gluconate USP
グルコン酸ナトリウム [Japanese]
