CAS number: 9005-46-3
EC number: 618-419-8

Description of Sodium caseinate:
Sodium caseinate is a kind of water soluble emulsifier.
Sodium caseinate has the function of stabilizing, strengthening protein, thickening, foaming etc.
Sodium caseinate is also a protein nutrition fortifier.
Sodium caseinate has also been used in bread, biscuits, and other cereals.
Like casein, sodium caseinate is a high quality protein source.

Sodium caseinate is made from milk protein and is hydrolyzed and absorbed to participate in the normal metabolism of the body.
There is no definite chemical structure for sodium caseinate.
In electrophoretic analysis, there are at least 20 different kinds of protein components.
The main components are a mixture of alpha casein, beta casein and kappa casein (rather than simple proteins).

Sodium Caseinate can be used in Food, Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Health & Personal care products, Agriculture/Animal Feed/Poultry.
Sodium Caseinate is used as food emulsifier and thickening agent in bread, biscuits, candy, cakes, ice cream, yogurt drinks, and margarine, gravy, fast food, meat and seafood products.
Sodium caseinate is the biochemical name for casein, which is a type of protein found in the milk from all mammals.
Casein, which is Latin for “cheese,” is a major component of commercial cheese and its principle source of protein.
Some people are allergic to sodium caseinate, and it has been linked to some human diseases, mainly autism and gastrointestinal problems.

Sodium caseinate is a compound derived from casein, a protein present in the milk of mammals.
Casein is the dominant protein in cow’s milk and responsible for its opaque, white appearance.
sodium caseinate’s an integral component of many milk-based products like ice cream and cheese.
Casein proteins can be separated from milk and used independently as a supplement or additive to thicken, texturize, and stabilize various food products.
Sodium caseinate can be used as a protein supplement and to alter the texture and stability of various products, such as baked goods, cheeses, ice cream, medications, and soap.

How sodium caseinate’s made
The terms casein and sodium caseinate are often used interchangeably, but they differ slightly on a chemical level.
Sodium caseinate is a compound that forms when casein proteins are chemically extracted from skim milk.

First, the solid casein-containing curds are separated from the whey, which is the liquid part of milk.
This can be done by adding specialized enzymes or an acidic substance — like lemon juice or vinegar — to the milk.
Once the curds have been separated from the whey, they’re treated with a basic substance called sodium hydroxide before being dried into a powder.

The resulting sodium caseinate powder can then be used in a variety of foods, including:
-protein powder
-coffee creamer
-ice cream
-cheese-flavored snacks
-cereal bars
-processed meats

What is Sodium Caseinate?
Sodium caseinates primary purpose is as an emulsifier.
The emulsification of sodium casein is mainly contributed to casein.
This is because casein is a protein, the molecules of that have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups, which can be attracted to water and fatty substances to achieve emulsification.

What is Sodium caseinate Made of?
Sodium casein is composed of protein, fat, calcium, sodium, lactose and others.

How is Sodium Caseinate made?
Like calcium caseinate, Sodium caseinate is produced by treating casein curd with an alkaline substance, here it is sodium hydroxide.
The insoluble casein is converted into a soluble form in this way.

How to Produce Casein?
Generally, casein is made from skim milk by two methods, precipitation by acid or coagulation by rennet, one is acid casein, another is rennet casein.

-Cream liqueurs
-Nutritional beverages
-Processed cheese and spreads
-Whipping agent
-Non-dairy creamer
-Processed meat

Sodium caseinate is a compound derived from casein, the main protein in milk.
sodium caseinate’s commonly used as a food additive because of its diverse nutritional and functional properties.
sodium caseinate’s used in nutrition supplements and processed foods like cheese, ice cream, bread, and cured meats, as well as in various cosmetic and personal care products.

Sodium caseinate, the sodium salt of casein (a milk protein), is a multi-functional food additive, and together with calcium caseinate, they’re dairy protein commonly used as an emulsifier, thickener or stabilizer in food.
Sodium caseinate improves the properties of food during processing and storage, as well as provides nutrition, taste and smell.

The following are the simple manufacturing process:
1. Acid Casein
The fresh milk, after the process of skimmed and pasteurized, then add acid (lactic acid, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid) and adjust the pH to 4.6 to make the casein micelles lose their charge and solidify & precipitate. Then followed by neutralization and drying.

2. Rennet Casein
Made from skim milk, then add rennetase to form a coagulated precipitate.

This ingredient has the following features:
-Good emulsifying properties
-Good water solubility
-Good whipping properties
-Low flavour profile
-Good nutritional value
-Good retort stabilty

This ingredient can be used in the following applications:
-Whipped toppings
-Coffee whiteners
-Cream liqueurs
-Nutritional products
-Wet blend ingredient for susceptible population
-Not intended for use as a Dry Blend ingredient for infants <12 months of age

Sodium caseinate itself is a high molecular weight protein that has a certain viscosity in an aqueous solution.
The combined uses with some thickeners, such as carrageenan, guar gum, and CMC can greatly improve its thickening and suspension stability.
The synergistic effect with carrageenan is the best, in addition to increasing the viscosity, it can also improve the emulsifying ability.

Heat Stable
Sodium caseinates emulsion can be sterilized at 120 ℃ for a long time without destroying its stability and functionality.

What’re the applications of Sodium Caseinate?
With Sodium caseinates emulsification, foaming, thickening, hydration, gelling and other properties, plus it is a protein, sodium caseinate is widely used in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.

Sodium caseinates uses of food grade are more wider than casein due to the water-soluble property.
The common applications are in ice cream, meat products, bread, cereal products and etc.
Let’s see Sodium caseinates functions and suggested uses in food categories.

Sodium caseinate can make fat distribution evenly, enhance the stickiness of the meat.
The common usage: 0.2-0.5%.

Ice cream
Ice cream contains a certain amount of fat and non-fat milk solids.
The common usage of sodium caseinate is 0.2-0.3%.
Sodium caseinate is added as/to:

There are several types of caseinates, but sodium caseinate is usually preferred because it’s the most water-soluble, meaning that it readily mixes with other substances.
Sodium caseinate is a food additive and nutritional supplement derived from the milk protein casein.

A variety of uses
Sodium caseinate is an ingredient with many broad and useful applications in the food, cosmetic, and personal care industries.

Nutrition supplements
Casein comprises approximately 80% of the protein in cow’s milk, while whey accounts for the remaining 20%.
Sodium caseinate is a popular protein choice in supplements like protein powders, snack bars, and meal replacements because it provides a rich source of high quality and complete protein.

Proteins are considered complete if they contain all nine essential amino acids that your body needs to stay healthy.
Research suggests that casein can promote the growth and repair of muscle tissue, which makes it a popular protein supplement choice among athletes and weight lifters.
Due to Sodium caseinates favorable amino acid profile, sodium caseinate is also frequently used as a protein source in infant formulas.

Food additive
In addition to being a great source of protein, sodium caseinate has many functional attributes that make it a popular additive in the food industry.
For example, sodium caseinate has a high capacity for water absorption, meaning it can be used to modify the texture of foods like dough and commercially prepared baked goods .
sodium caseinate’s also frequently used as an emulsifier to keep fats and oils suspended in products like processed and cured meats.
Sodium caseinate’s unique melting properties also make it useful for producing natural and processed cheeses, while its foaming properties make it an ideal additive in products like whipped toppings and ice cream.

Other applications
Although sodium caseinate’s usually added to food, sodium caseinate is also used to change the texture and chemical stability of a variety of other products like pharmaceutical drugs, soap, makeup, and personal care products.

An emulsifying stabilizer, which can avoid the shrinking and deforming caused by the low milk solids content.
Reduce lactose content in the formulation, prevent lactose from crystallizing during freezing and storage of the finished product.

Sodium caseinate combines with gluten protein to improve the stability and gas retention of the gluten network, enhance the dough’s elasticity and toughness.
In addition, sodium caseinate can also interact with amylose, thereby soften and extend the shelf life of bread.

Coffee Mate
Sodium caseinate is the main ingredient of coffee mate or non-dairy cream due to its three characteristics:

With a high protein content.
A strong emulsifying effect with fat and it can prevent the agglomeration and accumulation of fat.
Increasing the viscosity and mouthfeel of coffee mate, making the product taste more delicious.

Food supplement
Due to Sodium caseinates high protein content, Sodium caseinate can be combined with cereal products to produce high-protein cereal products, elderly foods, infant foods and diabetic foods.
In addition, sodium caseinate can also be added to dairy products such as margarine, chocolate, whipped toppings, desserts, and cheese as an emulsifier and foaming agent to increase the viscosity of the aqueous phase, stabilize the emulsification system, increase the viscosity of bubbles, and prevent fat balls.

Per the “European Commission database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients”, sodium caseinate acts as an antistatic, hair conditioning, and skin conditioning agent in cosmetic and personal care products.

CHARACTERISTIC of Sodium caseinate:
White to yellowish colour, free flowing powder, typical milk taste and smell without foreign odour.

APPLICATIONS of Sodium caseinate:
Food supplements (baby food and sports nutrition), coffee creamers, drinks and dietetic products, meat industry, processed and hard cheese.

BENEFITS of Sodium caseinate:
Improvement of nutrition features, high emulsification, gelling properties (good viscosity), enrich products with organic amino-acids, foaming capability, water and fat absorbability.

Casein has a wide variety of uses, from being a major component of cheese, to use as a food additive.
The most common form of casein is sodium caseinate.
In milk, casein undergoes phase separation to form colloidal casein micelles, a type of secreted biomolecular condensate.
These highly purified caseinate proteins have a good nutritional value and excellent functional properties (emulsion, thickening).

Dietetics :
– Clinical nutrition
– Slimming and nutritional foods

Food industries :
– Meat processing
– Meat, ready-cooked dishes
– Dairy products
– Coffee whiteners

The enzyme trypsin can hydrolyze off a phosphorus-containing peptone.
The commercial product also known as casein is used in adhesives, binders, protective coatings, and other products.
The purified material is a water-insoluble white powder.
While Sodium caseinate is also insoluble in neutral salt solutions, Sodium caseinate is readily dispersible in dilute alkalies and in salt solutions such as those of sodium oxalate and sodium acetate.

Definition of Sodium caseinate:
Though commonly regarded as the principal protein in milk (approximately 3%), casein is actually a colloidal aggregate composed of several identifiable proteins together with phosphorus and calcium.
Sodium caseinate occurs in milk as a heterogeneous complex called calcium caseinate, which can be fractionated by a number of methods.
Sodium caseinate can be precipitated with acid at p H 4.7 or with the enzyme rennet (rennin).
The product of the latter method is called paracasein, the term being applied to any of the casein fractions involved, i.e., α, β, κ, etc.
Sodium Caseinates are protein products mainly used in the food-, sports- and diet- industries because of their various functional properties.

Product information
Sodium caseinates are produced from fresh skimmed milk.
With Neutralization the curds from the skim milk acid coagulation are made soluble.
After that, the protein contained in the curd is rendered functional and soluble.
Finally an alkali containing sodium (sodium hydroxide or soda) is added.
After that the dehydration (drying) is the last step.

Spray dried Sodium caseinates are known for their highly viscosity and emulsifying properties.
That’s why they are often applied in ready meals, sausages, coffee creamers and other dairy products.

Extruded sodium caseinates are neutralized in an extruder.
The dry matter of the final product is close to 94%.
In the next step the extruded sodium caseinates are grounded.
This allows to get a desired particle size. The product is often applied in coffee creamer and delicatessen.

Applications of Sodium caseinate:
-Dairy products
-Meat processing (for example sausages)
-Sports nutrition
-Coffee whiteners
-Product’s advantages

Sodium caseinate has Emulsifier and thickening qualities
Sodium caseinate has Texturizing properties
Sodium caseinate has a low viscosity

Sodium caseinate is made from casein which is the main protein present in milk which is used as an excellent food additive and for industrial purposes as it contains high protein & nutritional value.
In food industry Sodium caseinate is used to improve the quality of products.
Sodium caseinate is totally safe for consumption as it is announced as unrestricted food additive by FAO and WHO, so, used in all kinds of food products such as meat products, roasted food, artificial cream, coffee partner, baby food, cheese, various cake and candies, beverages, medicine for daily uses and many more.

Useful in a wide variety of applications, our Sodium Caseinate provides excellent functionality, helping to deliver texture in your products and provides whitening and a clean, milky flavour to beverages.
A spray dried protein powder made from premium quality acid casein.
Adds texture to your products by thickening and stabilising; adds thickness and opacity to sauces.

Highly functional for creamers, providing opacity and helping enhance foam structure.
Has a bland milky flavour making Sodium caseinate ideal for use in flavour sensitive formulations and high protein beverages.

-Yogurt & ice cream
-Confectionery & chocolate

Chemical Properties
White to cream colored powder

Sodium Caseinate is the sodium salt of casein, a milk protein.
Sodium caseinate is used as a protein source and for its functional properties such as water binding, emulsification, whitening, and whipping.
Sodium caseinate is used in coffee whiteners, nondairy whipped toppings, processed meat, and desserts.
Casein is the phosphoprotein of fresh milk; the rennin-coagulated product is sometimes called paracasein.
British nomenclature terms the casein of fresh milk caseinogen and the coagulated product casein.

As Sodium caseinate exists in milk it is probably a salt of calcium.
Casein is not coagulated by heat.
Sodium caseinate is precipitated by acids and by rennin, a proteolytic enzyme obtained from the stomach of calves. Casein is a conjugated protein belonging to the group of phosphoproteins.

Sodium caseinate is obtained from casein, a protein found in mammal’s milk.
Sodium caseinate is rich in protein and is usually used as a protein supplement and food additive.

Uses Of Sodium Caseinate
-Protein supplement – This sodium caseinate powder can be used as a protein powder because it provides a rich source of high quality protein.
Sodium caseinate contains 90 per cent protein.
This essential nutrient is required for the body for building and repairing muscle tissues, improving bone health and boosting metabolism.
As sodium caseinate is high in protein, it would make an excellent protein supplement choice among athletes and people involved in strength training .

-Food additive – In the food industry, sodium caseinate is used as a food additive.
Sodium caseinate can be used to change the texture and stabilise many kinds of food products such as ice cream, cheese, coffee creamer, cereal bars, chocolate, bread, margarine, cheese-flavoured snacks and processed meats.

What Is Sodium Caseinate And How Its Made?
Milk is curdled by adding specialised enzymes or an acidic substance such as lemon juice or vinegar to it.
After which, the solid curds are separated from the whey, which is the liquid part of the milk.
Once the curd has been separated, they are treated with an alkali called sodium hydroxide, and are then dried and formed into a powder.

Sodium caseinate is called sodium caseinate, which is extracted from casein and contains 90 per cent protein.
Casein and sodium caseinate are almost the same products and can be used in the same manner, but they vary on a chemical level.
A high quality milk protein product, manufactured from fresh pasteurised skimmed milk through acid precipitation of the casein followed by neutralisation and drying.

Sodium Caseinate uses as follows:
In Food
Sodium Caseinate can be used as nutritional suppliments, thickener, emulsifier and texture stabilizer in food such as in bread, biscuits, candy, cakes, ice cream, yogurt drinks, and margarine, gravy, fast food, meat and seafood products.
In sausage, Sodium caseinate can be used to make fat distribution uniform, and enhance the adhesion property of meat. The dosage in sausage is 0.2%-0.3%.
In the fish cake, Sodium caseinate can improve the elasticity.

In ice cream, the use of sodium caseinate helps to the bubble of products stable and to prevent sugar condensation and contraction.
In bread Sodium caseinate is used to achieve enhancement.
In bread, biscuit and noodles, the dosage is 0.2%-0.5%; in foreign pastry, doughnut and chocolate, Sodium caseinate is 0.59%-5.0% while in cream milk beverages, it is 0.2%-0.39%.
In addition, gellan gum can also be used in dairy products and egg products.

In Beverage
Sodium Caseinate can be used as nutritional suppliments, thickener, emulsifier and texture stabilizer in beverage.

In Pharmaceutical
Sodium Caseinate can be used as intermediate in Pharmaceutical.

In Health and Personal care
Sodium Caseinate can be used in cosmetic and personal care products.

Protein (as is %): ≥ 87,0 (92,5% in dry matter)
Fat (%): ≤ 2,0
Moisture (%): ≤ 6,0
Ash (%): ≤ 4,5
pH: ≤ 7,0
Insolubility (ml): ≤ 1,0
Lactose (%): ≥ 0,5
Purity (disc): A, A/B

Total Plate Count /g: ≤2 000
Coliforms/0,1g: absent
E- Coli /0,1 g: absent
Salmonella /25 g: absent
Antibiotics: absent
Yeast /g: ≤ 50
Mould /g: ≤ 50

Sodium caseinate, pract.
casein sodium salt from bovine milk
Casein Sodium from Milk
Casein Na salt
Casein SodiuM
Nutrose 〔Casein Sodium〕
Sodium caseite
Sodium Caseinate,>90%
Sodium caseinate USP/BP/EP
Sodium cascinate
