CAS number: 1310-58-3
EC number: 215-181-3

Potassium hydroxide is used in various chemical, industrial and manufacturing applications. 
Potassium hydroxide is also a precursor to other potassium compounds. 
Potassium hydroxide is used in food to adjust pH, as a stabilizer, and as a thickening agent.
This ingredient has been considered as generally safe as a direct human food ingredient by the FDA, based upon the observance of several good manufacturing practise conditions of use.

Recently, Potassium hydroxide has been studied for efficacy and tolerability in the treatment of warts. 
Potassium hydroxide was determined that topical KOH solution was found to be a safe and effective treatment of plane warts  solution was found to be a safe and effective treatment of plane warts 
Potassium hydroxide is a chemical that comes as a powder, flakes, or pellets. 
Potassium hydroxide is commonly known as lye or potash. Potassium hydroxide is a caustic chemical. 

Potassium hydroxide is an inorganic compound with the formula KOH and is commonly called caustic potash.
Along with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), Potassium hydroxide is a prototypical strong base. 
Potassium hydroxide has many industrial and niche applications, most of which exploit its caustic nature and its reactivity toward acids. 
An estimated 700,000 to 800,000 tonnes were produced in 2005. Potassium hydroxide is noteworthy as the precursor to most soft and liquid soaps, as well as numerous potassium-containing chemicals. 

Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is commercialized as a solid or as a solution with varying concentrations. 
Potassium hydroxide is used in soap manufacture; drain and pipeline cleaners; bleaching agents; manufacture of potassium carbonate and tetra potassium pyrophosphate, an electrolyte in alkaline storage batteries and some fuel cells, absorbent for carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide; dyestuffs; liquid fertilizers; food additive; herbicides; electroplating; mercerizing; and paint removers. 

Potassium Hydroxide is an odorless, white or slightly yellow, flakey or lumpy solid which is often in a water solution. 
Potassium hydroxide is used in making soap, as an electrolyte in alkaline batteries and in electroplating, lithography, and paint and varnish removers. 
Liquid drain cleaners contain 25 to 36% of Potassium Hydroxide.

Uses of Potassium hydroxide
-Aquafarming, or the farming of aquatic organisms    
-Relatived to the maintenance and repair of automobiles, products for cleaning and caring for automobiles (auto shampoo, polish/wax, undercarriage treatment, brake grease) 
-Related to food and beverage service activities    
-Related to the building or repair of ships, pleasure boats, or sporting boats    
-Bricks or related to bricklaying/masonry    
-Roofing materials or roofing activities    
-Materials used in the building process, such as flooring, insulation, caulk, tile, wood, glass, etc.

Uses of Potassium hydroxide
-Flooring materials (carpets, wood, vinyl flooring), or related to flooring such as wax or polish for floors
-Related to cement, concrete, or asphalt materials    
-Wall construction materials, or wall coverings    
-Includes preservatives used in cosmetics, film, wood preserving agents, foods, etc
-Casting agents or molding compounds for plastics, sand, or metals    

Uses of Potassium hydroxide
-Modifier used for chemical, when chemical is used in a laboratory    
-Detergents with wide variety of applications; modifiers included when known    
-Related to dishwashing products (soaps, rinsing agents, softeners, etc)    
-Products or chemicals found or used in drycleaning establishments    
-Products used in an enclosed setting, such as boiler and tank cleansing agents, and drain cleaners  

Potassium hydroxide(KOH) is highly basic, forming strongly alkaline solutions in water and other polar solvents. 
These solutions are capable of deprotonating many acids, even weak ones.
Potassium hydroxide is used to make soft soap, in scrubbing and cleaning operations, as a mordant for woods, in dyes and colorants, and for absorbing carbon dioxide. 
Other principle uses of caustic potash are in the preparation of several potassium salts, acid-base titrations, and in orgainic sytheses.

Also, Potassium hydroxide is an electrolyte in certain alkaline storage batteries and fuel cells. 
Potassium hydroxide is used in neutralization reactions to yield potassium salts. 
Aqueous potassium hydroxide is employed as the electrolyte in alkaline batteries based on nickel-cadmium and manganese dioxide-zinc. 
Alcoholic Potassium hydroxide solutions are also used as an effective method for cleaning glassware. 
Potassium hydroxide works well in the manufacture of biodiesel by catalyzing transesterification of the triglycerides in vegetable oil.

USES of Potassium hydroxide
KOH and NaOH can be used interchangeably for a number of applications, although in industry, NaOH is preferred because of its lower cost.

The precursor to other potassium compounds
Many potassium salts are prepared by neutralization reactions involving KOH. 
The potassium salts of carbonate, cyanide, permanganate, phosphate and various silicates are prepared by treating either the oxides or the acids with KOH.
The high solubility of potassium phosphate is desirable in fertilizers.

Manufacture of soft soaps
The saponification of fats with KOH is used to prepare the corresponding “potassium soaps”, which are softer than the more common sodium hydroxide-derived soaps. 
Because of their softness and greater solubility, potassium soaps require less water to liquefy, and can thus contain more cleaning agents than liquefied sodium soaps.

As an electrolyte
Aqueous potassium hydroxide is employed as the electrolyte in alkaline batteries based on nickel-cadmium, nickel-hydrogen, and manganese dioxide-zinc. 
Potassium hydroxide is preferred over sodium hydroxide because its solutions are more conductive.
The nickel-metal hydride batteries in the Toyota Prius use a mixture of potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide.
Nickel–iron batteries also use potassium hydroxide electrolytes.

Food industry
In food products, potassium hydroxide acts as a food thickener, pH control agent and food stabilizer. 
The FDA considers Potassium hydroxide generally safe as a direct food ingredient when used in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices.
Potassium hydroxide is known in the E number system as E525.

Niche applications
Like sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide attracts numerous specialized applications, virtually all of which rely on its properties as a strong chemical base with its consequent ability to degrade many materials. 
For example, in a process commonly referred to as “chemical cremation” or “resomation”, potassium hydroxide hastens the decomposition of soft tissues, both animal and human, to leave behind only the bones and other hard tissues.
Entomologists wishing to study the fine structure of insect anatomy may use a 10% aqueous solution of Potassium hydroxide to apply this process.

In chemical synthesis, the choice between the use of Potassium hydroxide and the use of NaOH is guided by the solubility or keeping the quality of the resulting salt.
The corrosive properties of potassium hydroxide make it a useful ingredient in agents and preparations that clean and disinfect surfaces and materials that can themselves resist corrosion by Potassium hydroxide.
Potassium hydroxide is also used for semiconductor chip fabrication (for example anisotropic wet etching).
Potassium hydroxide is often the main active ingredient in chemical “cuticle removers” used in manicure treatments.

Because aggressive bases like Potassium hydroxide damage the cuticle of the hair shaft, potassium hydroxide is used to chemically assist the removal of hair from animal hides. 
The hides are soaked for several hours in a solution of Potassium hydroxide and water to prepare them for the unhairing stage of the tanning process. 
This same effect is also used to weaken human hair in preparation for shaving. 
Preshave products and some shave creams contain potassium hydroxide to force open the hair cuticle and to act as a hygroscopic agent to attract and force water into the hair shaft, causing further damage to the hair. 
In this weakened state, the hair is more easily cut by a razor blade.

Potassium hydroxide is used to identify some species of fungi. 
A 3–5% aqueous solution of Potassium hydroxide is applied to the flesh of a mushroom and the researcher notes whether or not the colour of the flesh changes. 
Certain species of gilled mushrooms, boletes, polypores, and lichens are identifiable based on this colour-change reaction.

Potassium hydroxide, also known as lye is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula KOH. 
Also commonly referred to as caustic potash, Potassium hydroxide is a potent base that is marketed in several forms including pellets, flakes, and powders. 
Potassium hydroxide is used in various chemical, industrial and manufacturing applications. 
Potassium hydroxide is also a precursor to other potassium compounds. 
Potassium hydroxide is used in food to adjust pH, as a stabilizer, and as a thickening agent. 

This ingredient has been considered as generally safe as a direct human food ingredient by the FDA, based upon the observance of several good manufacturing practise conditions of use. 
In addition to the above uses, potassium hydroxide is also used in making soap, as an electrolyte in alkaline batteries and in electroplating, lithography, and paint and varnish removers. 
Liquid drain cleaners contain 25 to 36% of potassium hydroxide. 
Medically, potassium hydroxide (KOH) is widely used in the wet mount preparation of various clinical specimens for microscopic visualization of fungi and fungal elements in skin, hair, nails, and even vaginal secretions. 
Recently, Potassium hydroxide has been studied for efficacy and tolerability in the treatment of warts. 
Potassium hydroxide was determined that topical Potassium hydroxide solution was found to be a safe and effective treatment of plane warts.

Uses of Potassium hydroxide
-Agent for soaking up liquid
-General adhesives and binding agents for a variety of uses
-Adhesion of molecules to a surface    
-Relating to agricultural, including the raising and farming of animals and growing of crops
-Related to animals (but non-veterinary) e.g., animal husbandry, farming of animals/animal production, raising of animals for food or fur, animal feed, products for household pets 
-Related to dairy cattle, the operation of dairy facilities, or manufacture of dairy products
-Products used on crops, or related to the growing of crops    

Uses of Potassium hydroxide
-Used to prevent adhesion    
-Antifreezing agents, or de-icing products    
-Anti-incrustator, additional information unknown    
-Type of pesticide used to destroy or inhibit the growth of disease-causing mechanisms, can be impregnated into clothing
-Agent to prevent lime formation    
-Spray powder used to make air gap between printed sheets of paper    
-Antishell, no additional information
-Products used outside the home (includes outdoor toys such as sandboxes, canopies and shelters, garden statues, outdoor lighting and seating, outdoor power equipment, etc   

Furniture, or the manufacturing of furniture (can include chairs and tables, and more general furniture such as mattresses, patio furniture, etc.)    
Consumer use home grills, for outdoor use, or grill cleaning products    
Laundry products (such as cleaning/washing agents), or laundry facilities    
Manufacturing of or related to machinery, for production of cement or food, air/spacescraft machinery, electrical machinery, etc    
Manufacturing liquid soap; mordant for wood; absorbing CO2; mercerizing cotton; print and varnish removers; electroplating, photoengraving and lithography; printing inks; in analytical chemistry for alkalimetric titrations; in organic synthesis. 
Pharmaceutic aid (alkalizer).

Product data and typical properties
Formula: KOH
Molecular weight: 56.1
Specific Gravity (20°C): 1.5 (typical)
Crystallisation temperature: 5°C (approx.)
Appearance: near clear colourless liquid
Assay: % w/w KOH 50.0 ± 1.0
Sodium Hydroxide: % as NaOH <0.8%
Potassium Chloride: % as KCl <0.006%
Potassium Sulphate: % as K2SO4 <0.005%
Iron: % as Fe <0.0005%
Mercury: % as Hg <0.00005%
Heavy Metals: % as Pb <0.0010%

Industry Uses
-Agricultural chemicals (non-pesticidal)
-Bleaching agents
-Corrosion inhibitors and anti-scaling agents
-Finishing agents
-Food and Beverage Sanitation Chemicals
-Functional fluids (open systems)
-Ion exchange agents
-Lubricants and lubricant additives
-Oxidizing/reducing agents
-PH Adjuster
-Plating agents and surface treating agents
-Process regulators
-Processing aids, not otherwise listed
-Processing aids, specific to petroleum production
-Repackaged and sold to various customers; enduse unknown
-Solids separation agents
-Solvents (for cleaning and degreasing)
-Solvents (which become part of product formulation or mixture)
-Surface active agents
-Waste water
-chemical distribution

Properties and structure
Potassium hydroxide exhibits high thermal stability. Because of its high stability and relatively low melting point, Potassium hydroxide is often melt-cast as pellets or rods, forms that have a low surface area and convenient handling properties. 
These pellets become tacky in the air because Potassium hydroxide is hygroscopic. Most commercial samples are ca. 90% pure, the remainder being water and carbonates.
Potassium hydroxides dissolution in water is strongly exothermic. Concentrated aqueous solutions are sometimes called potassium lyes. Even at high temperatures, solid Potassium hydroxide does not dehydrate readily.

Historically, KOH was made by adding potassium carbonate to a strong solution of calcium hydroxide (slaked lime). 
The salt metathesis reaction results in precipitation of solid calcium carbonate, leaving potassium hydroxide in solution:
Ca(OH)2 + K2CO3 → CaCO3 + 2 KOH
Filtering off the precipitated calcium carbonate and boiling down the solution gives potassium hydroxide (“calcinated or caustic potash”). 
This method of producing potassium hydroxide remained dominant until the late 19th century when it was largely replaced by the current method of electrolysis of potassium chloride solutions.

The method is analogous to the manufacture of sodium hydroxide (see chloralkali process):
2 KCl + 2 H2O → 2 KOH + Cl2 + H2
Hydrogen gas forms as a byproduct on the cathode;  concurrently, anodic oxidation of the chloride ion takes place, forming chlorine gas as a byproduct. 
Separation of the anodic and cathodic spaces in the electrolysis cell is essential for this process.

Chemical Properties    
Pure potassium hydroxide is a solid at room temperature, though Potassium hydroxide is often sold as a liquid. 
Potassium hydroxide is a strong alkaline substance that dissociates completely in water into the potassium ion (K+) and hydroxide ion (OH-). 
The dissolution in water generates heat, so a vigorous reaction can occur when potassium hydroxide is added to water. 
The vapor pressure of the substance is very low and the melting point is high. Potassium hydroxide solutions attack aluminium and its alloys under formation of hydrogen gas. 
Potassium hydroxide can be neutralised with acids (e.g. hydrochloric acid) giving the corresponding potassium salts of the acids, which are usually pH neutral and non-corrosive.

Potassium hydroxide has many different functions and uses.
Potassium hydroxide is primarily used as an intermediate in industrial manufacturing processes, such as the manufacture of fertilisers, potassium carbonate or other potassium salts and organic chemicals.
Potassium hydroxide is also used in the manufacture of detergents and in alkaline batteries.
Small-scale uses include drain cleaning products, paint removers and degreasing agents.
manufacture of liquid soap;
mordant for wood;
absorbing CO2;
mercerizing cotton;
paint and varnish removers;
electroplating, photoengraving and lithography;
printing inks;
in analytical chemistry and in organic syntheses.
Pharmaceutic aid (alkalizer).

Potassium hydroxide is used in making liquidsoap and potassium salts, in electroplatingand lithography, in printing inks, as a mordantfor wood, and finds wide applications in organic syntheses and chemical analyses.
potassium hydroxide is used as an emulsifier in lotions and as an alkali in liquid soaps, protective creams, and shaving preparations. 
Depending on the concentration used, Potassium hydroxide can be highly irritating to the skin and/or cause a burning sensation.
Potassium Hydroxide is a water-soluble food additive and bleaching agent. 
Upon exposure to air Potassium hydroxide readily absorbs carbon dioxide and moisture and deliquesces. 
Potassium Hydroxide is used to destroy the bitter chemical constituents in olives that will be used as black olives.

Potassium hydroxide solution (KOH aqueous) is a colourless inorganic liquid that acts as a strong base (alkali). 
Potassium hydroxide solution is also known as caustic potash or potash lye and has many different applications.
During the Potassium hydroxide liquid production process, chlorine and hydrogen are formed as co-products.

Potassium hydroxide, also known as lye is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula KOH. 
Also commonly referred to as caustic potash, Potassium hydroxide is a potent base that is marketed in several forms including pellets, flakes, and powders. 
Potassium hydroxide is used in various chemical, industrial and manufacturing applications. 
Potassium hydroxide is also a precursor to other potassium compounds. 
Potassium hydroxide is used in food to adjust pH, as a stabilizer, and as a thickening agent.
This ingredient has been considered as generally safe as a direct human food ingredient by the FDA, based upon the observance of several good manufacturing practise conditions of use.

In addition to the above uses, potassium hydroxide is also used in making soap, as an electrolyte in alkaline batteries and in electroplating, lithography, and paint and varnish removers. 
Liquid drain cleaners contain 25 to 36% of potassium hydroxide.

Recently, Potassium hydroxide has been studied for efficacy and tolerability in the treatment of warts. 
Potassium hydroxide was determined that topical Potassium hydroxide, also known as lye is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula KOH. 
Also commonly referred to as caustic potash, Potassium hydroxide is a potent base that is marketed in several forms including pellets, flakes, and powders. 

General Manufacturing Information
-Industry Processing Sectors
-All other basic inorganic chemical manufacturing
-All other basic organic chemical manufacturing
-All other chemical product and preparation manufacturing
-Computer and electronic product manufacturing
-Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing
-Fabricated metal product manufacturing
-Food, beverage, and tobacco product manufacturing
-Mining (except oil and gas) and support activities
-Miscellaneous manufacturing
-Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (includes clay, glass, cement, concrete, lime, gypsum, and other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing.
-Oil and gas drilling, extraction, and support activities
-Paper manufacturing
-Pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing
-Petroleum lubricating oil and grease manufacturing
-Petroleum refineries
-Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
-Photographic film paper, plate, and chemical manufacturing
-Primary metal manufacturing
-Resale of Chemicals
-Soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing
-Solar cell manufacturing
-Textiles, apparel, and leather manufacturing
-Wholesale and retail trade
-resale of chemicals
-sales and services to the marine industry

Consumer Uses
Potassium hydroxide is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, cosmetics and personal care products, coating products, pH regulators and water treatment products and perfumes and fragrances. Another release to the environment of Potassium hydroxide is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners), outdoor use, indoor use in close systems with the minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters) and outdoor use in close systems with the minimal release (e.g. hydraulic liquids in automotive suspension, lubricants in motor oil and brake fluids).

Article service life
Release to the environment of Potassium hydroxide can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures and of substances in closed systems with the minimal release.
Another release to the environment of Potassium hydroxide is likely to occur from: indoor use in close systems with the minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters) and outdoor use in close systems with the minimal release (e.g. hydraulic liquids in automotive suspension, lubricants in motor oil and brake fluids).
Potassium hydroxide can be found in complex articles, with no release intended: electrical batteries and accumulators.

Widespread uses by professional workers
Potassium hydroxide is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products.
Potassium hydroxide is used in the following areas: mining, scientific research and development, health services, agriculture, forestry and fishing, formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging, building & construction work, printing and recorded media reproduction and municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment.
Potassium hydroxide is used for the manufacture of: machinery and vehicles.
Other release to the environment of Potassium hydroxide is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use.

Formulation or re-packing
Potassium hydroxide is used in the following products: pH regulators and water treatment products.
Release to the environment of Potassium hydroxide can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures and of substances in closed systems with minimal release.

Uses at industrial sites
Potassium hydroxide is used in the following products: pH regulators and water treatment products.
Potassium hydroxide is used in the following areas: mining, scientific research and development and municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment.
Potassium hydroxide is used for the manufacture of: chemicals and metals.
Release to the environment of Potassium hydroxide can occur from industrial use: as processing aid, in processing aids at industrial sites, as an intermediate step in further manufacturing of another substance (use of intermediates), of substances in closed systems with minimal release, in the production of articles and formulation of mixtures.

Release to the environment of Potassium hydroxide can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance.

Consumer Uses
-Agricultural products (non-pesticidal)
-Anti-freeze and de-icing products
-Building/construction materials not covered elsewhere
-C909 the product is used as a cleaner in plating processes. The processes are diverse, examples of final uses are: automotive, machinery, basically all applications of plating.
-Cleaning and furnishing care products
-Electrical and electronic products
-Fabric, textile, and leather products not covered elsewhere
-Floor Care Chemicals
-Fuels and related products
-Laundry and dishwashing products
-Lawn and garden care products
-Lubricants and greases
-Metal processing
-Metal products not covered elsewhere
-Metal stripping, refining, and waste water
-Non-TSCA use
-Photographic supplies, film, and photo chemicals
-Plastic and rubber products not covered elsewhere
-Spent caustic is recycled for use in manufacturing.
-Used as raw material in manufacturing.
-Water treatment products
-chemical distirbution
-used in products which are used as cleaners in plating processes, as paint strippers, used as cleaners used in products for a variety of applications for surface treatments, examples of final uses are automotive and machinery.

Caustic potash; 
Potash lye; 
Potassium hydrate; 
Hydroxyde de potassium; 
Potassium hydroxide (K(OH)); 
Potasse caustique; Potassium hydroxide solution; 
Caustic potash solution; 
Potassium hydroxide, pellets; 
Cyantek CC 723; 
Caswell No. 693; 
Potasse caustique [French]; 
Potassium hydroxide, 1N solution in water; 
Potassium hydroxide, 1N solution in ethanol; 
CCRIS 6569; Hydroxyde de potassium [French]; 
HSDB 1234; Potassium hydroxide, pure, 8N solution in water; 
Potassio (idrossido di); 
Potassium hydroxide, ca. 85%, extra pure, flakes; 
Potassium (hydroxyde de); EINECS 215-181-3; UN1813; UN1814; 
Potassium hydroxide, ca. 85%, ACS reagent, pellets; 
Potassium hydroxide, ca. 85%, for analysis, pellets; 
EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 075602; 
Kalilauge; Potassium hydroxide [JAN:NF]; 
Caustic potasch
Caustic potash
caustic potash
caustic potash
Caustic potash, Potassium hydrate
Hidroxido de potasio
hydroxid draselný
potasium hydroxide
potassium hydoxide
Potassium hydroxid
Potassium Hydroxide
Potassium hydroxide
potassium hydroxide
Potassium Hydroxide
Potassium hydroxide
potassium hydroxide
Potassium hydroxide (K(OH))
potassium hydroxide, caustic potash
potassium hydroxide-
potassium hydroxide;
Potassium hydroxyde
Potassium hydroxyde
potassium idroxide
Pottasium hydroxide
pottassium hydroxide
Reaction mass of 57-13-6 and 7789-20-0
