Product Description
Corrosion Inhibitor HQ is a colourless, water-soluble liquid, which, apart from monoethylene glycol, contains a highly effective combination of inhibitors.
Corrosion Inhibitor HQ does not contain any nitrite, amine, phosphate and silicate.

Density at 20 °C(DIN 51757, ASTM D 1122) g/cm³: approx. 1.11
Refractive index at 20 °C (DIN 53491, ASTM D 1747): approx. 1.415
pH value (5 % V/V) (DIN 53785, ASTM D 1287): approx. 8.5
Reserve alkalinity (ASTM D 1121)ml c (HCl) 0,1 m: above 35
Pour point (DIN 51583, ASTM D 97) °C: approx. -35
Kinematic Viscosity at 20 °C (DIN 51562, ASTM D 2515) mm²/s: approx. 23
Boiling point at 1013 h Pa (ASTM D 1120) °C: approx. 107

Hazardous ingredients
Concentration : < 25 %
CAS number : 107-21-1
EINECS number : 203-473-3
Hazard symbols Xn
R phrases 22

Concentration : 25 – 40 %
CAS number : 19766-89-3
EINECS number : 243-283-8
Hazard symbols Xn
R phrases 63

Product Properties
The typical values below are used as a product description, they are not part of the product specification.
The definitive product specification is in the valid typical values sheet.

Application Properties
High quality COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) can be manufactured from Corrosion Inhibitor HQ and mono-ethylenge glycol by simple mixing at room temperature.
It combines very good corrosion and cavitation protection for aluminium alloys with excellent protection for steel, cast iron and non-ferrous heavy metals.

The mixture ratio is 10 %/weight Corrosion Inhibitor HQ and 90 % / weight ethylene glycol.
Fibre quality or technical quality of the monoethylene glycol are considerations for a suitable glycol quality which meets the following criteria:

Hazen colour value (APHA): below 15
Water content : below 0.5 %
pH value (10 %ig): 6.5 – 7.5
Electrical conductivity (undiluted): below 0.2 μS/cm
Reducing substances (in accordance with Feh-ling): negative
Diethylene glycol content (GC): below 0.5 %

If these purity criteria are adhered to, it is guaranteed that the COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE)
Any coloration must be done seperately with a suitable dye stuff.
More detailed information about the corrosion and cavitation performance can be seen from our COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) information sheet (see part two in this leaflet).

Safety, Toxicology and Ecology
Corrosion Inhibitor HQ is harmful to humans and animals if swallowed.
Seek medical advice immediately if swallowed inadvertently.
A one-off lethal dose of 100 ml/person can be taken by humans.
In most published cases of poisoning, apart from kidney damage, cerebral damage and oedema of the lungs are observed in particular.

Corrosion inhibitor HQ can be disposed of in a special waste incineration plant in line with local regulations.
Corrosion Inhibitor HQ/water mixtures can be biodegraded.
The percentage of ethylene glycol in Corrosion Inhibitor HQ is approx. 25 % m/m along with water and organic and inorganic salts which are effective in equal combination for a long time as corrosion inhibitors.

Corrosion Inhibitor HQ does not contain neither amines, nitrites and phosphates, nor silicates.
The latest valid EC safety data sheet contains further information.

Dispatch and Storage
Corrosion Inhibitor HQ is supplied in road and rail tankers.
Corrosion Inhibitor HQ has a shelf life of at least 2 years.
As zinc is not resistant to the diluted and undi-luted product, consideration should be taken of this when refilling the product supplied.
This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide gene-ral notes on our products and their uses.
It should not, therefore, be constructed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application.
Any existing industrial property rights must be observed. The quality of our products is guaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale.

The good anti-corrosive properties of COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE)/water mixtures decrease, as expected, as the water content increases.
For this reason, the COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) percentage in the coolant should not be less than 33 %/vol.
1A usage concentration of 40-50 %/vol. is common and has proved to be best

Product Description
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) is a colourless liquid on a corrosion-inhibited monoethylene glycol base.
It is used as a nitrite- and silicate-free radiator antifreeze in cars and truck engines.
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) fulfills the requirements according to BS 6580, UNE 26-361-88, ASTM D 1384 and ASTM D 4340.

Application Advice
Product Properties
The typical values below are used as a product description, they do not form part of the product specification.
The definitive product specification is in the valid typical values sheet.

Density at 20 °C (DIN 51757, ASTM D 1122) g/cm³ : approx. 1.11
Refractive index at 20 °C (DIN 53491, ASTM D 1747) : approx. 1.429
Reserve alkalinity (ASTM D 1121) ml 0.1 m HCl : approx. 3.5-4.5
Freezing point (1:2) (ASTM D 1177) °C : approx. –18
Foaming performance (ASTM D 1881) : non-foaming
Boiling point at 1013 mbar (ASTM D 1120) °C: over 160
pH Value (1:2) (DIN 53785, ASTM D 1287) :approx. 8
Corrosion inhibitors: present
Water (DIN 51777, ASTM D 1123) % (m/m) : below 5
Pour point (DIN 51583, ASTM D 97) °C: approx. –27
Viscosity at 20 °C (DIN 51562, ASTM D 2515) mm²/s: approx. 20
Specific heat at 20 °C kJ/kg .K : approx. 2.3

Frost Resistance
Nowadays almost all car radiator antifreezes are for-mulated on a monoethylene glycol base, which has the effect of reducing the freezing point when mixed with water.
The percentage of monoethylene glycol determines the freezing point of the mixture.
The frost resistance of COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) can be seen from the dia-grams in the appendix.
It should be mentioned that there is little sense in using more concentrated soluti-ons than 60 %/vol. because the solidification point increases again.
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) /water mixtures have no destroying effect whatsoever from approx. 33 %/vol., even when supercooled below the solidification point.
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) is best diluted with deionized or drin-king water which contains a maximum of 100 mg/kg chloride ions.
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) is only slightly volatile at temperatures up to 100 °C, so that the water found in the radiator antifreeze initially vaporizes first.
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE)/water mixtures do not separate; they have neither a flash point nor a burning point.

Corrosion Inhibition
Uninhibited monoethylene glycol/water mixtures have a more corrosive effect on the metals of the coo-ling system than water on its own, as can be seen from the table below.
This is a result of the lower surface tension of the monoethylene glycol, which is used to manufacture the radiator antifreeze.
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) therefore contains effective inhibitors which offer the metals of the engine block and the radiator protection from corrosion and should prevent lime deposits from the water used.
A new active silicate-free sub-stance combination has been developed for this.
The table below shows the comparatively low corro-sion of common metals by a COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE)/ASTM water mixture adjusted to approx. -20 °C in comparison with a non-inhibited glycol/ASTM water mixture 1:2 and with mains water without any additives.

Application Advice
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) should only be mixed with deionized water or normal drinking water.
Before the first filling, drain the cooling system with the heat switched on and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Either hard or soft water can be used.
The mixture ratio of Genantin/water depends on the degree of the frost resistance desired. Generally, approx. 40 %/vol. (approx. -26 °C) is adequate (see frost resi-stance table).
Leave the engine running warm and check the condition of the liquid using an antifreeze tester, an areometer or a refractometer.
To refill, the required quantity of COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE)/water is simply added after checking the freezing resistance.
Aqueous solutions of COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) cause less swelling of coolant hoses and seals in comparison with water on its own.
When transferring from running with water to running with radiator anti-freezes, shrinkage of seals will occur, which, of course, is noticeable from the leakage of coolant.
The possibility of later leakage and of corrosion in the summer months can be avoided if the anti-freeze remains in the cooling system for the who-le year.

Safety, Toxicology and Ecology
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) is harmful to humans and ani-mals if swallowed.
Seek medical advise imme-diately if swallowed inadvertently.
A one-off lethal dose of 100 ml/person can be taken by humans.
In most published cases of poisoning, apart from kidney damage, cerebral damage and oedema of the lungs are observed in particular.
Monoethylene glycol, the base product of COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) has been classified in accordance with the List of Water-Pollutant Substances (VwVwS from 17. May 1999) to Water Pollu-tion Class WGK 1 (slightly water-pollutant).
This also applies to the mixtures of COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) with water.
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE)/water mixtures show no acute damage effect to fish and bacteria.
They are easily biodegradable.
Generally, there is therefore the possibility of COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE)/water mixtures being biodegraded after consultation with the operator of a waste water treatment plant, if the respective water and waste legislation regulations permit this.
The monoethylene glycol percentage in COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) is over 92 %, along with some water and organic salts, which, in an equal combination, are effective for a long period of time as corrosion inhibitors.
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) does not contain nitrites, phosphates, amines and silica-tes.
COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE)/water mixtures have neither a flash point nor a burning point.
The latest valid EC safety sheet contains further information.

COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE) has a shelf life of at least 2 years.
As zinc is not resistant to COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE), consideration should be taken when refilling the product supplied.

The following diagrams give details of the major physical properties of COOLING FLUID ( ANTIFREEZE)/water mixtures.

This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses.
It should not, therefore, be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application.
Any existing industrial property rights must be observed.
The quality of our products is guaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale.
