CAS Number: 58-08-2
EC Number: 200-362-1
Empirical Formula (Hill Notation): C8H10N4O2
Molecular Weight: 194.19

Caffeine anhydrous (without water) is the processed, dehydrated form of caffeine.
Caffeine anhydrous’s becoming an increasingly popular supplement among athletes and those with specific weight loss goals and is often the form of caffeine found in caffeinated chewing gum and energy bars.
Due to the process of creating anhydrous caffeine, Caffeine anhydrous is a much more potent form of powdered caffeine, thus making Caffeine anhydrous a much more efficient way to supplement caffeine.
The word “anhydrous” is a common science lab term that means “without water”.
Caffeine anhydrous is dehydrated caffeine in the form of crystallized powder and is highly concentrated.
Caffeine anhydrous is either made from natural sources like coffee, tea, & other plants containing caffeine, or Caffeine anhydrous is synthetically manufactured from the chemicals urea & chloroacetic acid.

Caffeine anhydrous is basically the powdered form of caffeine, and is commonly used as an additive to nutritional supplements and weight loss pills.
In most cases Caffeine anhydrous comes from the same places as ordinary caffeine does; coffee beans, tea leaves, and guarana berries, to name a few.
The word “anhydrous” is a chemical term meaning “without water,” and caffeine that is prepared this way is usually dehydrated in a lab and broken down to its base crystals.
Caffeine anhydrous is usually a white crystalline powder that dissolves well in water and can be mixed in with many other ingredients relatively easily, and Caffeine anhydrous doesn’t have a defined taste or smell.
Energy pills, nutritional supplements, and weight loss drinks and capsules often use this powder in varying degrees in order to improve outcomes and deliver quick boosts of caffeine to users.
In small doses the extract is usually considered safe, but people often experience problems when they take too much, the same as they would were they to drink too much coffee or tea.
Extreme caffeine consumption can lead to heart problems, headaches, and gastrointestinal distress, among other things.

Caffeine does have beneficial properties:
-Caffeine anhydrous reduces fatigue and improves concentration.
-Caffeine anhydrous improves athletic performance, particularly when engaging in endurance sports.
-Caffeine anhydrous’s effective in relieving tension headaches, especially in combination with ibuprofen (Advil).
-Caffeine anhydrous contains antioxidants that prevent or slow cell damage and may offer protection from heart disease and diabetes.
-Coffee drinkers have fewer gallstones.
-Caffeine anhydrous offers men some protection against Parkinson’s disease.

In recent years, an inordinate amount of “energy drinks” have cropped up in convenience stores and supermarkets across the globe, all of which are fueled by the adrenaline-inducing nootropic we know as caffeine.
Sure enough, caffeine is the most widely consumed stimulant in the world, being a major constituent of coffee beans and various tea leaves.
You may notice that some sports supplements, particularly pre-workouts, often contain the ingredient “caffeine anhydrous.”
But what is caffeine anhydrous, exactly? Is Caffeine anhydrous the same as the caffeine in coffee?
Moreover, how long does caffeine stay in your system? How much caffeine is too much?
This guide will show you how caffeine works and set the record straight on these common questions.

The term “anhydrous” is chemistry lingo for “without water.”
So, caffeine anhydrous is essentially “dehydrated caffeine.”
Since caffeine is water-soluble and abundant in certain plants and seeds, especially coffee beans and tea leaves, Caffeine anhydrous naturally exists in liquid phases.
During the caffeine extraction process, Caffeine anhydrous is dehydrated to remove the water content.
This yields a highly concentrated caffeine powder, and voila! You have caffeine anhydrous.
The important thing to grasp is that caffeine anhydrous is the same as “natural caffeine.”
Caffeine is a discrete chemical — dehydrating Caffeine anhydrous doesn’t change how Caffeine anhydrous works in the body.
Caffeine anhydrous might help to think of caffeine anhydrous as “caffeine powder” made from natural caffeine.
You might even find Caffeine anhydrous surprising that caffeine anhydrous is more effective than drinking caffeine from coffee, particularly for athletic performance.
Caffeine anhydrous’s not entirely clear why this is, but Caffeine anhydrous’s plausible that other compounds in coffee render the caffeine less effective.

Caffeine — or 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, for the organic chemists out there — is a naturally occurring, alkaline substance that belongs to a group of compounds known as methylxanthines. Other lesser-known methylxanthines found in the typical human diet include theobromine and theophylline.
Your body — primarily the liver — actually metabolizes caffeine almost entirely to theobromine, paraxanthine, and theophylline.
Hence, very little caffeine ever makes it into the urine.
These natural methylxanthines are all responsible, to varying degrees, for how caffeine works in the body.
As you well know, caffeine is a potent stimulator of the central nervous system (CNS), eliciting the patent mood-lifting and vigilance-enhancing effects people crave after their last cup of coffee wears off.
Physiologically speaking, caffeine and Caffeine anhydrouss related methylxanthines act as adenosine receptor antagonists, as well as acetylcholinesterase (ACE) and phosphodiesterase (PDE) enzyme inhibitors.
Without making this too complicated, caffeine works primarily by binding enzymes and adenosine receptors, thereby blocking their actions.
These are molecules that normally “put the brakes” on your CNS.
Therefore, caffeine and other natural methylxanthines are “stimulants” since they speed up neural activity.
As far as your neurons can tell, caffeine is indistinguishable from the adenosine your body naturally produces on Caffeine anhydrouss own.
Pretty neat, right? Caffeine is a master of disguise!

Your brain and spinal cord (i.e., CNS) are the quintessential command center of the rest of your body.
For example, when your brain consciously tells your muscles to contract to lift a weight, neurons transmit the “input signal” to the designated muscles.
Electrochemical gradients, chemical messengers (neurotransmitters), and cell messengers govern these signals.
Caffeine and related methylxanthines alter the way these gradients and messengers work to keep your neurons “excited.”

The primary short-term effects of this are:
-Increasing resting heart rate
-Psychostimulation (i.e. feeling “wired”)
-Constricting blood vessels
-Dilating the bronchioles
-Slightly increasing metabolic rate
-Increasing urine production and gastric motility
Most of the effects above are quite desirable for gym-goers and athletes alike.
Next to creatine monohydrate, caffeine anhydrous is arguably one of the best ergogenic aids out there for aerobic and anaerobic exercise performance.

Classified as a nootropic, caffeine is a powerful stimulant and one of the most used drugs on the globe.
Each day, millions, if not billions, of people consume caffeine in forms such as coffee or energy drinks to alleviate fatigue and improve concentration and focus.
While there are risks that come with caffeine consumption, there appear to be many benefits when consumed in moderation.

All about caffeine anhydrous
Caffeine anhydrous is used in a lot of products here in the US, products that are consumed by the millions each day.
The main drawback of caffeine is that Caffeine anhydrouss vasoconstricting properties may diminish the vasodilatory actions of nitric oxide boosters like L-citrulline and L-arginine.
If your goal is to get a solid muscle pump when lifting weights, keep the caffeine dose modest.
Furthermore, slamming an energy drink before a physical activity that requires precision and poise, such as a basketball game or round of golf, might not be ideal since high doses of caffeine can cause jitters and nervousness.
Drinking too much caffeine will also have a diuretic effect, making Caffeine anhydrous tougher to stay hydrated during long bouts of exercise.
The key message here is that you need to be methodical about when and how much caffeine you take, regardless if Caffeine anhydrous’s coming from coffee, a pre-workout supplement, or an energy drink.
Now, what happens after the effects of caffeine “kick in”? How long does caffeine stay in your system once Caffeine anhydrous has worked Caffeine anhydrous stimulating magic?

When you consume caffeine orally (e.g., drinking coffee or an energy drink), Caffeine anhydrous fully absorbs in about 20-40 minutes and reaches peak blood concentrations 30-90 minutes after that.
Though, the rate of caffeine absorption can vary depending on your genetics, gender, tobacco and alcohol use, race, nutritional habits, and a range of other factors.
For example, people who drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach may fully absorb the caffeine in just 15-20 minutes.
The same goes for caffeine anhydrous in pre-workout powders.
Depending on how quickly or slowly you metabolize Caffeine anhydrous, caffeine’s stimulating effects may last for several hours.

A recent meta-analysis of clinical trials and epidemiological studies suggests that people who drink at least three cups of coffee daily are likely to develop a tolerance to caffeine.
In other words, habitual coffee drinkers will become less sensitive to the effects of caffeine.
On the contrary, someone with a high caffeine sensitivity will only require relatively small doses to elicit a significant physiological effect.
The higher your caffeine tolerance, the lower your caffeine sensitivity, and the larger the dose you need to achieve the desired effects.
This is why caffeine dependency is a common adverse effect of drinking too much caffeine.
Trying to go quit caffeine cold turkey in such instances will undoubtedly lead to caffeine withdrawal.

Caffeine sensitivity
Caffeine withdrawal symptoms are the inverse of the beneficial effects of caffeine; most people will feel drowsy, lethargic, mentally foggy, fatigued, and possibly dysphoric.
To avoid caffeine dependency and maintain caffeine sensitivity, Caffeine anhydrous’s wise to moderate your caffeine consumption daily.
Taking days where you eschew all caffeine sources is prudent if you want to get the most out of this natural nootropic.
On that note, let’s move onto the topic of how long caffeine stays in your body.

Caffeine’s half-life is relatively short: 5-6 hours, on average.
Essentially, your body eliminates about half of the caffeine in your system within six hours.
However, this does not mean that at the 12-hour mark (two half-lives), all the caffeine in your body is gone.
Rather, a caffeine half-life of 5-6 hours means that half of the caffeine content in your body is eliminated every 5-6 hours.
So, 12 hours after consuming caffeine, roughly 75% of Caffeine anhydrous is out of your system; at the 18-hour mark, 87.5% is gone; so on and so forth.
Thus, Caffeine anhydrous takes multiple half-lives before all the caffeine is out of your system.
In any case, most caffeine will be out of your system about 24 hours after you consume Caffeine anhydrous.
Remember, only a fraction of the caffeine you ingest will show up in the urine since the liver extensively metabolizes Caffeine anhydrous.
(Not that Caffeine anhydrous really matters since caffeine isn’t a doping agent in any major sport.)

The dose-response relationship for caffeine is fairly conserved in a small range.
In layman’s terms, taking larger doses of caffeine won’t translate to greater benefits; in fact, Caffeine anhydrous just leads to more adverse effects that will detract from your performance and health.
Depending on your inherent caffeine sensitivity, research suggests that the optimal caffeine dosage before a workout is between 2-6 mg per kilogram of body weight. (Note: 1 kg = 2.2. lbs.)
There is some research that shows men generally need a little more caffeine than women for optimal performance.
For instance, a 150-lb (70-kg) adult male might aim for 200-300 mg of caffeine prior to exercise, while an adult female of the same weight may fare better with 150-200 mg.
Ultimately, trial and error will be necessary since caffeine sensitivity plays a big part in how much is optimal for you.
Err on the conservative side of the recommended caffeine dose range to start, then slowly increase the dose every day until you find a sweet-spot.

Caffeine Anhydrous
Outside of natural caffeine sources, caffeine anhydrous is the most-used caffeine type in the fitness community.
You can find caffeine anhydrous in capsule, tablet, powder, and liquid forms as both a standalone product or as part of the blend in pre-workout and fat-burning supplements.
The main difference between natural caffeine and caffeine anhydrous is water content.
Anhydrous literally means “with all water removed.”
Manufacturers process natural caffeine sources to create caffeine anhydrous powder, which must be less than 0.5% water by weight.
The result of this processing and dehydration is the white, bitter, and potent crystalline powder that we all know and love.
Standalone caffeine anhydrous supplements can increase caffeine blood levels as quickly as 15 to 45 minutes post-ingestion with levels peaking 60 to 120 minutes post-ingestion.
Caffeine anhydrous is not only the most popular caffeine type used in supplements, but is also used in the highest quantities relative to other caffeine types.
Per gram, caffeine anhydrous is the cheapest and most highly concentrated form of caffeine.
If you purchase standalone caffeine anhydrous powder or tablets, PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
v’s extremely easy to consume too much caffeine so start with low doses to determine tolerance and response, then increase as desired.
As with any supplement, more isn’t always better and can in some cases, more can cause serious health issues.
Some of the most common non-life-threatening side effects include nausea, jitteriness dizziness, diarrhea, and upset stomach.
Supplement manufacturers select caffeine anhydrous to comprise the majority of the caffeine content.
If you find that 200-400mg of caffeine per serving causes unwanted side effects, start with a half serving; you’ll be doing your body and your wallet a favor.

Unless you’re a 6’6″ mountain of muscle, chances are you shouldn’t be drinking much more than 400-500 mg of caffeine per day.
Once you start flirting with 1,000+ mg of caffeine per day, you’re putting yourself at risk of caffeine toxicity and pretty drastic health consequences.

Caffeine overdose symptoms
There have been cases of caffeine being lethal at doses of just 50 mg per kg of body weight.
To put Caffeine anhydrous into perspective, that’s 3,500 mg of caffeine — about ten energy drinks-worth — for a 150-lb adult.
It might sound drastic for someone to consume that much caffeine, but some people are practically on an IV drip of energy-drink fluids, so v’s not that unrealistic.
Recall from earlier that maintaining a high degree of caffeine sensitivity is favorable.
As your caffeine tolerance increases, the amount of caffeine necessary to provoke a significant physiological response does as well.
If your caffeine tolerance is high enough, you can drink a pot of coffee and not feel stimulated at all. (Heck, you might just want to go to bed shortly after.)
A simple heuristic for determining how much caffeine per day is too much is drinking a cup (8 fl. oz) of coffee — equal to about 100 mg of caffeine — and seeing how you respond after 20-30 minutes.
Do you feel overly jittery and anxious, or do you feel like you’re “dialed in” and more motivated?
If the benefits are evident and you don’t notice much in the way of untoward effects, then you’ve found a sweet-spot for caffeine dose.
If you don’t feel that extra “pep” in your step, drink another cup of coffee and assess your response.
Assuming you’re not a habitual coffee drinker or someone who subsists on energy drinks, chances are your caffeine sensitivity is high, and 100-200 mg will be more than enough to get you going.
Those who have a high caffeine tolerance, on the flip side, may need a 300-500 mg dose of pure caffeine anhydrous to notice much of an effect.
Should you reach a point where a 500+ mg dose doesn’t produce desirable effects, consider tapering off caffeine (or quitting cold turkey if you can handle the withdrawal).
Frankly, 500 mg of caffeine anhydrous per day is typically enough to make most people bounce off the walls, if not experience delusions of grandeur.

Here’s a partial list of the categories of things that contain caffeine anhydrous:
-All the major colas & caffeinated sodas
-Certain fruity-flavored soft drinks
-Energy products: drinks, shots, gels, gum, bars
-Pre-workout supplement powders
-Other sports & gym performance supplements
-Fat-burner supplements
-Weight loss pills
-Certain alcoholic beverages
-Some granola, snack, & breakfast bars
-Chocolate where the manufacturer added more caffeine
-Foods & drinks that market alertness or a lift
-Over the counter “stay awake” pills

Most Common Uses
There is virtually no difference between powdered and liquid caffeine.
There is virtually no difference between powdered and liquid caffeine.
Diet and energy supplement companies commonly use the anhydrous form of caffeine as an ingredient because of Caffeine anhydrouss stimulant effects.
Some manufacturers claim Caffeine anhydrous can also suppress appetite and increase metabolism, though these assertions don’t usually have any clinical backing or support from the research community.

Caffeine anhydrous is most commonly molded with other powders and used to bind ingredients in proprietary blends; Caffeine anhydrous’s pretty light in terms of volume, and just a little bit can both help other ingredients stick together and provide a boost to the user.
In some places the loose powder is also sold independently.
Loose powders are most common amongst endurance athletes and fitness specialists who want to mix high doses of Caffeine anhydrous with juice or milk before a workout — basically to get a high dose of caffeine without having to drink enough traditionally caffeinated beverages to meet that threshold.
Depending on how Caffeine anhydrous’s blended, one shake made at home with anhydrous powder could be the caffeine equivalent of four or more cups of coffee.

So there are two ways to make Caffeine anhydrous: make Caffeine anhydrous from plants & trees that contain caffeine – primarily coffee & tea, or synthesize Caffeine anhydrous using chemicals in a pharmaceutical factory.
The natural method extracts the caffeine from the plant matter, which is removed along with any residual moisture – hence the description anhydrous.
What’s left is a crystallized powder that is highly concentrated: one teaspoon of caffeine anhydrous is equivalent to the caffeine in almost 30 cups of coffee.
The other method that is increasingly used for products in the US is to cook up a synthesized version of caffeine in a Chinese chemical factory.

Some of the proposed benefits include:
Weight Loss
Caffeine may potentially suppress appetite and stimulate thermogenesis – quite frankly a pair of factors to be reckoned with when Caffeine anhydrous comes to weight loss.
Reducing the desire to eat in combination with increased calorie burn is thought to be an effective strategy for weight loss, and some studies have suggested caffeine helps us do just that.
This is why many weight loss supplements on the market contain caffeine, as at the very least caffeine would result in more energy, thus more movement and more calories burnt – regarding caffeine a fairly staple ingredient in these products.

Increased Alertness
Caffeine may increase alertness, which is probably the most obvious benefit of consuming caffeine.
Caffeine anhydrous is thought that consumption of around 75mg can help increase attention, alertness, and wakefulness, with higher doses (up to 600mg) improving mental alertness, speed reasoning, and memory.

Boost Brain Function
Caffeine consumption is thought to improve brain function by affecting various brain pathways.
While the research is still in Caffeine anhydrouss youth, this can potentially result in enhanced thinking skills and the slowing down of age-related mental decline.

Improved Athletic Performance
Caffeine is one of the most highly researched sports supplements.
There is no denying that caffeine is recognized as one of the best ergogenic aids proven to increase endurance performance, endurance capacity, and reduce perceived exertion.
Additionally, studies have shown caffeine to improve muscular endurance and maximal strength, repeated sprint performance, and high-intensity training.

What Are the Specific Benefits of Caffeine Anhydrous?
While the above benefits stem from caffeine as a whole, you’re probably wondering what the additional benefits of caffeine anhydrous are.
As we have established, caffeine anhydrous is a dehydrated form of caffeine.
So, the product itself is a powdered form of caffeine, resulting in a more concentrated, potent form.
With this comes many additional benefits, particularly from a sports nutrition stand-point, such as:

CAS: 58-08-2
Molecular Formula: C8H10N4O2
Molecular Weight (g/mol): 194.19
MDL Number: MFCD00005758
IUPAC Name: 1,3,7-trimethyl-2,3,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-purine-2,6-dione

How Caffeine anhydrous’s Extracted
The process of boiling caffeine extract produces the anhydrous form of caffeine, which is a white, crystalline powder.
The chemical formula of caffeine is C8H10N4O2, and it occurs naturally in many plants, especially in seedlings that are beginning to produce roots or leaves.
From a biological perspective, Caffeine anhydrous helps plants grow by preventing insects from eating the plant’s leaves or roots, essentially by paralyzing and killing them.
The highest levels of caffeine typically occur in coffee bean seedlings and cocoa beans.
Guarana seedlings and berries also contain a substantial amount of caffeine, as do the leaves of many varieties of tea plants.

No fluid
If you want the benefits of a pre-workout caffeine boost, but without the volume of fluid that normally comes with Caffeine anhydrous (through drinking coffee or energy drinks), then opting for caffeine anhydrous in the form of pills would be a great alternative.
Caffeine anhydrous is obtained by harvesting these beans, seedlings, and leaves, drawing out the caffeine extract through various chemical processes, then boiling that extract until the water evaporates out.
This produces a white, crystalline powder which is the compound’s anhydrous form.

Easy to dose
One of the greatest benefits of caffeine anhydrous is the ability to dose much more accurately.
The problem with pre-workout powders, coffee, energy drinks, and any other fluid-based caffeine source, is the inaccuracy of the dose.
Caffeine pills, gum, or bars containing caffeine anhydrous would provide you with a concentrated, accurate dose due to the purity and potency.
This way, Caffeine anhydrous makes it more simple to meet the recommended intake of caffeine for sports performance, or any other benefit you may be seeking.

Not to mention the convenience of caffeine anhydrous.
Carrying around your caffeine in the form of coffee, an energy drink, or big tubs (particularly athletes) can be inconvenient at the best of times.
Pills, chewing gum, or bars containing caffeine anhydrous are simply easier and more convenient forms of caffeine that don’t require mixing or drinking.

Caffeine Anhydrous vs Caffeine: What are the Differences?
Caffeine anhydrous is created from the same plants as naturally occurring caffeine, so essentially, caffeine and caffeine anhydrous are the same thing.
The main difference between them is the process they go through to result in the final product.
Caffeine anhydrous goes through an additional process that involves filtering out the water and other chemical components, leaving behind pure powdered caffeine.
Caffeine anhydrous and caffeine also work the same way on the central nervous system too, both mimicking the neurotransmitter adenosine.
This brain chemical is responsible for the tiredness and grogginess we feel upon waking or when we begin to flag later in the day.
This nervous system stimulant works to offset this effect by acting as an antagonist to adenosine, thus making us feel more awake for longer.
So, to further reiterate the above section to draw in the differences between caffeine and anhydrous caffeine, there are no major differences as to how this stimulant works in our body.
The only difference between them is simply the additional process anhydrous caffeine has to go through to make Caffeine anhydrous anhydrous (without water), thus resulting in a more convenient, potent, and more concentrated form of caffeine.

Caffeine is a naturally-occurring central nervous system stimulant found in approximately sixty plant species.
The most common sources for natural caffeine are the beans from coffee plants and the leaves of tea plants.
Caffeine anhydrous can also be synthesized in a lab using dimethylurea and malonic acid.

But caffeine is present in a number of products beyond those that are made with coffee and tea.
Outside of lattes and shots of espresso, caffeine is a common ingredient in energy drinks and bars, pre-workout powder, and diet pills, for example.
These foods, beverages, and supplements are caffeinated using caffeine anhydrous.

What is the optimal dose of caffeine?
The recommended limit caffeine is currently 400mg per day at the time of writing, which appears to be a safe limit for most healthy adults.
However, studies have shown that doses of up to 3-6mg/kg body mass is an effective dose for improving sports performance.
This means that for an 80kg athlete, a dose 240-480mg would be the optimal dose if they are seeking performance improvements.
To put this into perspective, to achieve just 400mg of caffeine, you would need either 4 cups of coffee, 3 energy drinks, or 11.5 cans of coca-cola.
While according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), one teaspoon of caffeine powder is the equivalent of 28 cups of coffee.
This only reinforces the benefits of caffeine anhydrous as a quicker and more convenient source of caffeine, particularly for athletes who require higher doses in a short time frame in order to reap the performance-enhancing benefits.

Caffeine Anhydrous vs Caffeine Citrate: What are the Differences?
Caffeine citrate works in the same way as caffeine anhydrous or regular naturally occurring caffeine (blocking adenosine receptors in the brain).
However, caffeine citrate is a medication solely used to treat short-term breathing problems in premature infants.

Caffeine Anhydrous for Weight Loss: Does Caffeine anhydrous Work?
While more research needs to be done on the effects of pure powdered caffeine anhydrous on weight loss, this doesn’t stop weight loss products from including Caffeine anhydrous as a key ingredient.
There has been some promising research so far on the potential appetite suppressing and thermogenic effect of caffeine, which is thought to be two factors heavily involved in body weight management.
Looking at it from a more indirect perspective, you could also assume that due to caffeine having a positive effect on alertness and wakefulness, this may result in a knock-on effect of physical movement.
Feeling less tired means you may be more physically active, or more alert and motivated when doing exercise.
This then has a further impact on calorie burn, thus increasing your chances of weight loss.

The Effects of Caffeine Intake on Weight Loss
To summarize this point, there does not appear to be any robust research to support caffeine intake affecting weight loss.
However, for a healthy, active adult, there is no harm in experimenting with caffeine to gauge the effects on the individual.
Additionally, if increased caffeine intake results in more energy, thus more movement, this is also a positive effect from a calorie-burning viewpoint and should be considered on an individual basis.

Caffeine is one of the few substances in food that is also considered a drug.
Caffeine is found in a variety of drinks such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks, as well as in cocoa.
Caffeine anhydrous is also present in chocolate, and both prescription and non-prescription medications.
Anhydrous caffeine is one form of caffeine.

Caffeine anhydrous is becoming more popular as a supplement for weight loss and improved athletic performance.
Caffeine anhydrous is also present in food products such as caffeinated gum and energy bars.
Anhydrous means without water and caffeine anhydrous is a processed, dehydrated form of caffeine.
Caffeine occurs naturally in plants such as coffee beans, tea, and cacao, which is the source of cocoa for chocolate.
Through specific laboratory processes, which include filtering out the water and other chemical components, the caffeine from these plants will form caffeine anhydrous.
This dehydration process means caffeine anhydrous is more concentrated and, therefore, more potent than regular caffeine.

Coffee, tea, & chocolate don’t have to have their caffeine displayed on an ingredients label because these products come from nature’s own trees & plants.
Their caffeine is not added in like Caffeine anhydrous is to all of those processed products I just listed above.
The caffeine in coffee, tea, & chocolate is naturally occurring.

Caffeine anhydrous is likely the most common type utilized in sports supplements due to the form it’s delivered in.
“Anhydrous” means without water, or dehydrated.
Through the process of dehydration, the caffeine produced is in a very concentrated powder.
This powder is easy to add to other powdered ingredients for a pre-workout, or put into a capsule for ingestion.
Caffeine anhydrous’s important to note that caffeine anhydrous is very strong, and should be dosed carefully to avoid negative effects.
In terms of Caffeine anhydrouss effects on your body, caffeine anhydrous gets to work quickly.
Caffeine anhydrous’s rapidly assimilated into the bloodstream, with caffeine blood level increases occurring within 15 minutes.
By 45 minutes, Caffeine anhydrous’s completely absorbed, with blood levels peaking anywhere between 60 to 120 minutes following ingestion.
This quick kick is a benefit for bodybuilders, serious lifters, and other athletes who are going to start their workout shortly after finishing their pre-workout supplement.
The energy they’re looking for will be there.

Caffeine anhydrous
The positives of caffeine anhydrous include:
-providing a more standard dose in comparison with brewed drinks
-being more convenient to carry around in the form of a pill, gum, or gel
-improving athletic performance

With caffeine anhydrous products gaining popularity at supplement stores, you may wonder if you should trade in your morning cup of joe for a caffeine pill.
While caffeine anhydrous can help improve alertness and exercise performance, Caffeine anhydrous’s not without risk.
Taking too much can cause some scary side effects and even a potential caffeine overdose.
Don’t panic though.
The key to using caffeine anhydrous safely is selecting a quality product, avoiding pure powders, and being absolutely certain you stick to the correct dosage.
Or, simply stick with natural caffeine like coffee and tea.
These can be equally effective and present far fewer safety concerns.

What Is Caffeine Anhydrous?
Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found in approximately 60 different plant species.
You’re probably familiar with common plant sources of caffeine in food and beverages, like:
-A warm mug of green tea (tea leaves)
-Delectable squares of dark chocolate (cacao)
-Your favorite cup of dark roast java (coffee beans)

Caffeine anhydrous is derived from these plants.
The other chemical components of the plants along with any water are filtered out in a laboratory.
This leaves a white crystalline powder called caffeine anhydrous.

What is caffeine anhydrous?
Caffeine anhydrous is derived from the same plants as caffeine.
In fact, caffeine anhydrous and caffeine are essentially the same thing.
The difference is that when Caffeine anhydrous comes to anhydrous caffeine, all additional chemical components and water are filtered out in a lab.
Anhydrous means, by definition, containing no water.
When the water is removed, what remains is a white crystalline powder known as caffeine anhydrous.
Dehydrated caffeine works the same was as caffeine from a natural source.
When consumed, this stimulant impersonates adenosine, a neurotransmitter.
When this chemical binds to certain receptors in the brain, Caffeine anhydrous creates symptoms of grogginess.
Caffeine binds to some of those same receptors and works as an antagonist to adenosine; caffeine prevents too much adenosine from binding, which keeps you feeling awake for longer.

CAS Number: 58-08-2
Empirical Formula (Hill Notation): C8H10N4O2
Molecular Weight: 194.19
FEMA Number: 2224
Beilstein/REAXYS Number: 17705
EC Number: 200-362-1
Council of Europe no. 11741
MDL number: MFCD00005758
PubChem Substance ID: 24900939
Flavis number: 16.016

Natural Caffeine Anhydrous is obtained 100% from green coffee beans.
Each batch is tested in our laboratory according to the European Pharmacopoeia (EP) standards and United States Pharmacopeia (USP) ones.

The most common forms of caffeine anhydrous are pills and powders.
However, the FDA advises avoiding any pure powders.
There is a fine line between a safe and unsafe dose, and a small mistake in measurement could lead to dangerous side effects.
In addition to standalone powders and pills, caffeine anhydrous is frequently used as an ingredient in various supplement categories.
For example, you may find Caffeine anhydrous in a pre-workout powder or in pills that claim to burn fat.
Certain food products also contain added caffeine anhydrous, such as caffeinated energy bars or chewing gum.

When you’re looking at supplement labels, you might run across forms of caffeine anhydrous that are combined with other chemicals.
These include:
Caffeine Citrate: This is a combination of caffeine anhydrous and two other chemicals—citric acid monohydrate and sodium citrate dihydrate.
Caffeine makes up about half of the combination.
Caffeine citrate is more commonly used for medical purposes rather than supplementation.
In particular, Caffeine anhydrous’s used as a treatment for a breathing problem among premature infants.
Caffeine Pterostilbene Co-Crystal: This is a combination of caffeine and pterostilbene, an antioxidant found in blueberries.
Caffeine anhydrous may be manufactured into several forms like capsules, tablets, or chews.
Manufacturers claim that this form of caffeine creates longer-lasting energy, but this has not been proven in scientific studies.
Dicaffeine Malate: This is made of two caffeine molecules attached to a molecule of malic acid.
Malic acid is an organic acid that is found in many foods you eat, like apples.
Manufacturers of this ingredient claim that combining caffeine with malic acid prevents stomach upset, but this has not been proven.

Caffeine is a natural substance found in plants such as coffee beans, tea, and cacao.
Upon harvesting the seeds and leaves of the coffee plants, they go through a dehydration process that filters out water and other chemicals.
Hence the name “anhydrous”, meaning “without water”.
The product of this process is a concentrated caffeine powder, which is a very potent form of caffeine.
So, how does such a potent form of caffeine provide additional benefits as opposed to just regular caffeine?

How Caffeine anhydrous Works
Caffeine works the same way whether Caffeine anhydrous’s from a natural source or caffeine anhydrous.
Caffeine anhydrous’s a sneaky impersonator of another chemical in your brain—a neurotransmitter called adenosine.
When adenosine latches on to certain receptors in the brain, Caffeine anhydrous makes you slow down and feel sleepy.
That mid-afternoon lull that you hit?
You can thank adenosine for that.
But caffeine is structurally similar to adenosine.
When you ingest caffeine, Caffeine anhydrous attaches to those same receptors and prevents as much adenosine from binding.
This keeps you feeling awake and alert longer.

Impact on Exercise Performance
Caffeine—anhydrous or natural—is well established as a performance enhancer.
Numerous studies and reviews have found that caffeine enhances endurance performance in activities like running and cycling.
A review of 12 meta-analyses in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (that primarily studied caffeine andhyrous in capsule form), found that caffeine improved muscle strength and endurance.
It also had a greater impact on aerobic exercise than anaerobic exercise.
While there is no standardized approach to caffeine administration in exercise research, the large majority have used caffeine anhydrous capsules.
In research, Caffeine anhydrous’s easier to standardize a dose this way.
Cups of coffee or tea can vary in caffeine content depending on the type and brewing time, but capsules provide an exact dosage.

Coffee vs. Caffeine Anhydrous
Don’t rush out to grab caffeine anhydrous pills just yet though.
Recent studies have attempted to clarify whether or not coffee can be equally effective for athletic performance as caffeine anhydrous.
Since coffee is inexpensive and considered safer, Caffeine anhydrous’s a preferable choice for many.

There are two pieces of research worth highlighting:
-A study comparing the same dose of coffee to a caffeine anhydrous dose concluded that there was no difference between the two forms of caffeine on the sprint performance of 56 men.
-A study on elite male cyclists found no difference in the performance-enhancing effects of 5 mg/kg caffeine whether Caffeine anhydrous was through coffee or through caffeine anhydrous.
-While data is still lacking on other types of exercise, Caffeine anhydrous appears that sipping on that brew before your cardio sessions will help give you that extra kick.

Caffeine and coffee are widely used among active individuals to enhance performance.
The purpose of the current study was to compare the effects of acute coffee (COF) and caffeine anhydrous (CAF) intake on strength and sprint performance.
Fifty-four resistance-trained males completed strength testing, consisting of one-rep max (1RM) and repetitions to fatigue (RTF) at 80% of 1RM for leg press (LP) and bench press (BP).
Participants then completed five, ten-second cycle ergometer sprints separated by one minute of rest.
Peak power (PP) and total work (TW) were recorded for each sprint.
At least 48 hours later, participants returned and ingested a beverage containing CAF (300 mg flat dose; yielding 3–5 mg/kg bodyweight), COF (8.9 g; 303 mg caffeine), or placebo (PLA; 3.8 g noncaloric flavoring) 30 minutes before testing.
LP 1RM was improved more by COF than CAF (p=0.04), but not PLA (p=0.99).
Significant interactions were not observed for BP 1RM, BP RTF, or LP RTF (p>0.05).
There were no sprint × treatment interactions for PP or TW (p>0.05).
95% confidence intervals revealed a significant improvement in sprint 1 TW for CAF, but not COF or PLA. For PLA, significant reductions were observed in sprint 4 PP, sprint 2 TW, sprint 4 TW, and average TW; significant reductions were not observed with CAF or COF.
Neither COF nor CAF improved strength outcomes more than PLA, while both groups attenuated sprint power reductions to a similar degree.
Coffee and caffeine anhydrous may be considered suitable pre-exercise caffeine sources for high-intensity exercise.

There is virtually no difference between caffeine’s powdered or liquid presentations, although some health supplement companies claim that the anhydrous form is absorbed more quickly by the body.
Caffeine anhydrous also contains nothing else, which is to say none of the acids, antioxidants, or other compounds commonly found in coffees or teas.
The powder is usually processed by the body the same way the liquid form would be.
Caffeine anhydrous is first absorbed by the tissues in the stomach and small intestine, where Caffeine anhydrous filters off to other parts of the body.
Caffeine anhydrouss most significant effect is the ability to stimulate the central nervous system, which processes information sent from other areas of the body.
This temporarily prevents the affected person from feeling tired while improving alertness.
Caffeine anhydrous also speeds up the heart rate and increases exercise endurance, effects commonly sought out by athletes and bodybuilders.

Caffeine is a chemical found in coffee, tea, cola, guarana, mate, and other products.
Caffeine is most commonly used to improve mental alertness, but it has many other uses.
Caffeine is used by mouth or rectally in combination with painkillers (such as aspirin and acetaminophen) and a chemical called ergotamine for treating migraine headaches.
Caffeine anhydrous is also used with painkillers for simple headaches and preventing and treating headaches after epidural anesthesia.
Some people use caffeine by mouth for asthma, gallbladder disease, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses.
Caffeine is one of the most commonly used stimulants among athletes.
Taking caffeine, within limits, is allowed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
Urine concentrations over 15 mcg/mL are prohibited.
Caffeine anhydrous takes most people about 8 cups of coffee providing 100 mg/cup to reach this urine concentration.
In foods, caffeine is used as an ingredient in soft drinks, energy drinks, and other beverages.

How does Caffeine anhydrous work ?
Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system (CNS), heart, muscles, and the centers that control blood pressure.
Caffeine can raise blood pressure, but might not have this effect in people who use Caffeine anhydrous all the time.
Caffeine can also act like a “water pill” that increases urine flow.
But again, Caffeine anhydrous may not have this effect in people who use caffeine regularly.
Also, drinking caffeine during moderate exercise is not likely to cause dehydration.

Uses & Effectiveness ?
Effective for
Taking caffeine by mouth together with pain relievers such aspirin and acetaminophen is effective for treating migraines.
Caffeine is an FDA-approved product for use with pain relievers for treating migraine headaches.
Pauses in breathing that may be followed by low heart rate and low oxygen levels in newborns.
“Neonatal apnea” describes a condition in which infants have pauses in breathing that last for at least 15 seconds or that cause a serious drop in heart rate.
This condition is common in very premature infants.
Caffeine given by mouth or intravenously (by IV) can improve breathing in very premature infants with this condition.
Caffeine anhydrous also seems to reduce the number of episodes of apnea by at least half over 7-10 days.
Caffeine citrate is approved as a prescription drug for treating neonatal apnea in premature infants.
But caffeine does not seem to prevent this condition from developing in premature infants.
Using caffeine by mouth or intravenously is effective for preventing headaches following surgery.
Caffeine is an FDA-approved product for this use in people who regularly consume products that contain caffeine.
Taking caffeine by mouth in combination with pain relievers is effective for treating tension headaches.

Likely Effective for
Mental alertness.
Research suggests that drinking caffeinated beverages throughout the day keeps the mind alert and might improve reaction times.
Combining caffeine with glucose as an “energy drink” seems to improve mental performance better than either caffeine or glucose alone.

Possibly Effective for
Athletic performance.
Taking caffeine seems to increase physical strength and endurance and might delay fatigue during exercise.
Caffeine anhydrous might also reduce feelings of tiredness and improve performance during activities such as cycling, running, playing soccer, and golfing.
But caffeine doesn’t seem to improve performance during short-term, high-intensity exercise such as sprinting and certain types of lifting.
The dose of caffeine doesn’t seem to matter, but the timing might.
Caffeine might work better during morning exercise than evening exercise.
Also, taking caffeine daily for up to 4 weeks might lead to tolerance.

This might decrease or eliminate any performance enhancing effects of caffeine.
A lung disease that affects newborns (bronchopulmonary dysplasia).
Caffeine given by mouth or intravenously (by IV) to premature infants seems to reduce the risk for this lung problem.
Drinking beverages that contain caffeine is linked with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Caffeine anhydrous appears that the more caffeine that is consumed, the lower the risk.

Although caffeine might help prevent type 2 diabetes, Caffeine anhydrous might not be effective in treating type 2 diabetes.
Research on the effects of caffeine in people with type 1 diabetes is inconsistent.
Some research shows benefit, while other research does not.
Taking 200 mg of caffeine by mouth daily seems to improve memory in college students or people with outgoing personalities.
Taking caffeine in combination with ephedrine seems to help reduce weight, short-term.
Taking 192 mg of caffeine in combination with 90 mg of ephedra daily for 6 months seems to cause a modest weight reduction (5.3 kg or about 12 pounds) in overweight people.
This combination, along with limiting fat intake to 30 percent of calories and moderate exercise, also seems to reduce body fat, decrease “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and increase “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

However, there can be unwanted side effects.
Even in carefully screened and monitored otherwise healthy adults, caffeine/ephedra combinations can cause changes in blood pressure and heart rate.
Early research shows that taking a specific combination product (Prograde Metabolism) along with dieting reduces body weight and the size of the waist and hips.
Research suggests that taking caffeine together with painkillers can reduce pain better than those painkillers alone.
Headache after epidural anesthesia.
Taking caffeine by mouth or intravenously seems to help prevent headache after epidural anesthesia.

If you’re planning to use caffeine as a performance enhancer, try following these guidelines to give you that added oomph:
-Always start at the lower end of that range and find the minimum dose that helps you to achieve the performance boost.
-Consume the caffeine about an hour before your training session or event.
-Keep in mind that doses over 6 mg/kg do not provide any additional benefits, and may cause side effects and safety concerns.
-Stick with a pre-exercise dose of caffeine (natural or anhydrous) around 3-6 mg/kg of body weight.
-For a 150-pound athlete, a 3 mg/kg dose corresponds to around 200 milligrams of caffeine, equivalent to about two cups of coffee.

If you decide to use anhydrous caffeine capsules instead, you can find many varieties on the market that provide this amount.
Be sure to check the label to see the proper dosage, as levels can vary based on the manufacturer and product line.

Caffeine, formally known as (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine), is a natural xanthine alkaloid that acts as a central nervous system stimulant.
Caffeine anhydrous is commonly consumed as a beverage or a supplement for Caffeine anhydrouss stimulant effects, and Caffeine anhydrous’s billed to enhance energy, concentration, and athletic performance; however, Caffeine anhydrous can cause severe toxicity when consumed in excess.
Anhydrous, or powdered caffeine, comes in many different forms and is marketed as an energy supplement and stimulant product.
Unfortunately, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not regulate supplements, so the dangers of anhydrous caffeine may go unnoticed among the general public purchasing these products.
Anhydrous caffeine is especially dangerous because small doses that can cause severe toxicity.
One teaspoon of anhydrous caffeine may equal approximately 25-28 cups of coffee, which can be deadly.
Caffeine anhydrous is important for emergency physicians to recognize that anhydrous caffeine is an unregulated substance and can be the culprit for patients presenting with a multitude of symptoms, ranging from feeling “jittery” and “anxious” to life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias.

Caffeine is a natural substance found in the seeds and leaves of certain plants.
The caffeine in coffee comes primarily from Coffea arabica, a shrub or tree that grows in high-altitude subtropical and equatorial regions of the world.
Caffeine anhydrous is made from the seeds and leaves of coffee plants.
The word “anhydrous” means “without water.”
After harvesting, caffeine is extracted from the plant matter and dehydrated.
This produces a highly concentrated caffeine powder.
When you ingest caffeine, Caffeine anhydrous hitches a ride to your brain via your bloodstream.
There, Caffeine anhydrous mimics adenosine, a compound that’s present throughout your body.
Adenosine works like a depressant, slowing you down and making you sleepy.
Caffeine mimics adenosine so effectively that Caffeine anhydrous’s able to take the place of adenosine in your brain and liven things up.

Anhydrous caffeine
Eldiatric C
Nix Nap
Caffeine, synthetic
Theophylline, 7-methyl

Caffeine is a natural stimulant, which means Caffeine anhydrous works by stimulating your brain and nervous system.
This leads to a heightened state of alertness and can make you feel more awake and keep tiredness at bay.
This stimulant is found in the seeds, nuts and leaves of certain tropical plants.
In your day-to-day life you’ll find caffeine most commonly in coffee, teas and, more recently, in energy drinks.
‘Going for a coffee’ or grabbing a cup of tea is a huge part of modern culture, however the story began thousands of years ago.
Historians have found evidence of people drinking tea as far back as 2700 BC.
Caffeine anhydrous’s now a huge part of our lives and Caffeine anhydrous’s estimated that around 90% of adults in North America consume caffeine every single day.
Caffeine anhydrous is often used in supplements or energy products.
The word ‘anhydrous’ translates to ‘without water’.
To create this variant, caffeine is separated and extracted from the leaf, seed or nut and dehydrated.
Once this process is complete, you’re left with a powder form, which is more concentrated than anything you’d find in a coffee or tea.

1H-Purine-2,6-dione, 3,7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-
Caffeine, anhydrous
Theobromine, 1-methyl-
Propoxyphene Compound 65
Kofein [Czech]
Coffein [German]
Koffein [German]
Caffeine (natural)
Xanthine, 1,3,7-trimethyl
Caffeina [Italian]
Theophylline Me
Methylxanthine theophylline
Theobromine Me
SK-65 Compound
Anacin Maximum Strength
P-A-C Analgesic Tablets
FEMA No. 2224
BRN 0017705
NSC 5036
A.S.A. and Codeine Compound

Uses of Caffeine Anhydrous
Not going to lie, Caffeine really needs no introduction.
This is pretty much the most effective and loved ingredient as far as pre-workouts, fat burners, energy boosters and nootropics go.
There are even drugs that use Caffeine anhydrous for headaches!
Caffeine Anhydrous is the most common form of Caffeine found in supplements, and there is a great reason for that.
Caffeine Anhydrous is just caffeine without the presence of water.
Every milligram you get out of Caffeine Anhydrous is straight caffeine, as opposed to ingredients such as Caffeine Citrate for instance, which is 50% actual Caffeine.
Caffeine is the best way to instantly increase your energy and performance for any activity.
Caffeine anhydrous is the most common ingredient found in pre-workouts and fat burners by far.
There are plenty of studies showing Caffeine anhydrous to be effective for sports performance.
Caffeine anhydrous’s best to take caffeine about 20-30 minutes before a workout, as Caffeine anhydrous takes about 45 minutes for caffeine to hit peak levels.
As far as fat loss goes, Caffeine anhydrous may actually help.
Of course we have to mention that caffeine alone will not help anyone with their fat loss goals, and that results come down to your diet and exercise routine.
With that said, caffeine may make Caffeine anhydrous easier to lose weight, and there are studies to back that up.
Caffeine anhydrous should be noted though, that too much caffeine while dieting may be counterproductive due to increase stress response.
Either way, Caffeine anhydrous may increase your metabolic rate, and Caffeine anhydrous may suppress your appetite.

Interactions with Caffeine Anhydrous
Caffeine Anhydrous can be added with many ingredients.
Whether Caffeine anhydrous be Synephrine, Dynamine®, TeaCrine, Hordenine, Higenamine, Yohimbine.
Basically, some of these ingredients work well in conjunction with Caffeine and may increase how much energy one gets out of the combination.
Of course, I could include exotic stimulants as well, such as DMAA, DMHA, etc.

SK 65 Compound
Caffeine [BAN:JAN]
Caffeine (USP)
CCRIS 1314
Anhydrous caffeine (TN)
EINECS 200-362-1
Monomethyl derivative of Theophylline
Caffeine [USP:BAN:JAN]
Anhydrous caffeine (JP15)
Caffeine, 98.5%, specified according to the req. of USP/BP
Caffeine, BioXtra
Monohydrate Caffeine
Respia (TN)
7-methyl Theophylline
Cafergot (Salt/Mix)

Caffeine anhydrous might be a scary word, but it literally translates to without (an-) water (-hydrous), which is all it is – dehydrated caffeine!
In most cases, caffeine anhydrous is simply isolated and dried out from plant sources.
Just not coffee beans – those are too precious!
If you strictly want to know about caffeine and only caffeine, there isn’t really a long answer.
Caffeine = caffeine.
However, coffee does have other bioactive ingredients.
Therefore, if you were to drink a cup of coffee, you would have more helpful little compounds diffusing into your system than if you had caffeine anhydrous.
One of the most obvious being water!
But there aren’t very many ways you could consume caffeine anhydrous in isolation other than taking a caffeine pill without fluid to wash it down.
If you’re consuming caffeine for enhancing your performance, that is where the crux of this argument lies: coffee (and its other ingredients) vs. caffeine (and other ingredients).
Most often, caffeine anhydrous is found in energy drinks and pre-workouts that contain some amount of water and, usually, other ingredients.

Theine, methyltheobromine
C 0750
EC 200-362-1
Anhydrous caffeine (JP17)
1, 3, 7-Trimethylxanthine
5-26-13-00558 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)

Caffeine anhydrous works by competing with a molecule called adenosine for the adenosine receptor.
When adenosine binds to the receptor, you feel tired or out of energy.
When caffeine binds to the receptor you feel energetic, awake, and feel less pain.

When dosed properly the benefits are:
-Increased energy
-Improved mental focus
-Less pain
-Make exercise feel easier

Caffeine Anhydrous, CAS# 58-08-2, is a xanthine alkaloid mainly extracted from the seed of the coffee plant and the leaves of the tea bush, available as White or almost white, crystalline powder or silky, white or almost white, crystals.
Caffeine Anhydrous is the core additive in caffeinated drink.

The best way to take anhydrous caffeine is 3-6 milligram per kilogram bodyweight 30-60 minutes before exercise.

Generally speaking, yes! According to organizations like the NAS, Health Canada, and the European Association of Food Safety, the upper safe limit is 400 milligrams a day for a healthy adult.

Caffeine, 1mg/ml in methanol
Caffeine melting point standard
component of Dilone (Salt/Mix)
Caffeine 1.0 mg/ml in Methanol
Caffeine, powder, ReagentPlus(R)
component of Percodan (Salt/Mix)
NoDoz Caplets and Chewable Tablets
Caffeine 10 microg/mL in Methanol
caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine)
Caffeine 100 microg/mL in Methanol
Propoxyphene Compound 65 (Salt/Mix)
5-26-13-00558 (Beilstein)
Bayer Select Headache Pain (Salt/Mix)
Caffeine, anhydrous, 99%, FCC, FG
Caffeine, SAJ special grade, >=98.5%
component of P-A-C Compound (Salt/Mix)
component of A.S.A. Compound (Salt/Mix)
1H-Purine-2, 3,7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-
Caffeine, purum, anhydrous, >=99.0% (HPLC)
3,7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine (9CI)
Caffeine, anhydrous, tested according to Ph.Eur.
Caffeine, Sigma Reference Standard, vial of 250 mg
Caffeine, certified reference material, TraceCERT(R)
Caffeine, meets USP testing specifications, anhydrous
Melting point standard 235-237C, analytical standard
1,3,7-Trimethyl-3,7-dihydro-1H-purine-2,6-dione #
Caffeine, British Pharmacopoeia (BP) Reference Standard
Caffeine, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard
Caffeine 2000 microg/mL in Water:Methanol (81:19 g/g)
3,7-Dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purin-2,6-dion (coffein)
Caffeine solution, analytical standard, 1.0 mg/mL in methanol
Caffeine, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard
Caffeine, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material
Caffeine for system suitability, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard
Caffeine melting point standard, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard
Caffeine solution, 1.0 mg/mL in methanol, ampule of 1 mL, certified reference material
Caffeine Melting Point Standard, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material
Caffeine, PharmaGrade, EP, Manufactured under appropriate GMP controls for pharma or biopharmaceutical production
Mettler-Toledo Calibration substance ME 18872, Caffeine, analytical standard, for the calibration of the thermosystem 900, traceable to primary standards (LGC)
