Aluminium monostearate is a salt of stearic acid and aluminium with the molecular formula Al(OH)2C18H35O2.
Also known as dihydroxyaluminium or dihydroxy(stearato)aluminium, it is used to form gels in the packaging of pharmaceuticals and in the preparation of colors for cosmetics.
While considered safe for use, extensive usage may result in aluminum accumulation.

Aluminum stearate is a white, wax-like powder (metallic soap) that dissolves in mineral spirits or hot oil.

It is insoluble in water, alcohol and ether. However, it is soluble in glycol, alkali, BTX, chlorinated hyrdocarbons.
It dissolves well in vegetable oils on heating and if high concentration is used, on cooling gelling is seen.

Aluminum stearate is made via the precipitation process using high quality stearic acid and exhibits the following properties: Good gelling and thickening action, excellent water repellency, transparency and a synergistic effect with zinc stearate or calcium stearate.

Aluminium Stearate is used as an emulsifier in cosmetics.
It is also used as lubricant in polyamides and in thermosetting of plastics.
Its use as a water repellent agent and hydrophobic agent makes it useful to be used as a waterproofing agent in paint industry.
Aluminium stearate is used as thickening agent in production of varnishes and lacquers.
It also finds use as an anti-caking agent in petroleum products.

Aluminum Monostearate: A compound of aluminium with a mixture of solid organic acids obtained from fats and consisting mainly of variable proportions of aluminium monostearate and aluminium monopalmitate.
A fine, white to yellowish-white, bulky powder with a faint characteristic odour.
Insoluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether.

Aluminium monostearate is used as a gelling agent in oil-based cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations.
It may also be used as a stabiliser in cosmetic emulsions.

Aluminum Stearate is commonly used as a paint and varnish dryer, waterproofing agent, defoaming agent, cement additive, in lubricants, cutting compounds, and in some food and pharmaceutical products.

Aluminum Stearate is a fine white powder generally used for its lubricating and emulsion stabilizing properties.
Its hydrophobic nature makes it a good thickener and coating ingredient in several cosmetic applications.
Aluminum Stearate is mainly used in the formulation of makeup products such as eyeliner, mascara, lipsticks, mascara, face powders, and foundations.

Aluminum stearate has been used to help suspend pigments in oil to prevent separation, to reduce the amount of oil needed to wet the pigment, and/or to increase the body of the paint by forming a gel with the oil thereby requiring less pigment.

Aluminum Stearate
Aluminum stearate has been used to help suspend pigments in oil to prevent separation, to reduce the amount of oil needed to wet the pigment, and/or to increase the body of the paint by forming a gel with the oil thereby requiring less pigment.

Chemical Properties
Fine, white to yellowish-white powder; faint characteristic odor. Insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Forms a gel with aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Chemical Properties
Aluminum monostearate is an aluminum compound of stearic acid and palmitic acid. The USP32–NF27 states that aluminum monostearate contains the equivalent of not less than 14.5% and not more than 16.5% of Al2O3, calculated on the dried basis. The JP XV states that it contains not less than 7.2% and not more than 8.9% of aluminium.
Aluminum monostearate occurs as a white, fine, bulky powder with a slight odor of fatty acid. It is a solid material.

Paints, inks, greases, waxes, thickening lubricating oils; waterproofing, gloss producer, stabilizer for plastics, food additive.

A complex containing aluminum and dextran, a chain of molecular weight 2500, corresponding to a chain of 15 anhydroglucose units.

Production Methods
Aluminum monostearate is prepared by reacting aluminum with stearic acid.

Pharmaceutical Applications
Aluminum monostearate is mainly used in microencapsulation and in the manufacture of ointments. Aluminum monostearate is used as a viscosity-increasing agent in nonaqueous cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations. In addition, aluminum monostearate can be used as an emulsion stabilizer in cosmetic emulsions and is used in cosmetics such as mascara, moisturizers, and sunscreens.
The basics on Aluminum Stearate
What is Aluminum Stearate?
The aluminum salt of stearic acid that functions as a thickening agent and helps stabilize products.

What are other names for Aluminum Stearate?

We offer Aluminium Stearate that is an anti-foaming, thickening and lubricating agent used in paint, ceramic, varnish and plastic industry.
Aluminum Stearate surfactant is a powdered defoamer used primarily in water-based muds.

Aluminum Stearate is available as the precipitated, di- and tri-soap. These products are added to coating formulations for pigment wetting and suspension, modification of the viscosity and rheology of non-aqueous systems, sag prevention, flatting, control of film penetration and improvement of brushing characteristics.
Due to Aluminum Stearate’s ability to thicken or gel organic liquids, inherent lubrication characteristics, good thermal stability and water-repellant properties, Aluminum Stearate finds application in a variety of additional applications such as high temperature plastics processing, ink manufacture, metal processing and grease manufacture.

Aluminium stearate (aluminum tristearate) is a white coloured powder, wax-like powder (metallic soap) that dissolves well in vegetable oils upon heating.
It is soluble in glycol, alkali, BTX, chlorinated hydrocarbons.
If aluminium stearate is in high concentration, gelling can be seen upon cooling.
It exhibits the following properties: good gelling and thickening action, excellent water repellence, transparency and a synergistic effect with zinc stearate or calcium stearate. Aluminium stearate exhibits a relatively high solubility in hydrocarbon solvents (such as mineral spirits) when compared to other metallic stearates. It is insoluble in water, alcohol and ether; but when hot, it is readily soluble in benzene, acids and common solvents.


GREASES, LUBRICATING OILS :ALUMINIUM STEARATE gives excellent properties of transparency,stringiness and water repellency.
It acts as a high temperature resistant when added in lubricants.

ALUMINIUM STEARATE is used by ONGC for defoaming properties.

DRY LUBRICATION : Useful as a lubricant in metals processing, such as wire drawing, producing brighter products.

PAINTS, VARNISHES AND LACQUERS : Adequate for improving pigments suspension, control of viscosity and gloss, water resistance and improving brushing and penetration.
It finds very wide application in paint industries for preparation of enamels and lacquers where it acts as thickening agent or suspending agent.
It reduces sagging and setting of pigment and works as varnish drier.
It is used as an important ingredient for water proofing in tarpaulin & textile industries.

PRINTING INKS : The high gelling properties of ALUMINIUM STEARATE are useful for thickening and suspension improving
PLASTICS : It is used in as a lubricant in the production of Polyamides and Thermosetting plastics.
RUBBER : Used as dusting powders to prevent sticking of unvulcanised rubber sheet.
CONSTRUCTIONS : Recommended jointly with CALCIUM STEARATE for improving the water resistance of concrete and cements.

Manufacturing process

Aluminium stearate is synthesised via the precipitation process using high quality stearic acid.
This is done by adding aluminium isopropoxide to stearic acid in anhydrous pyridine, inducing the precipitation of the pyridine complex. Pyridine is then removed under vacuum to give the aluminium stearate.
ALUMINIUM STEARATE is a soft, fine fluffy free flowing bulky powder having characteristic odor.
It has mild antiseptic and astringent properties.

Aluminium stearate imparts smoothness to creams.
Aluminium stearate is a normal Aluminium soap of Stearic Acid and finds users in many industries.
Aluminium stearate is water repellent by nature and insoluble in water.

It is an effective defoamer for many types of water based mud systems.
It enhances the breakout of gas and air bubbles, minimizing the foaming tendency of the drilling fluid.

Product Advantages
·         Highly effective defoamer for virtually all types of water based mud
·         Effective at low concentrations
·         Easily prepared and added with materials available at the rig site
·         Minimal effect on rheology of water based mud

Recommended Treatment
It can be mixed with diesel or mineral oil at the rate of 5 to 10 lbs per 5 gallons of oil and then added by spraying small amounts on top of the mud pit where foaming is evident. It can also be added directly as a powder by shaking small amounts over the mud pit foam.

Aluminum Stearate (C54H105AlO6) exists as white powder and is an aluminum salt of stearic acid.
In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used as an anticaking agent; colorant; emulsion stabilizer; and viscosity increasing agent.
According to the FDA, aluminum stearate is considered safe for general or specific, limited use in food.
Aluminum stearate is not classifiable as a human carcinogen (cancer-causing agent).

Aluminium monostearate

Use: Aluminum Monostearate can be used in the preparation of colors for cosmetics and for the packaging of pharmaceuticals.

There are multiple types of aluminum stearates, generally classified as aluminum mono-, di-, and tri-stearate.
They vary in terms of physical properties such as melting point, free fatty acids, and particularly the gelling properties.

Oils with a low viscosity are best thickened by aluminum di- and tri-stearate, whilst very viscous oils from stiffer gel when combined with aluminum mono- or di-stearates.

All aluminum stearates are highly hydrophobic, and feature outstanding transparency and excellent adhesion to metal surfaces.
Due to their water repellency, aluminum di- and tri-stearate are used as hydrophobic agents in the building industry.

Aluminium Stearate is a white, wax-like powder (metallic soap) that dissolves in mineral spirits or hot oil.
A small amount (2% or less) added to oil paint imparts a short, buttery consistency.
It eliminates the separation of pigment and oil, thickens varnishes considerably.
A concentrate of Aluminium Stearate and linseed oil can be prepared ahead of time and added to the paint whenever needed.

Aluminium Stearate is made via the precipitation process using high quality Stearic acid and exhibits the following properties: Good gelling and thickening action, excellent water repellency, transparency and a synergistic effect with Zinc Stearate or Calcium Stearate.

The effects of metal soaps on pigments have been extensively proved in case of Aluminium Stearate.
It was found to coat the surface of pigment particles and helped prevent settling as well as reducing the amount of oil needed to wet the pigment.
The amount of Aluminium Stearate needed to coat pigments varied on a weight basis, but a solution of 2% by weight (weight of Aluminium Stearate/weight of oil) of Aluminium Stearate was more effective than 0.5% or 4% solutions in altering pigment surfaces.
The soaps coat the surface of the pigments and by steric effects keep the particles from aggregating, which helps to keep the particles in suspension.

With increasing amounts of Aluminium Stearate the oil pigment mixture becomes viscous, and by using an appropriate amount of Aluminium Stearate the paint can gel at a lower pigment concentration.
This can be used to create a “cheaper” paint since a smaller amount of a costly pigment needs to be used.
A significant advantage of using Stearates is that the oil and pigment do not separate greatly over long periods of time in the paint tube.
Manufacturers of artists’ paints often use Aluminium Stearate in their formulations without listing it as a component on the product label.

Aluminium Stearate dissolves in vegetable oils on heating and if a high enough concentration of the soap is used, gelling occurs on cooling.
In the usual practice of making paints, the Aluminium Stearate is ground with the pigment before the bulk of the oil is added.
To prepare a concentrated solution (10%), add 200 grams of Aluminium Stearate (nearly fills a one litre measuring cup without compacting) to one litre of linseed oil.
Heat the oil to about 150° C and gradually slowly adding the white powder to the hot oil with stirring.
Add one part of this solution to four parts of oil by weight of oil before adding to pigments and grinding.

Aluminium soaps have different and widespread applications, Aluminium Stearates being especially important among them. Aluminium Tristearate is useful in paints and enamels and in the flatting of varnishes.
It also prevents bleeding and oil separation in putty. Aluminium Distearate is the most commonly used grade of Aluminium Stearate.

Usage:    It is used as a thickener in paints, inks and greases; a water repellent for leather and rope; and a lubricant in plastics and rope.
It is also used in cement production for waterproofing and air entrainment, and in hot-melt paper coating compounds.
Because of its unusually heavy bodying properties, Aluminium Monostearate is used in the manufacture of paints, inks, greases, and waxes.
In recent years, hydrophobic Aluminium Monostearate was tested as a low-solubility denitrification substrate for anaerobic bacteria and a source of Aluminium for phosphate precipitation.
Aluminium stearate has potential for use in a flow-through container for denitrification of oxidized effluent from home sewage systems.

Here is a list of some of its applications :-

Anti-setteling agent in Interior or Enamel Paints.
Binder in Exterior Paints.
Water proofing agent for Tarpaulin.
Lubricating gel in Grease, Lubricants & Polish
Anti-foaming agent in mud chemicals in Oil Drilling Exploration.
Anti fungal agent and lubricant in Shaving Cream and Cosmetics.
Anti settling agent and binder in Printing Ink.
Binding agent in Pesticides.
As an emulsifier in cosmetics.
As a waterproofing agent in paint industry.
As an anticaking agent in petroleum products.

Aluminium stearate is soluble in alkalies, glycols, mineral and vegetable oils, chlorinated hydrocarbons, petroleum, benzene, turpentine oil, toluene and xylene. It is insoluble in water, ethanol and alcohols
Aluminium Stearate is used as a lubricant, water repellent, Anti-caking agent, mould release agent and hydrocarbon gelling agent. Other uses include paints and coatings.

Al-St 103
Aluminium dihydroxyl (octadecanoato-O)-
Aluminium monostearate
Aluminium, dihydroxy(octadecanoato-O)-
Aluminum dihydroxide stearate
Aluminum monostearate
Aluminum, dihydroxy(octadecanoato-O)-
Aluminum, dihydroxy(octadecanoato-κO)-
Aluminum, dihydroxy(stearato)-
Dibasic aluminum stearate
dihydroxyaluminium stearate
Dihydroxyaluminum stearate
estearato de dihidroxialuminio, puro
Stearate de dihydroxyaluminium

Aluminum Stearate is the aluminum salt of the fatty acid, stearic acid. Aluminium tristearate is an aluminium salt. It contains an octadecanoate.

Synonyms: Aluminum stearate, Aluminium stearate, Aluminum octadecanoate, aluminium tristearate, 637-12-7, Aluminum(III) stearate, Metasap XX, Tribasic aluminum stearate, Octadecanoic acid, aluminum salt, ALUMINUM TRISTEARATE, Rofob 3, Alugel 34TN, Monoaluminum stearate, Aluminum (III) stearate, UNII-U6XF9NP8HM, Aluminum stearate (1:3), Aluminum stearate, tribasic, Stearic acid, aluminum salt, HSDB 5733, EINECS 211-279-5
INCI: Aluminium Stearate
Chemical Formula: C54H105AlO6
CAS Number: 637-12-7

Aluminum stearate dissolves in vegetable oils on heating and if a high enough concentration of the soap is used, gelling occurs on cooling. In the usual practice of making paints, the aluminum stearate is ground with the pigment before the bulk of the oil is added.

In a series of experiments Gardner tested the effects of metal soaps on pigments. Aluminum stearate was found to coat the surface of pigment particles and helped prevent settling as well as reducing the amount of oil needed to wet the pigment. The amount of aluminum stearate needed to coat pigments varied on a weight basis, but a solution of 2% by weight (wt stearate/wt oil) aluminum stearate was more effective than 0.5% or 4% solutions in altering the surface (Gardner 1930). The soaps coat the surface of the pigments and by steric effects or electrical charge mechanisms keep the particles from aggregating (Pilpel 1966). This keeps the pigments in suspension.

ALUMINUM STEARATE is classified as :
Cosmetic colorant
Emulsion stabilising
Viscosity controlling
CAS Number    7047-84-9
EINECS/ELINCS No:    230-325-5
Restriction (applies to EU only):    IV/1
COSING REF No:    31810
INN Name:    aluminium monostearate
Chem/IUPAC Name:    Dihydroxyaluminium stearate

The salt of aluminum hydroxide and stearic acid (saturated C18 fatty acid) with the formula Al(O2C18H35)3.
It is a grease-like solid. When mixed with oil (for example, diesel oil) and the mixture sprayed onto the surface of a foamy water mud, it helps the gas bubbles break out of the mud.

Aluminum soaps have different and widespread applications (1-4), aluminum stearates being among them especially important.
Aluminum tristearate is useful in paints and enamels and in the flatting of varnishes.
It also prevents bleeding and oil separation in putty.
Aluminum distearate is the most commonly used grade of aluminum stearate.
It is used as a thickener in paints, inks and greases; a water repellent for leather and rope; and a lubricant in plastics and rope.
It is also used in cement production for waterproofing and air entrainment, and in hot-melt paper coating compounds.
Because of its unusually heavy bodying properties, aluminum monostearate is used in the manufacture of paints, inks, greases, and waxes.
In recent years, hydrophobic aluminum monostearate was tested as a low-solubility denitrification substrate for anaerobic bacteria and a source of aluminum for phosphate precipitation.
Aluminum stearate has potential for use in a flow-through container for denitrification of oxidized effluent from home sewage systems.
It was also referred that the preheated mixture of metal soaps, along with the costabilizer, delayed the fast blackening of the polymer, but mainly showed a reduction

Aluminium stearate (also aluminum stearate) is a fine white powder which can be used primarily as an effective defoamer in many types of water-based drilling fluid systems.
It is non-water soluble surface-active antifoam agent and can reduce surface tension.
Aluminium stearate is effective at low concentrations by minimizing the foaming tendency of the drilling mud.
Bichain is a reliable and professional defoamer manufacturer of aluminium stearate and aluminum stearate as mud defoamers and antifoaming agents in oilwell drilling mud and hydraulic fracturing.

230-325-5 [EINECS]
7047-84-9 [RN]
Aluminium hydroxide octadecanoate (1:2:1) [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Aluminiumhydroxidoctadecanoat (1:2:1) [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Aluminum dihydroxide stearate
Aluminum monostearate [JAN]
Aluminum, dihydroxy(octadecanoato-κO)- [ACD/Index Name]
Hydroxyde octadécanoate d’aluminium (2:1:1) [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
Stearic acid aluminum dihydroxide salt
Aluminium, dihydroxide stearate
Aluminium, dihydroxide stearate; Aluminum monostearate; Aluminum stearate; Aluminum stearate 300; Dibasic aluminium stearate; dibasic aluminum stearate; Dihydroxy(stearato)aluminium; Dihydroxy(stearato)aluminum; dihydroxyaluminum stearate
aluminum and octadecanoate and dihydroxide
aluminum hydroxide octadecanoate (1:2:1)
Aluminum stearate 300
Dibasic aluminium stearate
dibasic aluminum stearate
dihydroxyaluminium stearate
dihydroxyaluminum stearate

Aluminum Stearate (C54H105AlO6) exists as white powder and is an aluminum salt of stearic acid. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used as an anticaking agent; colorant; emulsion stabilizer; and viscosity increasing agent. According to the FDA, aluminum stearate is considered safe for general or specific, limited use in food. Aluminum stearate is not classifiable as a human carcinogen (cancer-causing agent).
Chemical Properties
Fine, white to yellowish-white powder; faint characteristic odor. Insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Forms a gel with aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.
Chemical Properties
Aluminum monostearate is an aluminum compound of stearic acid and palmitic acid. The USP32–NF27 states that aluminum monostearate contains the equivalent of not less than 14.5% and not more than 16.5% of Al2O3, calculated on the dried basis. The JP XV states that it contains not less than 7.2% and not more than 8.9% of aluminium.
Aluminum monostearate occurs as a white, fine, bulky powder with a slight odor of fatty acid. It is a solid material.
Paints, inks, greases, waxes, thickening lubricating oils; waterproofing, gloss producer, stabilizer for plastics, food additive.
A complex containing aluminum and dextran, a chain of molecular weight 2500, corresponding to a chain of 15 anhydroglucose units.
Production Methods
Aluminum monostearate is prepared by reacting aluminum with stearic acid.
Pharmaceutical Applications
Aluminum monostearate is mainly used in microencapsulation and in the manufacture of ointments. Aluminum monostearate is used as a viscosity-increasing agent in nonaqueous cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations. In addition, aluminum monostearate can be used as an emulsion stabilizer in cosmetic emulsions and is used in cosmetics such as mascara, moisturizers, and sunscreens.
Safety Profile
A nuisance dust. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and fumes. See also ALUMINUM COMPOUNDS.
Aluminum monostearate is generally regarded as relatively nontoxic and nonirritant when used as an excipient.
Aluminum monostearate should be stored in a well-closed container in a cool, dry, place. It is stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage.
Regulatory Status
Aluminum monostearate and aluminum stearate are included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Database (oral capsules and tablets, topical creams and ointments). Included in nonparenteral medicines licensed in the UK.

IUPAC name

Aluminum monostearate; Dibasic aluminum stearate; Dihydroxyaluminum stearate; Dihydroxy(octadecanoato-O-)aluminium; Dihydroxy(stearato)aluminium
CAS Number
7047-84-9 check

ECHA InfoCard    100.027.568 Edit this at Wikidata
EC Number

Chemical formula    C18H37AlO4
Molar mass    344.472 g·mol−1


Aluminium monostearate is an organic compound which is a salt of stearic acid and aluminium. It has the molecular formula Al(OH)2C18H35O2. It is also referred to as dihydroxy(octadecanoato-O-)aluminium or dihydroxy(stearato)aluminium.

It is used to form gels in the packaging of pharmaceuticals, and in the preparation of colors for cosmetics. It is usually safe in commercial products, but aluminium may accumulate in the body.[1]

Aluminum monostearate
Dibasic aluminum stearate
Dihydroxyaluminum stearate
Aluminium monostearate
Aluminum, monostearate
Aluminum, dihydroxide stearate
Dihydroxyaluminium stearate, pure
EINECS 230-325-5
Aluminum, dihydroxy(octadecanoato-O-)-
Aluminum, dihydroxy(octadecanoato-kappaO)-
Aluminum monostearate [JAN]
Aluminum dextran
Aluminum monostearate [JAN:NF]
Aluminum stearate 300
Dibasic aluminium stearate
Aluminum, dihydroxy(octadecanoato-.kappa.O)-
Aluminum monostearate (JP17/NF)
Aluminum monostearate, technical, ~75% (Al), powder

