ChemFlexx NP 920
ChemFlexx NP 920
TCC’s ChemFlexx NP 920 is a non-phthalate plasticizer for use in applications that would typically require a linear phthalate ester.
The non-toxic, environmentally safe liquid compound is commonly used in the manufacture of swimming pool covers, shower curtains, welding film, PVC, film for electrical insulation, natural rubber, and many other applications that require a linear phthalate replacement.
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Categories All Products, C.A.S.E. (Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants, Elastomers), Plasticizers, Polymer Additives
ChemFlexx NP 920 is a clear, slightly yellowish, odorless liquid that has outstanding gelling capacity with many polymers including PVC and polyurethanes, resulting in lower processing temperature and shorter processing times. It is soluble in all common solvents but insoluble in water.