Tolyltriazole (TTA)

Tolyltriazole (TTA)

Tolyltriazole (TTA)

CAS# 29385-43-1


  • 99.0 Minimum
  • 0.5 Maximum
  • 0.5 Maximum
  • 100 Maximum
  • 80-88
  • 5.0-6.0
  • Light Off-white Granules


Tolyltrizole is an effective corrosion inhibitor for copper and copper alloys. It works by adhering to the surface of copper and forming a strong electrochemical barrier that is a few molecules thick to protect against attacks by corrosive ions. The protective barrier is not easily removed and shows a high degree of thermal and oxidative stability. In solution, Tolyltriazole complexes copper to protect against galvanic corrosion by other metals. Although structurally similar to benzotriazole, the extra methyl group of Tolyltriazole aids in solubility in some organic solvents. It is commonly used in applications such as circulating water cooling systems, runway deicer, brake and hydraulic fluids, automotive coolants, metalworking fluids, and other specialty lubricants.

Grades Available



ChemCeed offers this product packaged in 25 kg bags and supersack quantities. Please inquire about custom packaging.


Tolutriazole, Methyl-1H-benzotriazole, Metil-1H-benzotriazol, 5-Methylbenzotriazole, 5-Methyl-1,2,3-benzotriazole, Méthyl-1H-benzotriazole
